Dan’s 2025 Board Gaming
About the Project
My hobby goal for 2025 is to play more board games again, having taken a break from them in 2024. I play solo, long content board games, such as Aeon Trespass Odyssey, Tainted Grail, and now Heroes of Might and Magic 3. This project will cover thoughts, reviews, playthroughs, etc.
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Second game played
I refined the layout a bit to make the combat board more accessible during play. This setup worked much better.
This second scenario brought in the full rules (the first scenario didn’t have base control and development) and had a longer turn limit. As such, it took about three hours to setup, play, and pack away. I’d guess this is a more realistic play time for typical scenarios.
There were a few rules I kept forgetting. Remembering to use the AI deck when fighting the AI heroes kept slipping my mind, an I played the entire scenario and didn’t level up properly once. Still, only game two.
Looking forward to scenario three next weekend.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 - First thoughts
So the first game on my play list for 2025 is Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Back when I was a teenager this was one of my favourite PC games. It was a fantasy strategy game with run based map exploration and turn based combat. A year or two ago there was a kickstarter to turn it into a board game which I backed to the hilt. It arrived a few months ago but apart from quick glance at the contents, I haven’t touched it until today.
Today I got the core box out, read the rules, and then setup and played the first scenario of the solo campaign. The first scenario had an eight turn limit, and I finished in seven, taking about an hour of play time. I’d spent a couple of hours this morning setting it up and reading the rule book, but that’s hardly a fair statistic as every element of the game was new to me and I spent a lot of time identifying components.
As you can see below, the game easily fits on a single dining table without being terribly crowded. Having played it now I’d move some of the bits around for easier access, but otherwise I should be able to setup other scenarios and play them much faster next time.
The game very much captured the feeling of the old PC game, which is great.
The plan is to play the remining two scenarios of the solo campaign, then start adding in expansion content one at a time.