Infamy Prove It Isn’t Pixie Dust Which Makes Peter Fly
November 20, 2012 by dracs
Infamy Miniatures have published some full previews of Peter of the Lost Boys, who we previously got a sneak peak of.
Ah, I'm sure that when Sir Barrie first dreamt up his tale of childhood adventure this is exactly the sort of thing he had in mind.
The miniature promises to be a really cool sculpt, possessing a real swashbuckling appearance to it which blends well with the steampunk style. I would love to see how this miniature looks painted up.
Will any of you fly off the Neverland when Infamy release Peter?
Come on Sam, what is in the rocket tank if not fairy dust!
Anyone else think he is made of choc! Omnomnom
Actually think I rather like the sculpt even if it isn’t made of a pint and a half of dairy milk.
This will end up being a fine model. I seen the other models they made so far and this will be just as good.