Sternguard Special Ammo
13 years ago 33Darrell looks into Sternguard Special Ammo to see if like the AK47, it will kill every mother ###### in the room. Then has a little trip down to mickey d's for a Royal with Cheese.
Darrell looks into Sternguard Special Ammo to see if like the AK47, it will kill every mother ###### in the room. Then has a little trip down to mickey d's for a Royal with Cheese.
John checks out the Plague Marines for the Chaos Space Marines.
Andy has a look at the Cygnar Squire, this little solo is a little booster to your warcaster.
Darrell Gets a Chapel for Warhammer Fantasy... and as always he finds more skulls....
Darrell has a look over the "Combat Tactics" rule for Space Marines.
Darrell tries his hand at building the citadel woods terrain set... what will he think of them? Find out now!
Ok guys Andy has a nice little solo for your Cryx warband.
Darrell decides to spruce up his Space Marines using some resin bits from Maxmini... what will he think of them?
Like Trollbloods? Well this ones got a bazooka!
Darrell pulls out more of the great terrain from Battlefield in a Box, today its the Rocky Outcrops.
John has a look at the Warriors of Harad from the Lord of the Rings range from Games Workshop.
Darrell has a look at the Chaos Space Marine Terminator Sorcerer/lord kit from Games Workshop, and gives us his opinion on it.
Darrell get's his hands on a Box of Green Crystals, that would look great on a necron board.
Darrell brings out some Blood Angles and gets asked if a Dreadnought can use the Blood Chalice to gain any special rules from it.
Darrell digs out one of the classic Games Workshop kits, the Space Marine Land Raider and even though there's a lot of anti-armour out there, this is still one of the best vehicles in Warhammer 40K.
In today’s un-boxing, the guys have let me off the leash to go hunting for something off topic.
The Pirate Queen Skarre is an infamous privateer who haunts the coats of the Sharde Islands. Andy takes a look at this devilish warcaster for the Cryx faction of Warmachine.
So guys Andy is going to have a look at one of the big nasty Warcaster’s from The Protectorate of Menoth, this time its High Executioner Reznik.
Andy has a look at Harlan Versh, a Mercenary warrior-wizard, who is out to take down any infernal magic users, hiding in the Iron Kingdoms.
Darrell kits out his Space Marine Land Speeder... what sort of cheesy stuff will he be using... let's see!
Andy has a look at Asphyxious, Iron Lich, a warcaster for the Cryx faction of Warmachine.
Andy takes a look at the mercenary Warjack, the Nomad and gives us his impression of its modest abilities.
Andy takes a look at what he thinks is currently the best light warjack choice that the Mercenaries get. What do you think?
Today Andy has a look at the Vassal of Menoth, a chained mage in service to the Protectorate of Menoth.
Andy pulls out some dwarves from the Mercenaries faction of Warmachine and lets you know just what he thinks of these little guys and their unit attachment.
While Kholdun Kommander Zerkova might be a relatively new addition to the ranks of Khador. She brings with her a wealth of new spells and the arcane power to wield them. Andy takes a look at this spellcasting warcaster and her armoury of magical items.
It’s never enough to reduce your enemies’ buildings to rubble, you got to get in there and clear them out! With this in mind Darrell has a look at assaulting into ruins, but take note there are different rules for […]
Darrel has a look at how Ammo Runts work in the Orks army for Warhammer 40k.
Adam has one final interview from Gen Con. He's at the Mercs booth and gets a look at what's new with this great looking miniatures range.
Adam caught up with Mike McVey, the driving force behind Sedition Wars and we just got High-Res Painted Images of the Strain too!
Darrell is asked a question about how best to use 10 Grey Hunters against a unit of 30 Ork Boyz.
Another gruelling day of Gen Con is over, so this is a quick update from Adam on the terrible day of work he had today... if you feel for him... then post your comments below!
Adam has weaseled an interview with Steve Jackson, from Steve Jackson Games, about the latest in the world Munchkin... as always with Munchkin... it's insane!!! There's also some news about what's new with OGRE in 2012!
Adam tracks down Romeo to get the latest on the new Infinity bags, a new Warmachine bag, and finally we get to hear about Battle Foam Design.
Adam interviews Anton from Fantasy Flight Games and we get an inside look at Dust Warfare & Dust Tactics.
Well Adam has been running around Gen Con playing the games and grabbing interviews with all the companies who make this hobby great.
More great coverage with Adam at GenCon. This time he's managed to get an interview with Kevin from Cool Mini or Not, about the relaunch of the awesome Dark Age: Apocalypse!
Adam grabs Ronnie from Mantic Games and gets a chat about Dwarf King's Hold Green Menace and upcoming painted minis for Warpath.
Adam takes some time to show us the sights of Gen Con Indy 2011 and the show is looking massive this year!
Adam & Chris get ready for Gen Con Indy 2011 and hatch a plan for Beasts of War fans to meet up on Saturday at the event.
We're back at Salute 2011 and this time Andy gets to speak to gaming demi-god, Rick Priestly, about his involvement in Warlord's latest game of ancient battles... Hail Caesar!
Andy meets up with Richard from Otherworld Miniatures and chats about some of the things you can use there models for.