Get Ready for Pint Sized (Literally!) Adventure

March 14, 2012 by brennon

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Some of the great gaming moments come when you and a few pals sit down with a six pack of beer and play some board games and roleplaying games. Up until now these games have just been dubbed 'Beer and Pretzel' games and have constituted card games like Munchkin. But how about this, Drinking Quest from Wiseman Innovations...

Drinking Quest

Instead of made up rules this game seamlessly blends the RPG and the sport of beer quaffing in order to make a rather sore headed but fun card adventure game.

Drinking Quest Card Fan

Drinking Quest Art

Drinking Quest Character Sheet

Randomised quests, four characters and plenty of different humorous cards will be sure to keep you going through the night in this game. Also even if you enjoy your drink non-alcoholic you can still play the game  with your friends, no pressure!

This game does look like a really fun filler game for a night, or play through it a few times to see just what quest combinations you can come up with.

Certainly a game to separate the Dwarves from the Elves!

Will you be going on the Drinking Quest?

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