Golden Vance on the Horizon for Relic Knights
February 18, 2015 by stvitusdancern
Soda Pop Miniatures has given us a sneak peak at an upcoming release for their game Relic Knights. This time we get a look at Golden Vance, a Star Nebula Corsair, along with Minnow a Cypher. This miniature has a pirate look about him and from what I am able to gather he is one big and mean dude.
He only cares about the end result and not how he gets there or who he has to destroy to do it. It is a very interesting miniature to say the least. I know we have a pretty good following of Relic Knights here on Beasts of War and with that in mind what is a good starter faction? Golden Vance will be released in May of this year.
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"He only cares about the end result and not how he gets there or who he has to destroy to do it"
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Vance is a highly anticipated addition to the corsairs. His model looks very close to his art and I know that will please a great many people.
As for best factions to start with, I don’t feel any faction is more complicated or newbie friendly than another but the noh and cerci starters are probably the toughest starter sets to play.
They should have been brave and had the tattoo on his forearm painted on from the artwork!
Shattered Sword, Corsairs, and Black Diamond in that order would be the best starter boxes to pick up. Cerci has very little you would use. Noh does at least give you Zineda though the Berzerkers are terrible.
Yeah, the best starters are those three.
However, any of the factions themselves play quite well. But then again, I’d scrap the idea of ‘starter faction’ all together and just jump right into whatever appeals to you the most.
Vance looks great. I need to pick up more Corsairs all together. And paint more of my RK.
If it wasn’t for the card deck and tokens, there’d be no need to pick any of the starters up. Getting the faction’s Relic Knight is usually a much better place to start.
Looking good.
Its good that he does look like his art work