Hobby Lab: Siege Tower – Highlighting the Metal and Rope

May 6, 2019 by johnlyons

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Adding Gleaming highlights To The Metal

Moving on to highlighting the metal details first, we use Army Painter "Plate Mail Metal" for this step.

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Metal and Rope Highlighting - Plate Metal

All we need to do here is touch the top of each rivet and bolt with the paint. This lets the lower details remain the darker metallic colour with its shading while giving something brighter to draw your eye to, even form a distance.

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Metal and Rope Highlighting - Gleaming Metal

See How The Wheel Rivets Gleam

At this point, we decided to make a small change to my plans. Originally the plan was to leave the wheel edge brown but once all the other metal was done it became apparent that the wheels wound just look cooler painted as if they had metal strapping to help bear the weight of the tower, so they got a coat of the Plate Mail Metal too.

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Metal and Rope Highlighting - Metal Wheels

Highlighting the Rope

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Metal and Rope Highlighting - Brainmatter Beige

As for the rope, we use Army Painter "Brainmatter Beige"

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Metal and Rope Highlighting - Paint Rope Highlight

Using the texture of the rope made by the printer, we apply the Brainmatter Beige on the raised details to give us a well-used pale-looking rope.

Hobby Lab Siege Tower - Metal and Rope Highlighting - Done

Tabletop ready, but we can do more!

The overall effect is great, it draws the eye to all the detail work we have done while giving the whole model a heavy, used look. At this point, we can happily field the Seige Tower on the Tabletop.

However, next, we will make something to add a big flash of colour to our war-ready tower!

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