Two Handy New PDFs For Age Of Sigmar: Soulbound Gamers

April 16, 2021 by brennon

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Cubicle 7 has put together two handy new PDFs which should be good for those looking to tell stories in The Mortal Realms of Age Of Sigmar: Soulbound. The first of these is Through Fire And Smoke.

Through Fire And Smoke - Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Through Fire And Smoke // Age Of Sigmar: Soulbound

As the name might suggest, Through Fire And Smoke provides you with interesting ways to tweak your combat encounters. Heroes in Soulbound are pretty darn superpowered and so it's often very fun to throw them into situations where they have to think about things beyond just smiting the enemy.

The Mortal Realms are a terrifying place where the very land around you could be as much of an enemy as the horde of Orruks charging towards you. Having fun with the ideas presented here sounds like a good idea.

If you're looking for a bit more solace then maybe Refuges Of The Realms might be for you.

Refuges Of The Realms - Age Of Sigmar Soulbound

Refuges Of The Realms // Age Of Sigmar: Soulbound

This PDF includes a new set of locations where you can recuperate, grab yourselves new items and then perhaps sow the seeds for your next adventure. As well as being safe places founded by the forces of Order, you'll also find interesting domains which are under the control of Death and Destruction too. Maybe you'll find yourself working alongside unlikely allies towards a mutual goal?

PDFs like these are really handy for Games Masters who maybe don't have the time to devote to lots of planning. Instead, you can pick and choose what you like from documents like these and add them into your campaigns as and when you see fit. Even as someone who does enjoy planning, I have used a lot of pre-made content and just tweaked it to match my group of heroes.

Are you tempted by these two PDF downloads?

" can pick and choose what you like from documents like these and add them into your campaigns as and when you see fit"

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