H.G. Wells’ Iconic Tripods Totter onto the Martian Front

April 24, 2013 by dracs

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Things may be All Quiet on the Martian Front, but I doubt they will be for long as one of the most iconic and terrifying vehicles of science fiction has had its plastic kit previewed. I am, of course, talking about the Martian Assault Tripod.

Martian Assault Tripod Standard

Alien Dungeon have certainly done H.G. Wells' death machines justice. With that giant eye, extruding tendrils and sleek design, this tripod evokes not just the classic book of the invasion of earth, but also much of the style of classic sci-fi films.

And the good news is this tripod won't be alone.

Alien Tripod Harvester

Alien Tripod Scout

ThoseΒ MartiansΒ certainly came prepared, didn't they?

Hopefully, All Quiet On the Martian Front will be heading to kickstarter very shortly, so it won't be long before we get to see these Martian machines invading our gaming tables.

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