Make your Guardsmen Toxic!
April 15, 2011 by beerogre
Check out these new resin head swaps from Puppet Wars... I think these are suitable for a certain range of guardsmen...
What do you do with Toxic Guardsmen?
BoW Andy
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These are perfect as a cheap alternative to modelling Chaos Renagades. Saves having to pay Froge World prices! They would be excellent for a ‘Blood Pact’ army or even perhaps Savlar Chem Dogs if you want to stay loyalist. I wonder if they would fit on Space Marine models to make some creepy ‘helmet off’ faces for CSM’s?
I don’t see why they woudn’t fit on a CSM.
That would look really cool I think, fits well especially with a Nurgly type force
YES!! chem dogs conscripts sorted!
I feel a space shanty coming on Andy… Ohhhh….
What do you do with a Toxic Guardsman?
What do you do with a Toxic Guardsman?
What do you do with a Toxic Guardsman, ear-ly in the mornin’?
Stick him in the trench with a flamer on him
Stick him in the trench with a flamer on him
Stick him in the trench with a flamer on him, ear-ly in the mornin!
Hoo-ray, and up he burnses
Hoo-ray, and up he burnses
Hoo-ray, and up he burnses, ear-ly in the mornin!
Feel free to sing along…
they sure do have alot of heads here wonder how the wolfmen heads would look on the space wolves im making
Has anyone got stuff of these people before and if so what is it like? good quality?
Loks nice, only problem I see is the price and “Designed to fit 28mm tabletop wargames scale. ” usually that means they will look to small on GWs guards. BoW really should have a comparison site, Take every miniature they have, and rank them up against each others so that we can all see the different scales. Then put on headswaps from different companies on those models! A lot of work but something that the community really needs!
They look to be perfect for some Nurgle guardsmen to me. All hail the plaguefather.
And these too.
oh yay traitor guard
can see these being good for em4 combat zone conversions