Land Raider Crusader How Hurricane Bolters Work | Daily Tips | Warhammer 40k
November 12, 2010 by dignity
Darrell brings out the old Land Raider Crusader to see just how its hurricane bolters work and if they count as a defensive weapon.
Bow Justin
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Darrell, were in the main rule book dose it say that only fast vehicles get defensive weapons?
On page 70 of the main rule book, under ‘FAST VEHICLES FIRING’ the third paragraph reads “(plus all defensive weapons, just like other types of vehicle moving as combat speed).”
The mention of “othere types of vehicle” would seem to sugest that fast vehicles are not the only ones that get defensive weapons.
Watching it again it seems he was talking about vehicles that have moved 12″, so only fast vehicles would get them in that situation, the problem is he isn’t very clear. The example of the crusader moving 6″ and firing one hurricane bolter and using Machine Spirit to fire the other is just wrong though.
He does mention moving 6″ up to shoot at the genestealers, I believe. In that case you get one main (assault cannon), one with power of the machine spirit (multi-melta), and all defensive (2 hurricane bolters).
Even if you move 12″ you can still cause some harm with the multi-melta.Then your guys can still jump out and assault. Useful against mechanized armies… and is why you always want to buy the multi-melta for a crusader!
I agree with lordaba. THAT is how you use the crusader.
I agree.
Darrell was wrong with this video. Although his answer was correct. 12″ give you only POtMS shooting.
6″ Crusaders are very bad news though.
Actually, on page 58, under VEHICLES SHOOTING, it says a vehicle may fire all its defensive weapons when moving at combat speed. All vehicles, not just fast.
Sorry Darrell, you are definitively wrong this time.
No hes wrong on this one the crusader can fire all its defensive weapons
This is why you shouldn’t let Darrell do this stuff on his own…..he can’t play the bloody game unless it’s necrons or cheese
Well, honestly, he is quite ok. with space wolves
When it comes to Land Raiders used primarily as transports, give me a redeemer any day.
why? the redeemer
Wow, way to make a video about a rule and be completely wrong.
I like to put Sternguard vets in a crusader. They hop out shoot and then get back in. For terminators I like to use the redeemer. Its only one less terminator but it forces me to drive right into the combat before I get them out. I want to use the flamestorm cannons on a squad of marines once.
Come on Darrell read the rules before making a video.
Interesting question but there is one factor that concerns me. In the Daemonhunter Codex it states that the Hurricane Bolters on the Grey Knight Land Raider Crusader “may always fire its hurricane bolters, regardless of how far it has moved or what other weapons it is firing” (PDF version)
It also states in the 5th Edition FAQ of Daemonhunters that the GK LRC also gets the Power of the machine spirit rule.
The rule is that codex special rules overide the Big Book of rules. Grey Kight LRC’s having this firing perk is certainly a nice bonus, but when you look at the rest of their codex and its cost (very expensive units) you may find it is a perk not worth choosing this army.for.
Crusaders are fearsome pieces of kit, and unfortunately Darrel has missed there obvious use. Even if you load regular marines into them they can hammer objectives. move 6″, deploy tactical squad (in my case Grey Hunters) and rapid fire doom on the target mob. Twin assault cannon, 2 rapid-fire hurricane bolters, storm bolter and 10 rapid-fire bolters. Ok so they don’t get to assault this round but your cleared an objective and if there is anything left that wants to charge you the hunters have counter assault so get the charge bonus anyways (and the enemy cant charge the land… Read more »
I’d fill it with 14 Death Company and a Chaplain or Sanguinary priest.