Special Assault Tactics while Surrounded
August 10, 2011 by darrell
Video Sponsors: Infinity - Wayland Games
Darrell has another Warhammer 40K tip for when your main combat squad is surrounded... what can you possibly do to save yourself?
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i always hate this rule. people use it agaist my orks they will assualt there unit into my x amount of ork boyz but only say one guy against my nobz and warboss making atleast my warboss flee off the table cheesy as hell but hey thats darrell and 40k for you
In the grim darkness of the far future melee combat is superior to shooting .. think this would be a better game if they put some more detail into movement options and shooting. Oh thats right the game used to have more advanced rules but its been nerfed to hell
Didn’t know about this…. Cheers!
Interesting tactic…but a friend tried this on me (oddly enough it was this exact scenario with my Tau surrounding his flayed ones with a necron lord) Now..he DID do this tactic…but only models within 2 inches of friendly models in combat can partake in the first round of the assault. This meant that he had only 6 flayed ones able to assault that turn. He did end up killing a battlesuit and my 3 pathfinders, but my tau killed 5 of his flayed ones causing him to lose the combat. The point is, yes Darrel is right in that the… Read more »
I’ve done this a few times but never to that scale before, usually do it with my hard hitting units to stop other enemy units getting the assualt in next turn 🙂
Ha! I use this all the time recently. It drives my guard opponent crazy when I charge 2 of his tanks, or his psyker and his tank at the same time with my meganobs. He even made me show the rule in the rule book and told me it was cheesy. I did show it and yes it is cheesy BUT this is how you end up playing IG leafblower list with me! Suck it up ‘oomie!
each enemy unit gets to make a 6 inch assault move once you have assaulted as well dont they?
so everyone gets to fight if you can get them within 2 inches? what would happen if through bad positioning you were 100% surounded with no space to get out and then lost combat and fleed would the uni be destroyed or can it move through enemy units?
Yes, this is completely correct, so the opponent would have to be incredibly badly positioned to not be able to just move a bunch of troops closer in and totally spank Darrel in this scenario.
You would still flee because all the units that were involved in the combat have already missed their chance to kill you in a sweeping advance ‘as stated in the rulebook on page 45 ‘falling back from close combat’
I never understood multi combats but this makes it a lot clearer as to what you can/can’t do. I think a video on when theres some guys left in the open to maintain coherency for your multi assault would be good, as it seems a bit cheesy/ a strange situaton.
I do this all the time against vanilla marines with a squad of 10 daemonettes,usually to a tac and dev squad at the same time.