Blasting Charges Set As The CCC Breacher Comes To MERCS!
March 1, 2013 by brennon
It looks like MERCS week is going to come to an explosive end with MERCS Minis announcing that the CCC Breacher is out now to buy via their webstore!
As you can see you are able to grab the CCC Breacher as a single figure to boost your squad, or you can go all out and grab an entire Starter Kit and the Breacher in their Once More Into The Breach Deal.
It's going to be fun seeing how this new soldier gets implement on the battlefield and I expect you MERCS Veterans to be jumping all over this guy and adding him to your next squad.
What do you think of this awesome Breacher?
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£36 (wayland games discount price may I add) for 6 minis for a game I doubt anyone will get into in my area. The economics just don’t add up sadly.
I am loving this new mini. May be enough to push me over the edge…. any ideas on his rules and stats?
He’s pretty cool, standard CCC stuff, good armour and handy CAs, the thing that makes him special is his ability to blow a hole in a wall of building, then when he enters gets improved shooting for that turn. Also, if a team mate goes down near him, he can make an attack stright away
What does his kite do?
I ordered the rulebook and CCC box set from the official website on Friday evening… I got an email a couple of days later from one of the members of the Mercs team to say this guy had been released and they were putting him in my order… Can it get any better? Great game, simple rules, good looking minis… and now a “Free” one. Sweet.
Looking forward to painting this faction and getting them on the board.