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Degenesis Post Apocalyptic Miniatures Game

Degenesis Post Apocalyptic Miniatures Game

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Project Blog by elysium64 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 63

About the Project

I am building up a collection of miniatures inspired by the Degenesis Role Playing Game

This Project is Active

Sorry distracted

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1
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Sorry been distracted by my Red Book of the Elf King ptoject.

Red Book of the Elf King

I am returning to complete these figures and work on my scenery for the competition for the remainder of the month.

Hopefully will be able to update throughout the month.

Delayed Update

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 2
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Delayed Update
sorry not to clear, am off tomorrow and hopefully finish the painting, and a bit more scupting on the Psychokinetic , will try to photograph outside for clearer pictures (and finished ???)sorry not to clear, am off tomorrow and hopefully finish the painting, and a bit more scupting on the Psychokinetic , will try to photograph outside for clearer pictures (and finished ???)

Sorry for no updates

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Just a quick note to apologise for no updates, I have painted all their hair, flesh and some other colours I have also done some sculpting on the Pschokinetic will update tomorrow with photos.

Just seen this thread has been put into terrain chalenge was originally planning to do separate thread but will add first photos of of progress end of tomorrow

Hobby Night Live

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 0
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This is where I am now at begining of my hobby nightThis is where I am now at begining of my hobby night
These are the models I will be working on tonightThese are the models I will be working on tonight

The first piece of scenery

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 7
1 Comment
Wanted some thing to use as a backdrop for when I photograph the figures. Seeing as I had this unpainted for my possibly defunct SLA CS1 project (anyway having much more fun working on this trying to source suitable figures from various manufacturers and periods and the subsequent converting). I have given the metal work dry brushes of the following colours in this sequence: GW Rhinox Hide, Valley Maroon Brown, Foundry mid colour Orange, and GW Boltgun Metal. the grey I mixed , the floor tiles are Foundry light Teal, and the ceiling Foundry shade American Tan. All followed by my trusty Agrax Earthshade  (I always have at least two pots in my collection, can never run out). Tomorrow I will give another very light dry bush of Boltgun Metal, to all panels, and dry brush the concrete, floor tiles and ceiling, followed by the rat. Then may then do some further streakingg and weathering. Wanted some thing to use as a backdrop for when I photograph the figures. Seeing as I had this unpainted for my possibly defunct SLA CS1 project (anyway having much more fun working on this trying to source suitable figures from various manufacturers and periods and the subsequent converting). I have given the metal work dry brushes of the following colours in this sequence: GW Rhinox Hide, Valley Maroon Brown, Foundry mid colour Orange, and GW Boltgun Metal. the grey I mixed , the floor tiles are Foundry light Teal, and the ceiling Foundry shade American Tan. All followed by my trusty Agrax Earthshade (I always have at least two pots in my collection, can never run out). Tomorrow I will give another very light dry bush of Boltgun Metal, to all panels, and dry brush the concrete, floor tiles and ceiling, followed by the rat. Then may then do some further streakingg and weathering.
With the new terrain challenge being themed With the new terrain challenge being themed "End is Nigh" I thought I would build some buildings based around this and the following picture, ideally 4-5 so I can represent the edge of town or a small hamlet. I will start up a separate Project for this as required and update here when both the build and paint are finished.
The first piece of scenery

Converting the Psychokinetic

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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While some paint was drying, I decided to build the figure for the Psychokinetic, though the Hasslefree miniature was almost perfect for the role I was not keen on the pose, of legs apart, partly because it looked awkward, it looked too similar in pose to the Pregnoctic figure, and I wanted her similarly posed to the artwork shown previously.

all the parts removed and wedges cut to straighten the feet.all the parts removed and wedges cut to straighten the feet.
the figure glued in new pose, I sanded down her inside legs so the fitted together and removed so of the excess hip/top of leg so the aligned better with her profile. I also reflatenned out the bottom of her torso, allowing the glueing of the body to the legs.the figure glued in new pose, I sanded down her inside legs so the fitted together and removed so of the excess hip/top of leg so the aligned better with her profile. I also reflatenned out the bottom of her torso, allowing the glueing of the body to the legs.
the figure as it will be on its Base.  Next will be Green stuffing the leg/torso joint, her hood and necklace, some fingerless gloves and a totem stick in her left hand.the figure as it will be on its Base. Next will be Green stuffing the leg/torso joint, her hood and necklace, some fingerless gloves and a totem stick in her left hand.

Some more painting done.

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 3
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First group of figures now have all Base colours and metallic done, I then highlighted the black, followed by giving the whole miniature a wash of GW Agrax Earthshade. (I find that by giving a wash over the highlighted black it help tone down highlights)First group of figures now have all Base colours and metallic done, I then highlighted the black, followed by giving the whole miniature a wash of GW Agrax Earthshade. (I find that by giving a wash over the highlighted black it help tone down highlights)
Whoops. Sorry about these will sort out what went wrong another time. Do not know jow to fix this and the other sideway images.Whoops. Sorry about these will sort out what went wrong another time. Do not know jow to fix this and the other sideway images.

I had a change of mind on two of the figures, I was never happy with the idea of the Chronomancer as not close enough to the Degenesis imagery, and I had a flash of inspiration, swap his head for  one of Copplestone castings Darkest African tribesman (had some from a stalled Conan project) and a steam punk rifle from another figure in my lead pile and I now have a Neolibyan.

Some more painting done.
Some more painting done.
Some more painting done.

I also decided to implement an idea I had been mulling over on the fat dude, I removed his quif, and sculpted a ragged hood from GS (Green Stuff) with a repaint of the flesh he is now the leader of the Palers.

Some more painting done.
Some more painting done.

Will carry on highlighting for a bit and hopefully get to finish most of them if not all of them tomorrow.

Where I am now continued

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 3
1 Comment
Where I am now continued
Where I am now continued
Where I am now continued
various bits of scatter terrainvarious bits of scatter terrain
The VW camper van, I will be adding to this quite a bit to give it the appropriate feel for the setting. I will not say anymore as still sourcing parts for this.The VW camper van, I will be adding to this quite a bit to give it the appropriate feel for the setting. I will not say anymore as still sourcing parts for this.

Before I reveal the current figures I am painting a couple of images of character archetypes that some of the figures are representing.

An ApocolypticAn Apocolyptic
A Justinian also referee to as judges.A Justinian also referee to as judges.
An Apocalyptic and two judges. All base colours are done apart from metallic,  then I will give an agrax earthshade wash followed by highlights. The apocalyptic has had a head change using a Statuesque head and the addition of tarot cards, The judges have had pistols replaced withe GW pistollier flintlocks, the addition of scratch built mallets and on one of them a back pack.An Apocalyptic and two judges. All base colours are done apart from metallic, then I will give an agrax earthshade wash followed by highlights. The apocalyptic has had a head change using a Statuesque head and the addition of tarot cards, The judges have had pistols replaced withe GW pistollier flintlocks, the addition of scratch built mallets and on one of them a back pack.
Where I am now continued
From left to right, either an encounter figure or a proxy for a Chronicler, A fat dude, Aspera (the only official 28mm figure by Freebooter) I need to finish base coats followed by wash and highlights.From left to right, either an encounter figure or a proxy for a Chronicler, A fat dude, Aspera (the only official 28mm figure by Freebooter) I need to finish base coats followed by wash and highlights.
Finally I will leave you with a little introduction to the world of Degenesis from the core book.  Finally I will leave you with a little introduction to the world of Degenesis from the core book.

Where I am now.

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 3
No Comments

I have just been through a particularly busy time at work and have unfortunately been able to spend little time on the hobby, but things are settling down now so I thought I would show at what stage I am now.

I have six figures and the VW Camper I am now going to paint to completion, I will show you at what stage I am at with these at the end of this update. First I will show you at what stage some of the other figures are, and tell you my plans for them.

I hope to be able to update with my progress through out the week.

I also have a few new figures hat have arrived recently.


This is the group of figures I have so far for the clan in the painting shown in previous post. I have added some Yaks as I felt they kind of fitted in.This is the group of figures I have so far for the clan in the painting shown in previous post. I have added some Yaks as I felt they kind of fitted in.
I purchased this cavalry figure (had to get a pack of three for this one figure but I have now got three great horses which I plan to use at some point in this project) I have performed a head swap and built the rudimentary banner using thick art paper soaked in super glue. I now need to green stuff the saddle and bedrolls/tarpaulins, the cloths wrapped around the tusks and the additional furs on the rider as well as his mask and goggles as well as the banner. then some fine detail such as reins, horns on the hat and other decorations.I purchased this cavalry figure (had to get a pack of three for this one figure but I have now got three great horses which I plan to use at some point in this project) I have performed a head swap and built the rudimentary banner using thick art paper soaked in super glue. I now need to green stuff the saddle and bedrolls/tarpaulins, the cloths wrapped around the tusks and the additional furs on the rider as well as his mask and goggles as well as the banner. then some fine detail such as reins, horns on the hat and other decorations.
I will remove the rifles from figures and two will be armed with spears, and the other two will have walking staffs and another one handed weapon yet to be determined. The officer will have his scabbard removed and I may try out a pistol in other hand. The female I will remodel the hat and her hair and leave her unmasked, all the others will have green stuff masks and goggles, they will have furs and rags sculpted on them as well as some ornamentation.I will remove the rifles from figures and two will be armed with spears, and the other two will have walking staffs and another one handed weapon yet to be determined. The officer will have his scabbard removed and I may try out a pistol in other hand. The female I will remodel the hat and her hair and leave her unmasked, all the others will have green stuff masks and goggles, they will have furs and rags sculpted on them as well as some ornamentation.
These guys and gals will be converted to represent Spitalians (one of 13 cults), I need to swap out the current women's heads and replace with the bald heads by Statuesque, I have a couple of gas mask heads from the Hasslefree Foxy figure one of which maybe both will have a pickelhaub sculpted on, I will replace weapons primarily using the sword (from GW Escher sprue) and the luger and Mauser, finally will need to green stuff a cape/cloak on a couple of them.These guys and gals will be converted to represent Spitalians (one of 13 cults), I need to swap out the current women's heads and replace with the bald heads by Statuesque, I have a couple of gas mask heads from the Hasslefree Foxy figure one of which maybe both will have a pickelhaub sculpted on, I will replace weapons primarily using the sword (from GW Escher sprue) and the luger and Mauser, finally will need to green stuff a cape/cloak on a couple of them.

Some artwork of the Spitalians which I am hoping to represent.

A selection of figures  to represent a group of scavengers/scrapersA selection of figures to represent a group of scavengers/scrapers
Sorry picture is a bit dark, this will represent a Hel veticas (a militaristic swiss faction) will be looking for some more suitable figures, possibly manic or Hassle free corporate troops.Sorry picture is a bit dark, this will represent a Hel veticas (a militaristic swiss faction) will be looking for some more suitable figures, possibly manic or Hassle free corporate troops.
A Helvetica trooperA Helvetica trooper
These will be converted to represent some of the Homo Degenesis (mutants). left to right; Pregnoctic, Psychokinetic and Bio kinetic. These will be converted to represent some of the Homo Degenesis (mutants). left to right; Pregnoctic, Psychokinetic and Bio kinetic.

Am about to run out of post entries so will continue in a second post.

What I have done so far.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 5
1 Comment

I will initially use the models in my RPG sessions and I hope to eventually create some miniature rules for a tabletop game.

About Degenesis:

The Eshaton. A swarm of asteroids from the far ends of the universe travels toward earth, ushering the end of humanity.
500 years have passed. Earth is engulfed by a new ice age. Glaciers are carving their way through the old world. America, Asia, Australia have fallen. Only Europe and Africa are left as habitable zones. While Europe is caked in ice and snow, Africa has blossomed into a subtropical paradise. The Axis of the world is once again the Mediterranean Sea.
And Mankind hasn‘t given up just yet. From the ashes of a destroyed civilization, a new one has risen. Cults, clans and tribes are fighting for dominance in a world that is being reborn.
Apocalyptic sects raise fortresses in the landscape. Clans form new cities. Border towns rise from the settling asteroid dust. A whole people are on the move to harvest the artifacts of the lost generations. To rebuild earth in a new and glorious fashion.
But in the shadows of the craters something is moving. A strange virus that was traveling underneath the icy shell of the asteroids has started infecting humanity‘s DNA. The virus, called the Primer, is starting to mutate people who get in touch with it, transforming them, turning them into a new apex predator, a new race of human beings.
It‘s the birth of Homo Degenesis.
And this newcomer has the power to wrestle Homo Sapiens from the top of the food chain. Equipped with psychic powers beyond measure, Homo Degenesis has declared war on the upstart mankind, and man will fight back with full force. The battle for earth‘s legacy has begun.
13 Cults dominate the societies of the post apocalyptic world. These cults have enormous economical, political or religious power. Their struggles shatter the reborn settlements and make the earth tremble. Each of them has it‘s vision of a civilization blossoming under their tenure and each of them will do the impossible to make their goals come true.
But the dominance of the cults is being tested for the first time. Across the wastelands the old clans rise. United by hate, the clans wage war under new banners, destroying the power structures that once held them at bay. Everything is at stake, and in the wake of the onslaught, the cults will have to make their stand.
This is their legacy.
The games is beautifully produced with some of the best artwork out there (though some of it may need to be censored from Justin sensitive eyes).
I will include some of the images from these books throughout this project log.

When visiting SALUTE this year I went with the specific purpose of finding miniatures suitable for this project and I was quite successful this was my haul.

These are the figures I purchased at SaluteThese are the figures I purchased at Salute
Left to right Brother Vinni miniatures, Hasslefree, and an old Freebooter miniature (the only official figure released) and Crooked DiceLeft to right Brother Vinni miniatures, Hasslefree, and an old Freebooter miniature (the only official figure released) and Crooked Dice
Hasslefree, a Master Crafted miniature and a couple of Lucid Eye SurburbanautsHasslefree, a Master Crafted miniature and a couple of Lucid Eye Surburbanauts
Heroes of the Dark Age Mammoth and some Copplestone Castings Russians to be converted to create the Clan from the below image.Heroes of the Dark Age Mammoth and some Copplestone Castings Russians to be converted to create the Clan from the below image.
What I have done so far.
Everything I have so far.Everything I have so far.

I have now added some more models and started some of the conversions, these will be detailed in the next update.

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