Pre-Order Now Up For The New One D&D Core Rulebooks

June 28, 2024 by brennon

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Wizards Of The Coast and many, many stores (including Wayland Games!) are now taking pre-orders for the new One D&D Core Rulebooks. You are able to get pre-orders in for the new Player's Handbook, Monster Manual and Dungeon Master's Guide for either starting out or continuing your D&D campaigns.

Players Handbook - One D&D

Player's Handbook // One D&D

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The Player's Handbook will come with an improved layout and organisation as well as feedback from numerous years of playtest feedback from the community. You will get twelve classes, forty-eight subclasses, ten species, sixteen backgrounds and seventy-five feats to choose from which have all been revised and balanced.

The layout and design of the book has also been changed so that it's easier to navigate the book on the fly and there is also a new tool and crafting system included. As this is classic Fantasy, you'll also find 380 spells for warping reality. As long as the good old fireball in there, I'm sure we'll be fine. The Player's Handbook will be available from 17th September 2024.

Secondly, we have the Dungeon Master's Guide which is coming out 12th November 2024.

Dungeon Masters Guide - One D&D

Dungeon Master's Guide // One D&D

The Dungeon Master's Guide, perhaps the most unread of the three books for any D&D group, is also getting an update with plenty of hints and tips for new Dungeon Masters. You'll also find different handouts and resources for running a campaign as well as plenty of treasures and magical items which you can use as rewards for your players.

There are also fifteen reusable maps for homebrew adventures and rules for the new (and classic) core game setting of Greyhawk and Eastern Oerik. There will also be rules for downtime and big campaign play with stronghold rules, crafting, base-building in general, resource gathering and more. It's a good way for D&D to catch up more officially with the likes of Cubicle 7 who have been doing that in their roleplaying games with fervour.

Following on from the Dungeon Master's Guide, you will also be able to get your hands on the Monster Manual which will be out on 18th February 2025.

Monster Manual - One D&D

Monster Manual // One D&D

Wizards Of The Coast are lording this new Monster Manual as the biggest one ever with 500 total creatures for you to contend with and seventy-five new monsters. As well as all of the classic creatures, monsters and more that you've come to know from D&D, there will also be new foes for high-level play. I hope that you have a group with the stamina to get there.

The book also contains forty humanoid stat blocks which can be used by a Dungeon Master to create NPCs. This could be very handy for people coming up with stories and characters on the fly. Brand new artwork is included within the book as well as redesigns of classic creatures like the iconic chromatic and metallic dragons of D&D lore.

For those getting started in Dungeons & Dragons, you can also get the Quests From The Infinite Staircase supplement which will be released this Summer.

Quests From The Infinite Staircase - One D&D

Quests From The Infinite Staircase // One D&D

Because 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons will simply continue with new tweaks and updates in One D&D, Quests From The Infinite Staircase and plenty of existing adventures and supplements will all be useful. Quests From The Infinite Staircase comes with six remastered adventures from past releases as well as new magical items and "futuristic technological devices". The adventure include The Lost City, When a Star Falls, Beyond the Crystal Cave, Pharaoh, The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, and Expeditions to the Barrier Peaks.

There are also variant covers for all of the different books that you see here (some of which you've been seeing pop up here alongside their standard ones). You can check them out over on the Wayland Games webstore.

Lastly, if you're more of a digital person then you can also get bundles of the new One D&D Books from D&D Beyond.

Are you going to be diving into One D&D or updating from 5th Edition? Will you (like me) just be keeping to 5th Edition for the rest of your current campaign and then making the switch?

Drop your thoughts below...

Disclosure: OnTableTop and its companies are part of the group of companies owned and operated by Wayland Games Ltd since 12/10/2020

"Are you going to be diving into One D&D or updating from 5th Edition?"

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