Advanced Minuteman Cygnar Warjack Steams In
January 18, 2012 by brennon
A new light warjack for the Cygnar faction is out from Privateer Press. Check out the Minuteman below...
With more advanced technology strapped to its back the Minuteman can be in the midst of carnage to deliver it devastating payload with maximum efficiency.
Any Cygnar players going to be picking this guy up?
I’m pretty surprised this wasn’t a plastic kit ushering in grenadier and hunter plastics as well.
It looks pretty fun with that steampunk jetpack. I know the rules are good, based on them I want two. Based on the price, I might settle on just one.
Looks nice. I don’t play Cygnar but it seems handy in games.
I love the look ! I want to paint one even if I don’t field it…
BoW Romain
Why would you not field it? I know you have at least a small cygnar force, if not a fairly large one.
God, I already have 5 Warmahordes armies…. should I really get into Cygnar… the Minuteman’s jetpack is making it hard to resist!
Gee, another bot.