Inside Armies Of Germany! New Book For Bolt Action 3rd Edition

October 23, 2024 by brennon

Warlord Games have given World War II wargamers a look at what's coming as part of the new Armies Of Germany book for the third edition of Bolt Action. The new book (and special figure) will be available to pre-order on Friday.

Armies Of Germany 3rd Edition - Bolt Action

Armies Of Germany 3rd Edition // Bolt Action

Inside the new book, you're going to find new units and new rules. A lot of favourites and classics have made the transition into the new Armies Of... book but there will also be plenty of new faces as well as different ways to play your German armies that might stand out. As well as this, new Nation Special Rules will be expanded on from the Bolt Action rulebook allowing you to theme your force even more.

Armies Of Germany Interior - Bolt Action

Armies Of Germany Interior // Bolt Action

The book will also come with plenty of background on the German army that will serve as a reference point for your army building and also an inspiration when it comes to painting. Considering there are so many different ways that the German army was deployed in World War II and across different theatres, you'd expect there to be plenty of background to help budding generals decide on their route with their new German army.

A new special figure will be available alongside the pre-order of the new book.

Josef Allerberger Special Figure - Bolt Action

Josef Allerberger Special Figure // Bolt Action

Josef “Sepp” Allerberger was one of the legendary Gebirgsjäger snipers, perched behind cover as he gets ready to take a pot shot at his enemies. Who wouldn't want a camouflage-draped umbrella? The miniature looks particularly nice.

Josef Allerberger Special Figures Details - Bolt Action

Josef Allerberger Special Figures (Details) // Bolt Action

As mentioned above, this new Armies Of... book is going to be available to buy this Friday from Warlord Games for Bolt Action. It marks the first of many books that will cover the major powers battling it out across the globe during World War II.

Will you be picking up the new Armies Of Germany book?

"It marks the first of many books that will cover the major powers battling it out across the globe during World War II..."

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