A Mysterious Coded Message Eclipses Dark Age
January 21, 2014 by dracs
Over at the Dark Age site a mysterious message has appeared. Part in binary and part in... something, it is apparently an intercepted message. What could it mean?
Below is the message:
01001101011001010111001101110011011000010110011101 10010100100000011010010110111001110100011001010111 00100110001101100101011100000111010001100101011001 00001000000110001001111001001000000100001101001111 01010010010001010110111001100101011101000010000001 00111101110101011101000111000001101111011100110111 01000010000001000100011001010111001101101001011001 11011011100110000101110100011010010110111101101110 001000000011000000110000001101010100000100111010
Gb or bayl ernq ol gubfr pubfra ol gur Ubyl Beqre bs gur Cerinvyre Pbhapvy, Frpgvba KVVV, Rqvpg IVV, bs gur Rpyvcfr Cebgbpby.
“Gur gvzr unf pbzr sbe hf gb evfr hc, qrne oebguref naq fvfgref! Bhe ubyl ynaqf yvr qrsvyrq ol gur qrivyf jr pnfgr bhg fb ybat ntb! Bhe crbcyr pel bhg sbe fnyingvba sebz gur ubeebef frrxvat gb qrfgebl hf sebz jvguva! Jr cenl gb Tbq guebhtu bhe Ubyl Pbhapvy naq guebhtu gurz jr unir orra tvira gur gbbyf sbe ergevohgvba! Abj vf gur gvzr gb gnxr hc gur fjbeq naq gur synvy! Abj vf gur gvzr gb pnfg sebz bhe enaxf gubfr jub jbhyq frrx gb pbeehcg bhe cvrgl! Abj vf gur gvzr sbe Uvf enqvnag tybel gb fuvar qbja naq fpbepu gur ynaq va chevslvat synzr!
Jr unir orra pubfra gb or Uvf qvivar jrncbaf. Ur unf tvira hf gur gbbyf naq oyrffvatf gb pneel bhg Uvf jvyy. Jr funyy or gur sbeorneref bs guvf arj ren, pubfra gb ragre gur qnexarff naq frr vg chetrq! Jr funyy or gur rpyvcfr gung urenyqf gur ovegu bs gur arj yvtug. Jr ner gur Ubyl Pehfnqref bs gur Rpyvcfr Nezl!”
Vg vf urerol qrperrq ol gur Qvivar Ercerfragngvir bs bhe Ubyl Cerinvyref Pbhapvyjbzna Yvyvgu gung va nppbeqnapr jvgu Rqvpg VI bs gur Zvffvir bs Cebcurpl gung hcba gur qngr bs bhe Ybeq 0936 12 FP nyy gubfr pubfra sbe vaqbpgevangvba vagb gur Rpyvcfr Nezl funyy urerol ercbeg vzzrqvngryl gb Arj Nfuxryba.
Guvf ubyl rqvpg funyy or uryq va uvturfg ertneq, ahyyvslvat nal cerivbhf beqref be znaqngrf bs Trareny naq Fnvag nyvxr. Snvyher gb pbzcyl funyy erfhyg va punetrf bs gur pevzrf bs gernfba naq urerfl gb bhe Ubyl Cerinvy Pbhapvy, fb or Uvf jvyy.
01001111011100100110100101100111011010010110111000 10000001010101011011100110101101101110011011110111 01110110111000101110000011010000101001010010011001 01011011000110000101111001011010010110111001100111 00100000010101000110010101100011011010000110111001 10111101101100011011110110011101101001011000110110 00010110110000100000010100110110100101100111011011 10011000010110110000001101000010100100010101010010 01010010010011110101001000101110001000000100111001 10111101101110001011010101001001100101011101000111 01010111001001101110011000010110001001101100011001 01001011100010000001010011011110010111001101110100 01100101011011010111001100100000011001010110111001 10001101101111011101010110111001110100011001010111 00100110010101100100001000000110010001100101011011 01011010010010110101101100011011110110001101101011 00100000011010010110111001110100011001010111001001 10011001100001011000110110010100101110000011010000 10100101001001100101011101000111001001111001011010 01011011100110011100101110000011010000101001010010 01100101011101000111001001111001011010010110111001 10011100101110000011010000101001010010011001010111 01000111001001111001011010010110111001100111001011 10000011010000101001000001011101000111010001100101 01101101011100000111010000100000011000010110001001 10111101110010011101000110010101100100001011010010 00000100000101101100011100000110100001100001001000 00010011110111011001100101011100100111001001101001 01100100011001010010000001001111011100100110010001 10010101110010001000000011000100111001010000110010 11100010000000001101000010100100111001100101011101 11001000000100111101110010011001000110010101110010 00100000010010010110111001110011011101000110000101 10110001101100011001010110010000101110000011010000 10100100001001100101011001110110100101101110011011 10011010010110111001100111001000000111000001110010 01100101011100000110000101110010011000010111010001 10100101101111011011100111001100100000011001100110 11110111001000100000011001100110100101100101011011 00011001000010000001110010011001010110001101101111 01101110011011100110000101101001011100110111001101 10000101101110011000110110010100101110001000000010 000000100000001000000000110100001010 - Dark Age Games
Hmm, what could this mean? It will take all your cunning and skill to work it out. Or you could just check the comments where people have already translated it, but where would be the fun in that.
All I am going to say is that it apparently concerns something called the Holy Crusaders of the Eclipse Army. Could we be in store for a new sub-faction?
Are you capable of cracking this code?
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First binary decodes as; “Message intercepted by COREnet Outpost Designation 005A:” Second binary decodes as; “Origin Unknown. Relaying Technological Signal ERROR. Non-Returnable. Systems encountered demi-lock interface. Retrying. Retrying. Retrying. Attempt aborted- Alpha Override Order 19C. New Order Installed. Beginning preparations for field reconnaissance. ” The rest must be a alphabetical shift. “To be only read by those chosen by the Holy Order of the Prevailer Council, Section XIII, Edict VII, of the Eclipse Protocol. The time has come for us to rise up, dear brothers and sisters! Our holy lands lie defiled by the devils we caste out so long… Read more »
Just once, I’d like one of these companies to really encode something. Use an actual cipher that’s not so easy to defeat. We know there’s at least one person out there who will do it and then paste the result up somewhere for everyone to see, so it’s not like it actually changes the end result. But it would be nice to see them put some effort into it.
If they used a matrix encryption then that would be a start.
Wouldn’t that defeat the point of the advertizing?
“Hey everybody, got some cool fluff, but we made it impossible to translate, hope you’re still interested!!”
Right, because reading someone else’s copy’n’paste would be much harder then. The easy ones don’t get cracked by 99% of the customers. Why would making it harder make that worse? At least the people who put the effort into cracking it would have some fun instead of just running it through a rot13 translator they found through google.
Maybe because this is a company that makes minis and this is for advertizing. They aren’t a company that makes codes to be cracked.
“At least the people who put the effort into cracking it would have some fun instead of just running it through a rot13 translator they found through google.”
Easy or difficult code, everybody chooses to crack the code how they like, no difficulty will change this.
Would be good if they could crack a way into the UK now maelstrom have gone!