Exclusive Look At New Modiphius Star Trek Adventures RPG Miniatures!

May 25, 2017 by deltagamegirl22

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Modiphius is very excited to share images of the first two crews for their WIP Star Trek Adventures RPG, due out this August - just in time for Gen Con!

We had a brilliant chat with Chris last year at Gen Con, as he told us all about the plans to bring the Star Trek universe to the tabletop in an RPG where you can explore the galaxy and create your own alternative Star Trek in the iconic IP.

Captain's log: Stardate 94997.22 - Earthlings that go by the name of Modiphius have offered images of their upcoming miniatures for their Star Trek Adventures RPG as an exclusive reveal for the Earthlings (and one Asgardian) of Beasts of War.


They have captured the look and character of the two most iconic crews from the Star Trek universe  - The Original Crew of the Starship Enterprise and The Next Generation Crew.


We had a brilliant chat with Chris last year at Gen Con, as he told us all about the plans to bring the Star Trek universe to the tabletop in an RPG where you can explore the galaxy and create your own alternative Star Trek in the iconic IP.


Star trek Warf

Anyone that's a fan of Star Trek is going to have to have these - and just think, soon you will be able to go boldly where no man has gone before, with the only limit being your imagination.

What do you think of these crews for the Enterprise?

"Anyone that's a fan of Star Trek is going to have to have these..."

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