Deadzone: To Beard Or Not To Beard? That Is The Question!

May 17, 2013 by brennon

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Deadzone is going from strength to strength as you probably already know. But now Mantic have posed the ultimate question for which the answer is most certainly not 43 or 42. Do Dwarfs need beards, or not?

Forge Father Brokkr

The Brokkr are the equivalent of scrap metal merchants in the Warpath universe but that doesn't make them worse fighters! In a move that has split the community down the middle though should Mantic sculpt these fellows with beards, or without?

I've already come down on the side of beards. You can't take the honourable knotted facial hair from them!

Forge Guard Huscarl

Mining Laser

As well as the Brokkr Deadzone is also adding the Forge Father squad which contains Forge Guard. Folks who were hoping to find them in Warpath will also be very happy.

They have even added in the decision over what Mining Laser the Brokkr should employ on the battlefield. You can have your say on what head goes on the front of this terrific piece of machinery.

So the ultimate question; to beard, or not to beard?

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