Collins Does Star Wars Legion
Recommendations: 1126
About the Project
This project is all about me documenting my journey through painting my Star Wars Legion models. I'll explain the steps I take, the paints I use, any conversions I do and also other cool stuff I've found out there that I like or am inspired by. Although some of this painting was done for my FLGS (Friendly Local Gaming Store) most of it is for me and my own enjoyment. Im not brilliant but I am certainly happy with the results I get, I just wish it didn't take so long!
Related Game: Star Wars: Legion
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
can you guess what it is yet?
I found a few more aliens and couldn’t resist printing them off even though I don’t have space in the list. I now have options!
my favourite is the piggy who has been looting armour and weapons from imperial army troops! it really doesn’t fit him but he really doesn’t care. so good!
Can Tim figure out what the last 100 points is yet? the other one is on the printer as we speak doing its thing
Keeping a low profile
Palo Menkib
When you need something blowing up call in the Chadra-fan but when you need something specific blowing up in a very specific way, call in the Duros named Palo Menkib. He is cold calculating and precise. A number of Imperial war engines have failed in a spectacular fashion thanks to this Duros saboteur.
Tarrik Cohl
Every platoon needs to keep a communications link open. There is no point having all the heavy weapons you could need if you don’t know which way to point them. That task falls to the Sullustan named Tarrik Cohl. Remarkably cool underwire he is able to relay instructions and information precisely, if only his Officer was as gifted.
Final Infantry Squad
Lacert Tugrina
Lacert is a female Mirialan who threw her lot in with the Rebels when her brother was arrested and executed for ‘crimes against The Empire’. Since that time she’s been responsible for no fewer that 18 intelligence reports to the ISB but she doesn’t know that.
Karreio Shank
Karreio joined up when the Rebel fleet was hidden in orbit above her home planet of Pantora. After Order 66 her planet became poor almost overnight when the republic garrison transformed into the might of an imperial boot. She learned from her parents the joys of chain codes and mandatory registering. Something that to this day makes her blood boil.
Weems Offee
Weems is a Bith and the Bith are known for being incredibly intelligent and good with a spanner. In this instance Weems is overly proficient with the squads automatic support weapon. He cut his teeth cutting down imperial army troops on Mimban. He found them to be significantly less tactical or armoured when compared to Stormtroopers in their laminate shell. Now he does his best to suppress them all so the close assault team can eliminate them.
Is it a bird or is it a star fighter?
Equulean Beruss
Being a Sullustan means that Equulean has a natural propensity for piloting. He is a master of the Slash and Dash missions, be that in space, in atmo or on the ground, albeit that his slash on the ground is vastly under powered by comparison.
Fly boys bring the pain
Zeth Arthdiver
Being a hotshot pilot comes with with plenty of perks and an abundance of overconfidence. There is nothing this Mirialan pilot cannot achieve in the sky but he is very much out of his depth in ground based combat, not that Zeth would ever admit it
Corvus Binardasher
This Pantoran pilot had humble beginnings flying mediocre shuttles before joining a planetary defence fleet. There he upgraded to the equally mediocre Z-95 Headhunters. In the interests of never-ending adrenaline rushes Corvus joined the Rebellion, changing the local governor’s iconography for the Rebel Starbird and his 2 winged Headhunter for the much more impressive 4 winged X-Wing
Joruus Law
Joruus is Alderaanian. Nobody needs to ask his motivation for joining the Alliance. He leads the reformed Blue Squadron since it’s destruction at the battle of Scarif.
More biographies
Rall Shif
Wherever there is conflict you will be able to find the warlike Trandoshans. Their species have the ability to regrow limbs which is a handy trick to have when your normal profession is somewhat dangerous. Rall has regrown a number of fingers in his time, mostly due to the appalling throw that Vi-dar has. Due to cultural differences Rall is not allowed anywhere near the landspeeder owned by Eirtaé, the less said about that the better but Rall has vowed to not walk everywhere in the near future.
Darred Lown
Dugs come from the planet Malastare and Darred is constantly been mistaken from a lier and dangerous cheat from the illegal racing circuit. Something he laments on a daily basis and when wound up by his squad mates becomes quite punchy. Olum hasn’t become brave enough to join in with this tomfoolery but it is only a matter of time before the Rodian figures out whether the Dug hits harder with his hands or his feet.
Flirry Mingla
When you need to enforce something or bring freedom to the galaxy you better be sure to bring an Aqualish with a really big gun. Flirry is a big powerful individual and regularly breaks up the infighting in the squad when it gets out of hand. When he gets up people tend to sit down, a lesson the Imperials really should learn.
Bring out the silhouette zero characters
Alulat Sunwar
Not all Bothans are infochants, some are politicians, mechanics, or farmers. And some are just down on their luck and in need of a purpose. Alulat found her way into the infantry because her previous occupation was of little use to the Alliance. Now she takes the fight to the Empire one aloof step at a time in a way only a Bothan can.
Vi-dar Marr
Everyone always underestimates the Chadra-fan. Sure they’re not particularly smart and their race regularly mistakes enslavement for gainful employment but what they lack in intelligence they make up for with enthusiasm. In Vi-dar’s case he has bundles of enthusiasm for seeing things explode.
A little bit of plot
Jaster Stormdiver
The Mon Calamari called Jaster Stormdiver used to work as a dock hand in a reasonably busy port. When the Empire came to town Jaster boarded one of the last MC30 frigates moored up and ended up defecting to the Alliance by default. He wasn’t exactly looking for the rebel lifestyle, just wanted to get out of dodge. Now he spends his time keeping his profile low, gills damp and and aim true.
The Jacked Speeder
Sio Tan
Ortolans have a knack for getting everywhere in the galaxy and usually are terrible at demanding payment for things or services rendered. Sio Tan is no different. He has a liking for fireworks and always loved the displays he saw on his home planet of Orto. Along with food in considerable amounts the only payment Sio demands of the rebellion is rockets in vast quantities, he figures if you can’t see a proper display just make your own, something that has led to a lot of unnecessary extra attention for the unit he is posted to.
Eirtaé Chaise
Eirtaé as a female Wookiee who is the industrious individual who procured and retrofitted the land speeder. she has always been one to feel the wind rushing through her fur, be that when she is swinging from vines hanging from wroshyr trees back on Kashyyyk or driving a boosted speeder too quickly down the left flank. She rarely speaks of family or home now and her comrades suspect that for a time she was imprisoned or enslaved by the Empire simply for being a Wookiee.
So nobody knows where Eirtaé procured GH-7 from but one thing is clear, he is the best ‘Gonk’ this side of the mid-rim and has managed to save the land speeder from meeting it’s deserved demise on a number of occasions now. If droids were seen as equals to sentients this little power box would have medals and privileges. For now however all he gets as reward is to ride up front…
Lets spice it up with some story
Second Lieutenant Nejaa Okul
The officer of this ragtag group of rebels is an Ortolan by the name of Nejaa Okul. He is not particularly well experienced having only been involved in 1 mission for the Alliance before. In that un-noteworthy skirmish over a supply convoy passing through a wooded area he ended up being blinded in one eye. He doesn’t know how it happened or what did it to him because he simply didn’t see it coming.
Corporal Ebb Retrac
Ebb was a Rhyl spice miner on Ryloth. He was part of the Guild that ran mines for Twi’leks by Twi’leks. A number of issues tested the Guild, tangling with local Hutt gangsters (who ultimately perished by the hands of the own employees escaping from Mos Shutta) and finally the hostile take over by The Empire. It was during this time that an industrial accident tore a lekku from Ebb’s head. Due to the bureaucratic policies of The New Order Ebb was unable to claim compensation from the Mining Guild’s employee safety guarantee insurance scheme for which he is extremely bitter about. He does not want to see other hardworking beings suffer the same injustices he did at the hands of the Empire’s red tape.
Kemm Nightdream
Kemp Nightdream is a Zabrak male who for mysterious reasons is no longer on Dathomir being used as as a mate by the remaining Nightsisters. Not much is known about why Kemp has come to be in the Alliance but most agree he sees things that others don’t, he’s been brought onto the unit to help the Lieutenant.
Olun Tomes
Every team has an over eager try hard and this squads enthusatic recruit is a Rodian called Olun Tomes. He has done nothing, achieved nothing and currently impresses no-one with his marksmanship. He is the butt of many jokes but assumes this is just gentle encouragement. Olun wears a yellow bandana because he believes it is the mark of a true warrior for the Alliance. Unfortunately for him it is another jibe from his squad mates who actually know that anything with a yellow stripe is just plain useless.
Landspeeder with funky crew
This model(s) is from the Maddox Patreon but now on gum road.
Ive managed to make this model WYSIWYG for the list too! (except the linked targeting array).
the print wasn’t perfect with 2 issues (see right hand engine being flattened at the back and left bodywork having layer lines above exhaust) but its good enough for me at the moment.
painting was quite simple.
- Halfords grey primer
- administratum grey highlight
- warp lightening green
- warbles green highlight
- lead belcher
- nuln oil
- agrax earth shade and typhus corrosion for weathering
- warlock bronze stipple for chips/rust
the wookie was done simply using
- Halfords grey primer
- mournfang brown
- agrax
- leadbelcher
- nuln
the ortolan was done using
- Halfords grey primer
- karak stone
- agrax earth shade
- nuln oil
- administratum grey
- thousand sons blue
- drakenhoff nightshade
- temple guard blue
- lead belcher
- black templar contrast
the gonk droid was
- Halfords grey primer
- basilicanum grey
- mechanicus grey
- administratum grey
- mephiston red
Time for a refresh
It’s been 3 years since I last touched this project and so its time for a facelift. a lot has changed with the game and to be honest I don’t think my current force is diverse enough.
All the models I have are either human or duros.
now thanks to the 3D printing brigade I can solve that one. so using models from Skullforge, Dark Fire Designs, Maddox and a few others I will build a list, print and paint it.
my plan is to have no humans (or at least for them to be the minority). in terms of competition winning or overly synergistic it will come second. in fact im kind of dictated by the models I can find to print more than build a cool list.
so in this group i’ve printed and primed we have
- Ortolan
- Dug
- Sullustan
- Rodian
- Tweilek
- Trandosian
- Mon Calamari
- Aqualish
- Chadrafan
- Bith
- Zabrak
and that’s just the ones that aren’t near human races that can be made by simply repainting skin and adding tattoos etc eg
- Mirialan
- Pantoran
- Chiss
Token storage solutions
As this is an FFG game there are literally a thousand tokens to store, tidy, and organise!
there are many ways of doing this. All they from just ignoring the problem and putting it into a big baggy up to making your own solution.
I went half way between and found a ditty box at hobbycraft for a few pounds (in a sale).
i think it’s this one
Small Deployable Shield Generator
I saw someone (sorry, can’t find the original maker as there are so many of these now) make one of these on Facebook and he encourages other to make these too as its a great bit of scatter terrain.
We’ve all seen the battle for Hoth and how the shield generator was a big strategic target and plot device for the Empire. Well, as we found out in Star Wars Rebels (TV cartoon series) these do come in many different sizes. Well this idea works off of the idea of a smaller localised protection.
The chap who discovered these originally is a genius. He spotted that Hubba-Bubba plastic clamshell wrappers look sort of similar to the bigger shield generator on Hoth.
Anyway, go to your local supermarket and buy yourself two wrappers for 90p each. The bonus with this terrain project is that you get some bubblegum to eat while you work.
I primed in black.
Then used my standard Mechanicus Standard Grey Base, Russ and Fenrisian Grey and Necron Compound drybrushes.
Finally a Nuln Oil wash.
The sand was painted Steel Legion Drab and Terminatus Stone drybrush just like all my other models
I then sealed using matt varnish and once dry flocked using the same 5 ingredients as everything else.
Really Really simple and all thanks to a random on facebook!
A Recent Battle
I met up with a friend and had a game of Legion on a new board and scenery. We had a great time but I feel the need to show you with photographs what happened.
Firstly the lists
Rebels List
Luke Skywalker (Force Reflexes, Jedi Mind Trick, Targeting Scope) 186
Leia Organa (Commanding Presense, Environmental Gear)
Fleet Troopers (Extra Man, Scatter gun, Environmental gear) 81
4x Rebel Trooper Squads (Z6 Gatling Gun, Environmental Gear) 4x 65
2x ATRT (Rotary Blaster) 2x 85
Imperial List
Note: I didn't record this fully, might not be wholly accurate.
General Veers (targeting scopes, commanding presence) 90
Speeder Bikes 90
ATST (Weiss, Twin Light Blaster, Grenade Launcher, Mortar) 250
Snowtroopers (extra man, flamer, grenades, targeting scopes) 91
3x Stormtrooper Squads (DLT-19, extra man) 3x 79
Stormtrooper Squad 44
Here are a few shots of the early stages of the battle using my new Endor theme Luke.
The battle was done using the brand new Priority Supplies mission objectives. Minefield, sabotage the moisture vaporators and the big L shape deployment zones.
It all started well, Leia was running around doing her thing of protecting everyone from themselves (free dodges for everyone! Dodges for days!) Luke was doing his thing of running up to the closest big thing and chopping it up when close enough and the troopers did their thing of getting killed. Sadly the ATRTs had been poorly deployed (or expertly avoided by my opponent) and didn’t have any real targets.
Then when the close quarters battle started it was led by the Snowtroopers (or close assault troops as they should be called in this game lol). They had suffered a few casualties early in the game through the minefields around the board. But then they got a bit too close to a forward rebel trooper squad…. oh dear! brown trouser time!
This attack comprised of 5 black dice (from the flamer) and 3 black dice (from grenades) and they had an aim token.
8 Black with 3 re-rolls against 1 dodge and white defence die.
Oh God, we’re dead!
Priority Supplies
With the release of the priority supplies boxed set i sat and scratched my head as to why… I can build terrain, get a friend to 3D print it etc and it cost me nothing! Why would I pay £24 for minor terrain? Cards… damn you FFG!!! It released a number of new battlefield cards and it was at that point insuddenly realised that that my games had started to become a bit repetitive. Very similar lists (limited by the models released to date, this is soon to be rectified!) playing very similar objective games. This box helps solve that a little but also can give a warhammer table that Star Wars look.
with regards to painting these it was very simple and completed over 2 x 1 hour painting sessions. The base was black primer, then mechanicus standard grey heavily dry brushed. Then sucessivly lighter drybrushes of Russ and Fenrisian grey then necron compound. Afterwards a nuln oil wash and a bit of dirt detailing done with typhus corrosion.
a similar thing occurred for the orange box but started with Tau Light Ocre and Agrax Earthshade wash.
Blending in to the Forest Moon of Endor...
As a continuation of my poncho’d Skywalker project for hobby night live I have now been able to paint him.
Primed in Army Painter Army Green. His under clothes were painted in the black scheme used for Vader (Russ Grey and Fenrisian Grey highlight washed Nuln Oil) and the Poncho and helmet were painted in the same fashion as the rebel troopers (dab on Biel-Tan Green and Agrax Earthshade shades and then shade with Athonian Camoshade)
The lightsabre is done with a base of white and then successive layers of Waywatcher Green glaze. The glaze was also added to the surrounding areas of clothing, hands, helmet, face and sections of the base to try and give a bit of OSL effect. the highlights on the face and helmet were pressed really high (bright) as this glaze does darken things slightly.
Fly Swatting!
If you remember back to BOW 1.0 you might remember that I have painted up an airspeeder (I will add that to this project when I can remember what I did). Well, a friend of mine with a 3D printer found a file on thingyverse of a downed speeder. maybe this
I PVA’d sand onto the base to help cover up the print lines and primed it in black.
I then Steel Legion Drab’d the sand, Celestra Greyed the speeder body, Mechanicus Standard Grey the engine bits and Macragge Blue the windows.
I then used two washes, black on the engine bits and Agrax Earthshade on the body for light dirt weathering. Once that had dried I sponged on Warplock Bronze to break up the rest of the big panels.
Once that was all dry I then took Typus Corrosion and added streak marks and heavy weathering inside the light weathing.
I then completed the base using my previously documented method.
from start to end this took two hours, not including drying time.
An Endor strike team needs Jedi support! Hobby Night Live July '18
I got hold of a load of models cheap from a friend who doesn’t like rebels.
I was chatting with friends and it we came up with an amazing idea for what to do with my now spare Luke Skywalker! Change his head for a helmeted rebel head and then somehow attempt to make a poncho with green stuff.
it should be mentioned that I have never used green stuff for anything other than filling gaps.
The first thing I did was search the spare models for a male head that was helmeted and looked vaguely like Luke.
turns out the only one that does is the ATRT driver. :/
So then it was down to mr choppy the scapel to behead both volunteers and the king stick the superglue to put them back together again
Ive laid strong plastic bag out on the table and taped it down as thats what the internet said to do… it stops sticking apparently when combined with lots of water. turns out, they were right! I rolled out the green stuff into a very thin sheet and cut it to a rectangle and made a slit in the middle for the head and then drapped it over Baby Vader (who by ROTJ was definitely close to becoming a Baby Vader)
Ive then started to make folds and creases using super cheap plastic palette knives.
It should be noted that the arms have not been glued in at this point.
Ive then started to add more folds and finer detail. This took time and was a bit frustrating but actually quite enjoyable until I then fat fingers touched it leaving my finger prints all over it!
a bit of water and feathering and it was all back flat again.
Ive also sculpted in a hood and belt and final touches after gluing in the arms.
The sculpting is done! just got to wait for it to dry and cure now ready for painting!
Now princess, we shall discuss the location of your hidden rebel base....
Played a game tonight which ended in a draw with an old friend.
i played as the heroic freedom fighters against the oppressive boot of laminate armoured devils
my list was
3 squads of rebel troopers with grenades, z6, extra trooper and environmental gear.
1 squad of fleet troopers with grenade, scatter gun, extra trooper and environmental gear
2 atrt with rotary blasters to see how effective they actually were
luke with Jedi mind trick, free dodge card and scope for his lightsabre
leia with guardian, range 4 command and environmental gear
it was a very swinging game and I felt I needed more men, perhaps if I reduced bulk of unit size to make 1 extra unit would have been useful. I missed not having anti tank weapons besides Luke when the atst was wrecking my infantry but the atrt were handing out a few good crits.