Darrell gets some Dark Eldar Hellions to un box, and he lets us know just what he thinks of them.
Mantic have a Collectors Range section on their site which has sets of 90mm resin models. These models are large versions of the usual production models and are based on the finely detailed 3 ups that are created during the […]
The Ironclad Regiment is the backbone of any Dwarf army so it makes sense for John to have a look at what's in the box.
Andy opens up the Vigilant light warjack for the Protectorate of Menoth. What will he have to say about this shield-toting addition to the armies of the Lawgiver?
Bigger and Badder than the biggest bad thing in the Iron Kingdoms... the Butcher is a monstrous presence on the battlefield, capable of tearing a heavy warjack apart single-handed!
Darrell has a look at the Painting Station from Games Workshop, and tells you what he thinks of it.
John checks out some Warhammer Fantasy scenery.
John has a look over Wargames Factories Ancient German Cavalry set.
John completes the build of the Ork Battlewagon by Games Workshop.
John dips into the scrap yard to build the Ork Battle Wagon.
2000 point list using the Stormraven skimmer!
The guys have a close look at Captain Tyco for the Blood Angels.
The guys discuss Blood Angels Chapter Master Dante.
Warren and Darrell have a look at Gabriel Seth from the new Blood Angels codex.
The Guys talk about what sort of Blood Angel army.
The guys discuss Blood Angel Psykers and their abilities.
The guys look over another themed Army List, Based on deep striking.
Warren and Darrell talk about the Blood Angels and their Fast Tanks.
Warren and Darrell have a chat over the Sanguinary Priests
Darrell and Warren talk over Astorath the Grim.
John Looks over the build process for the Sanguinary Guard.
Unboxing: John and Warren have a look over the Box Contents for the Sanguinary Guard for Blood Angels.
Warren and Darrell talk over a Dreadnought themed list for Blood Angels
Warren and Darrell talk over a Death Company Themed 2000pt List
Warren and Darrell have a look at how Death Company work.
John Builds up a Death Company Marine.
Unboxing: John and Warren unbox the New plastic Death Company Box Set for the Blood Angels.
Warren and Darrell have a good long look over the Blood Angel Dreadnoughts
John takes you through the build of the new Baal Predator
Warren and Darrell show you guys the ins and outs of the Red Thirst Special Rule.
Baal Predator | Seven Days of Sanguinius
13 years ago 1Unboxing: John and Warren have a look at the new Baal Predator for the Blood Angels.
Warren and Darrell talk you through the Decent of Angels Special Rule
Darrell gets out a Fokker DR1 for Wings of War and let's us know just what he thinks of it.
The Wardemon From Ultraforge Miniatures
13 years ago 4Well guy's I've has been let loose in the store room again and have got out another Ultraforge model this time its the Wardemon.
Isengard / Mordor Troll Unboxed
13 years ago 6John has a look at what you get when buying an Isengard / Mordor Troll.
Space Marines Command Squad
13 years ago 16So guy’s I’ve pulled out an old favorite the Space Marine Command Squad, and im going to show you just what you get in the kit and what you could do with it.
First Look: Black Powder | Warlord Games
13 years ago 12Warren and Darrell get Historical on us and plunge into the world of the Black Powder Rulebook
Dannon Blythe and Bull
13 years ago 10Andy digs out two of the Iron Kingdoms' best mercenaries, Dannon Blythe and Bull.
Darrell opens the cardboard sarcophagus of a Necrosphinx! A gigantic stone statue brought to life by the foul necrotic Liche Priests and sculpted by the zelous passion of the Necrotects.
Ok guys we've kidnapped John to get another video out of him, and what we set him too is the Ultramarines special edition DVD box set.
John calls this his favourite Eldar model. The Eldar Wraithlord for Warhammer 40k.
A sinister assassin with a magical sniper rifle... what! Andy tells us about one of his favourite solos, the mercenary Kell Bailoch.