Hobby Lab: Siege Tower – Shading and Highlighting

April 23, 2019 by johnlyons

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Applying A Wash

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Washing - Army Painter Strong Tone

Adding a wash to the model will bring out all the woodgrain texture, as well as add more shading the whole tower.

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Washing - Applying

Using Army Painter "Strong Tone" lets us retain a brown tone to the wood detail, as well as apply a layer of shadow to the deeper recesses of the tower

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Washing - Before and After

Above we can see the difference in tone between the washed and unwashed parts of the model. The difference is quite stark when looking at them in this way.

The end result of this step gives the Siege Tower a sense of weight and presence, but the next step will add the definition that tends to be blurred out by the wash.

See Wash In Action


Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Drybrushing - Paint and Brush

For highlighting the wood effect, we will give the model a drybrush using Army Painter "Desert Yellow".

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Drybrushing - Brush Work

This colour will lighten the tone of the wood on the tower without making it too stark, as if the wood has been treated with something when the tower was built, perhaps a fire-resistant coating?

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Drybrushing - Complete

With the whole tower drybrushed, it may be difficult to see the work. However, if we take a look inside, the base primer and wash combination show off the highlight far better due to being more in shadow.

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Drybrushing - Complete Inside

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