Warcradle Studios Begin Delve Into Design Of Armoured Clash

August 19, 2024 by brennon

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Warcradle Studios recently put together a new blog post delving into the development of Armoured Clash, their brand new 10mm scale wargame set in the same world as Dystopian Wars. They covered the factions, miniature design, and a bit of the rules!

Armoured Clash - Warcradle Studios

Armoured Clash // Warcradle Studios

Pre-Order Armoured Clash @ Wayland Games

Check Out The Full Development Preview

The development preview starts with Warcradle's Sophie Williams and James Hewitt discussing the game and what you've got to expect from Armoured Clash when it hits tabletops later this year.

"Armoured Clash was such a fun challenge. We really wanted to capture the feeling of a large-scale conflict, with tanks and Behemoths dominating the battlefield while lines of infantry and cavalry scrap over objectives. The team has come up with a system that supports enough granularity for meaningful and challenging decisions, but doesn’t get so detailed that it bogs down gameplay. I’m incredibly proud of Armoured Clash and I can’t wait to see it out in the wild!" - Sophie Williams

Many folks are already intrigued by the idea of Armoured Clash, especially if they have come from Dystopian Wars. However, the 10mm scale land battles also draw in those who are intrigued by other epic-scale worlds and seeking a new world to dive into.

"We've written the rulebook to be as approachable and easy to navigate as possible - that's important for new players, but it's also a huge help when you need to check the exact wording of a rule mid-game. Gianni, who's laid out the book, has done an incredible job, giving the text lots of room to breathe and adding photos, diagrams and reference tables. Honestly, it's a joy to read, and I can't wait to see what players make of it!" - James Hewitt

It all sounds like it's going to be very exciting!

The Factions Of Armoured Clash

The first factions that you're going to see pop up in Armoured Clash at The Crown and The Empire. They will come in the Battle For Singapore set and Roberto Cirillo and the rest of the team have done a great job of bringing these factions to life. The blog dives into a little bit of the background for these factions...

The Crown Art - Armoured Clash

The Crown Art // Armoured Clash

Rifles Platoon - Armoured Clash

Rifles Platoon // Armoured Clash

Black Watch Dragoon - Armoured Clash

Black Watch Dragoon // Armoured Clash

As well as the Colonial British Empire vibe running through The Crown, you also have the added punch of the "Neo-Industrial Revolution" as Warcradle put it worked into all of their design. The Empire, on the other hand, feature a more Neo-Classic Oriental look.

The Empire Art - Armoured Clash

The Empire Art // Armoured Clash

Green Banner Pai - Armoured Clash

Green Banner Pai // Armoured Clash

Wu Shi Shan - Armoured Clash

Wu Shi Shan // Armoured Clash

If you'd like to know more about Armoured Clash, you can watch the first of our videos diving into the background of the game. The first interview focused on The Crown and featured Gerry talking to Parker and James about what makes The Crown tick.

Inside New 10mm Wargame Armoured Clash - Faction Focus: The Crown

We'll have more videos coming up in the next few weeks diving deeper into The Empire, Miniature Design and Rules Design so watch this space. Talking of miniature design, Warcradle also dived into a little bit more detail about that in their development blog.

Armoured Clash Miniature Design

The blog also goes into a little bit of detail on the design process of the miniatures going from the renders that you see here...

Miniature Work In Progress - Armoured Clash

Miniature Work-In-Progress // Armoured Clash

...through to the actual painting of the finished miniatures. It's good to get a little bit of a look behind the scenes and how the miniatures were taken from the artwork and turned into the little toys that we play with on the tabletop!

Blackwatch Dragoon Mech - Armoured Clash

Blackwatch Dragoon Mech // Armoured Clash

I'm sure that there will be plenty of miniatures that you've seen popping up in the previews that you'd love to get a closer look at. Maybe you'll see some of those popping up in our videos but make sure to check out Warcradle Studios over on social media (Facebook and Twitter) as they have been dropping sneaky peeks at more miniatures over there! The development blog also features some tips for painting these small-scale miniatures.

Armoured Clash Rules

Last but not least, the preview also gives you a snippet of what Armoured Clash is like to play on the tabletop...

Armoured Clash Gameplay - Warcradle Studios

Armoured Clash (Scott - The Markov Dossier) // Warcradle Studios

Parker from the game design team talked about the gameplay in a little more detail...

"The development process for Armoured Clash has been a ton of fun. I was lucky enough to be running demos at the UK Games Expo, and it was incredibly satisfying to see the public engage with the game. The best moments for me are about halfway through a demonstration when all the rules click in, and the players don’t need you anymore. They just crack on with destroying each other and only ask about corner cases or ‘what if’ scenarios. Then you know a game is intuitive enough for the rules to just make sense, rather than having to constantly refer to a rulebook." - Parker

If you'd love to delve into more about Armoured Clash, make sure to read their development blog in detail HERE. I'm sure that you'll end up getting very excited about what Warcradle has planned.

Are you going to be snapping up Armoured Clash later this year?

Disclosure: OnTableTop and its companies are part of the group of companies owned and operated by Wayland Games Ltd since 12/10/2020

"If you'd love to delve into more about Armoured Clash, make sure to read their development blog in detail..."

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