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Tony’s Star Wars Legion Hoth Project

Tony’s Star Wars Legion Hoth Project

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Project Blog by tonysilvey Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 135

About the Project

I intend to get a full Hoth themed force together for Star Wars legion from Fantasy Flight Games. Using a unified paint scheme where suitable, winter basing and some minis will be converted to fit the theme. Hope you enjoy looking and I'm always open to comments and suggestions!

This Project is Active

The best laid plans!

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 3
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Back from a great 1st visit to UK Games Expo with a fresh box of Snowtroopers. I thought I should note down my plans for the army while I recover.

I currently have waiting to paint: 1 Unit Snowtroopers, 1 Unit Speeder Bikes (need converting) and a AT-ST.

I am not planning on using the AT-ST full time but will give it a try occasionally and see how it goes.

Future plans to acquire another unit of Snowtroopers to make 3 and then Boba-Fett and a unit of scout troopers to convert in the same way as I did the Speeder bikes. I expect that Boba may replace Vader leaving Veers in charge.


General, prepare your troops for a surface attack!

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 1
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General, prepare your troops for a surface attack!

Veers is ready to either stand in for or join Vader.

1st snow troopers finished and based

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 1
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That’s the snow troopers done, I need to pick up another box now!

The snow added to the bases was made by mixing baking soda with PVA and white paint.

2nd Pour

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 1
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2nd pour and much cleaner. The set have come out nicely and there’s a side by side with the original.

The first cast

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So I messed this one up a bit. I went to scrape the excess off of the mould but the resin had already started to set and it grabbed and started to pull from the mould so I had to leave it. This stuff starts to cure quickly so I need to do it immediately, lesson learned.

Despite the issues that can be cleaned up I.m impressed about how cleanly these came out. I was worried that the sand bits would cause bubbles or the detail would be lost but this hasn’t happened.

Silicone mould making fun!

Tutoring 6
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So I got my silicone and resin kit and have cracked on with making the mould.

The plan is to be able to cast up multiple copies of my bases to save having to make new ones each time.

The bases that I have made to, hopefully, cast have been glued to a piece of MDF then a wall of Leggo was built up around them. I used a bead of hot glue to hold the leggo in place.

After pouring the silicone I wanted to do my best to remove any bubbles so I put the handle of my electric toothbrush across the mould (other brands of toothbrush and also other household vibrating equipment is available 😉 ). This was surprisingly effective for bringing air to the surface and cheaper than a vibro plate or de-gassing chamber. How effective? We’ll see tomorrow!

Here’s the kit that I am using in the UK:

Viv at Rubbish in rubbish out is much better at explaining this than me so here’s the link to his tutorial:

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