Nords Army Project for Conquest
Recommendations: 71
About the Project
I started this a Army in December 2022 and painted up the last models last September. I meant to document this as I went along but was basically to lazy. I really love rank and flank games and the scale and aesthetics of Conquest really grabbed me, the gameplay is fantastic and I am hooked on it! I chose Nords because of the Jotnars and wild look of the army, they are a bit of a glass cannon to play but really fun when it all works! There is to much to go into with all the units in terms of painting so I give the generic approach I used for painting here. Obviously there are a huge amount of figures to deal with and often I was batch painting 24 at a time so I really wanted to strike a balance between looking good on the tabletop and retaining my sanity haha. For characters and Jotnars I would use a lot more TLC but fur standard units I would basically do the following: -undercoat black -zenithil 45 degrees Vallejo light grey with airbrush -same but white from above -drybrush edges white This sets up a more refined and detailed base for a 'slapchop' allowing you to batch paint most of the job with contrasts. I then used these colours to keep a theme throughout the army: -Terradon Turquoise, this was my main thematic colour, all units would have this somewhere and would tie the whole army together -browns, snakebite leather, wildwood, gore grunts, cygor. I used a mish mash of these throughout as there were a lot of different brown things worn, I also used just sepia wash on a lot of things like wrappings on weapons. -skin, guillimion flesh (so) contrast then airbrushed with 0.15 needle with lighter flesh tones (various) plus reikland fleshtone washes -gold, nazdreg yellow does a great job of NMM gold easily, then edge hilighted with ice yellow (Vallejo) and a little white. -metal, basilican grey contrast then airbrush with 0.15 nozzle white gray then white finished with white edge highlights. -basing id PVA sand and airbrush armour brown (Vallejo) then dry brush various light browns up to Iraqi sand. Glue a few various army painter grass Tufts and cork bits and finally apply any painter snow powder in patches. Fur the characters and Jotnars in used a lot more detailed techniques which I will detail there (it just ask me and I'll try to remember lol!) Anyway I really love the final outcome and love this game. Still got a couple of artisan Jotnars to do and will add units as I do them. I'm just starting a Sorcerer kings army and view to be more organised posting it as a project as I complete it if you want to look out for it! Again really love the aesthetic!
Related Game: Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings
Related Company: Para Bellum Games
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Completed
Werewargs and Vargyr Lord
These guys suffered the normal fate of being wiped off the table before they rolled a dice in their first appearance as is customary.
Really cool sculpts, they look super angry.
I have them pink hair to make them every more angry, I don’t know why I did that. I think I meant it too be more purple but then this happened