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Milmaa’s Black Legion

Milmaa’s Black Legion

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Project Blog by milmaa Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 422

About the Project

I've been wanting to build a Black Legion force for quite a while.... A good friend, Sam from Wargamer Online, painted my Abaddon model (By Wargame Exclusive) So this project will focus on the building and painting of a force to go with him.

This Project is Active

First Terminator underway.

Tutoring 1
Skill 7
Idea 4
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Its been a while since i added any Black Legion work, but picked up one of the terminators to work on along side the Death Guard that I’m covering on my other project.

Its just a simple job on him, but he should fit in quite well. I would love to see a new Chaos marine and terminator kit, just something to bring them in line with the newer Thousand Son and Death Guard stuff…

First Terminator underway.

Okay.. I've been slacking..

Tutoring 1
Skill 9
Idea 3
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Its been a while since I’ve done any hobby at all, the new warcraft expansion came out and I spent a few weeks playing that! Now I’m finished with it for a while so back to the main hobby!


Finished the Hellbrute, he’s alright, I’m considering adding a couple of decals in places, but not 100% sure yet.

The terminators haven’t progressed any as my main love in 40k the Space Wolves got their codex, all be it was apparently out of date before it arrived! So they will take most of my focus as I ease myself back into the game!


Next ...

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 7
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Next ...

Over this week I’ve slowly built the next stage to add to my Black Legion force…. Abaddon has called in some heavier armour, with a Hellbrute and a squad of terminators with a terminator lord who can be used as a champion if need be.

I want the lord to be a vicious warrior, probably originally from the World Eaters, so he has the dual lightning claws to have some fun with.

The rest of the terminator unit are pretty basic, a reaper auto-cannon for some anti infantry and a couple of combi meltas. The unit is pretty versatile so hopefully can adapt to what ever they are needed to do.

The hellbrute has twin lascannons as so far I have no heavy hitting fire power. I will look to add something else to help with that aspect at some point, but this will have to do for now!


Will leave the primer for a good 48 hours then start the painting during the week hopefully 🙂

Khayon completed

Tutoring 2
Skill 13
Idea 7
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Got round to finishing Iskander Khayon today, very happy with how he worked out. Painted in bits made it easier to work around that big cloak.

Nice to have him ready to lead the Black Legion when Abaddon is otherwise engaged.

As of now thats all my built Chaos painted, I’ve started working on building a hellbrute and I will also get a terminator squad up and ready. After that it will be decision time as to what to add to the army!

Khayon Progress

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 3
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Progress made last night on the Axe and his cloak.

I might take another look at the gem on the axe, not 100% happy with it so far, but its coming together well.

Just the main body to do now really, so will attempt to do most of that today!

Rubric Squad Complete

Tutoring 5
Skill 13
Idea 3
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Its taken a little while to get these guys done, as I had to stop and do the bases in the middle of them but we got there!

I am very happy with the way they turned out, Not too much blue and they should fit with my whole Black Legion feel. Not sure why I went with the 7 man unit but it felt right! – Thats how I build armies! What feels right and what looks good! Not the most competitive method !

More Basing

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 3
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When working through the Rubric marines I noticed I didnt have enough bases left from my first batch, so I had to break open the second batch and get them sorted.

First off I gave them a wash in soapy water, then left them to dry for the evening. After I was sure they were dry they got the Grey primer added.

Following that the base metal colours added, and any other colours for cables. Once dry again, I washed the who thing with a mix of Nulin Oil and Agrax Earthshade.


I left that to completely dry then added a dry brush of a grey to highlight up again, followed by a further lighter highlight with a stone to finish.

The final touch was using an AK Interactive wash….

More Basing
Plastered all over the base.Plastered all over the base.
left to dry for 10 to 15 minutes.left to dry for 10 to 15 minutes.
Using a cotton bud with white spirits, I removed most of the wash leaving a tint and the darker areas shaded.Using a cotton bud with white spirits, I removed most of the wash leaving a tint and the darker areas shaded.
How it turned out.How it turned out.

Only thing to do is add the tufts of grass, and a varnish!

Next batch of bases complete!

Progress.... Slow Progress.....

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 2
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Progress.... Slow Progress.....
Progress.... Slow Progress.....

Its been a slow week of hobby, plenty of football has been watched, and not so much painting has been done…

today I’m working on the Rubric squad, bringing them all up to the same stage as the test marine.

I will also need to complete the next stage of bases before I can finish these guys, so the resin has been washed and will be primed before the day is out.


I would like to have this squad complete for the end of next weekend, means I’ll be able to plan what I need to build for this force next! (I love the building side of the hobby)

Khayon's Rubric marines WIP

Tutoring 5
Skill 12
Idea 6
1 Comment
Khayon's Rubric marines WIP

This is the test miniature for the Rubric squad. I have them to have the black armour of the Black Legion, while still keeping a bit of the normal Thousand Son colours in there to help with identification.

Khayon's face WIPKhayon's face WIP

Taking my tine with this one, probably the longest I’ve ever taken to paint a bald head! Want to try and have it stick out when combined with the model I’m making to represent him.

Marines complete

Tutoring 1
Skill 9
Idea 1
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Second half of the squadSecond half of the squad
Close up.Close up.

Finished the second 5 man half of the first Chaos space marine squad. Pretty happy how they turned out, pretty basic Black Legion minions for Abaddon to use as he sees fit.

Its nice to finally have the first unit done, after not really doing too much hobby wise this week.

Marine Progress.

Tutoring 1
Skill 8
Idea 1
part 2 of the first squad.part 2 of the first squad.

Progress being made on the second part of the first Chaos Marine unit.

Always liked the heavy bolter so was important to have one int the squad. The stage I’m at now, is the base colours done. I will add a slight highlight on the gold and silvers, then its the tidy up stage, leading to transfers!

Could be done quicker, but World of Warcraft is taking up some of my spare time! hehe!


Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 5
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New Bases.New Bases.

Not much to report so far this week, back at work after some time off is taking its toll on me!

These arrived today from Micro Art Studio, was super happy with the first batch I had to pick up some more so that I have enough for my current force.

Picked up 12 of the 32mm, 4 of the 40mm (for terminators!!!) finally the big 60mm for the Hellbrute!

Enjoyed painting the last batch so will make sure I document these ones as I go along!


Tutoring 4
Skill 8
Idea 4

The first half squad of marines are complete! I like doing things in fives so that it breaks things up a little, while giving me a sense of completion. I think its important to see your army progress, I find that motivating.

Pretty happy how they are on the bases, and in all my years collecting this hobby they are the first non-GW bases I’ve ever used.


Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 5
Ready to go.Ready to go.

Finally settled on these “Concrete” bases from Micro Art Studio, very pleased with the quality and with how they turned out!

I followed Sam from WGO’s method that he used for my Abaddon base.

  • Grey spray primer
  • Paint the metal work
  • mix of Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade, and Medium
  • Dry brush rubble with Dawnstone then Karak Stone.
  • Good covering with AK Interactive’s Summer Kursk Earth.
  • After 5-10 minutes remove some of the Kursk Earth with a cotton bud and some white spirit
  • when happy with the result let dry
  • Add tufts
  • Spray varnish and done.

Simple and a great way to get a batch done. He has a video on their site as a tutorial. Very happy with how it turned out! 🙂

On to the next stage… painting some marines to fit on the bases!

Muster the marines

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments

So far I have built up 2 units. The first is a unit of 7 Rubric marines, the second is a 10 man Chaos Space Marine unit. This will be the first time I have attempted to pin my models to a base, as I plan on using some kind of urban bases rather than the GW ones. That way they will fit in with the Abaddon model.


First thing for pinning I drilled small holes in the bottom of the marines feet, making sure I used a foot where the drill bit would sink well in the the leg, giving the pin some good depth. Next I used paper clips that I had snipped to size as the pins, super gluing them in place. I then attached them to a bunch of cork holders so that I could paint them with out holding the model. I did have to attach some weight, and in this case value, to the bottom of the corks to make sure the models were stable when drying.

Once these models are all dry and set, I’ll airbrush some black primer on to them so they can be ready for paint asap!


Tutoring 5
Skill 10
Idea 11
No Comments
The buildThe build

If anyone has read the Talon of Horus or The Black Legion books, by Aaron Dembski-Bowden (Amazing books) they will know of Iskandar Khayon. I wanted this character to be a part of my army, a specially built model to be a focus point.

I’ve started by using one of the models from the Exalted Sorcerers kit, one with a two handed staff. Iskander in the first parts of the story wielded a Space Wolves axe called Saern that he had converted to a force axe. This axe was later destroyed but for the purpose of my model I wanted him to have it.  I used the axe head from the Space Wolves Wulfen set and glued it to the shortened haft of the force staff. I also attached the wolf tail from the remains of the wulfen axe to the bottom of the staff, just to give it a bit more wolfyness!

The head I have chosen is just a standard marine head. Thats just the way I envision the character. The cloak and back pack were from the Exalted Sorcerers set.


A simple little conversion so looking forward to seeing how he turns out. I plan to have him mostly in the black armour of the legion, but want to add a little blue and gold/yellow to show his roots in the Thousand Sons.

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