Play As The Unquiet Dead With Soulbound: Champions Of Death

August 31, 2021 by brennon

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Cubicle 7 has been showing off more from their upcoming Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Soulbound: Champions Of Death supplement for roleplaying in the Mortal Realms. Champions Of Death offers you the chance to play as the servants of Nagash (or perhaps those seeking to escape his bonds?) which is fascinating!

Champions Of Death - Age Of Sigmar Soulbound SEPT

Champions Of Death // Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Yes, you read it right. You are going to be able to play as the powerful undead heroes and villains of the world of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. Each of these characters provides you with fascinating roleplaying ideas to explore at the tabletop. Are you a servant of Nagash serving his every whim? Have you been lashed to the other Soulbound as a watcher who is going to betray them when the time is right?

Were you summoned back into life by the Necroquake and are now seeking a way to find your final death? Not all servants of the Great Necromancer will share the same ideals as their master! Each of the illustrations is by Clara-Marie Morin and they look fantastic.

Cairn Wraith - Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Cairn Wraith // Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Each of the new Archetypes in the game comes alongside a host of new Talents, Spells, and more for you to play around with. For example, the Cairn Wraith has the ability "Reaped Like Corn", which does more damaged to frightened characters. Are you sensing a theme and vibe here?

Guardians Of Souls - Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Guardian Of Souls // Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Much like with the factions and archetypes within the forces of Order, there are mages, warriors, and rogues for you to find amongst the ranks of the dead. So, you can play as the likes of the Guardian Of Soul or perhaps the Knight Of Shrouds. Charge into battle as an ethereal warrior on the back of a skeletal steed.

Knight Of Shrouds - Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Knight Of Shrouds // Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Lord-Executioners - Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Lord-Executioners // Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

I am fascinated by the idea of playing as the dead in games of Age Of Sigmar Soulbound. I think it could be fascinating to see what the dynamic is within a group if you play as the full-on villains. I also love the idea of playing as one of these wraiths who has been lashed to Stormcast, Fyreslayers, and the like as some foreboding spectre.

Myrmourn Banshees - Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Myrmourn Banshees // Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Imagine rocking up outside one of the bastions of faith and order in the middle of Ghur and this horrifying ghost just hovering behind the Stormcast Eternal? I think it would be really fun and brings up the idea of playing atypical characters.

Spirit Torment - Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Spirit Torment // Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

We have delved into the world of the Mortal Realms as part of a Let's Play already. Would you be interested in us exploring Soulbound once again but playing as some of the different characters you'd find in Champions Of Death?

Drop your thoughts below!

"Would you be interested in us exploring Soulbound once again but playing as some of the different characters you'd find in Champions Of Death?"

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