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The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one!

The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one!

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Project Blog by hazyboy75 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 17

About the Project

So this project is officially 10 years in the making. i backed the original Kickstarter back in 2013 and whilst i had high hopes for the game as i love the setting after a few games it never really clicked. THen they company went bust and i never recieved my Thunderchild or Overseer Tripods and slowly the box went further and further into the shed. There were rumblings of the game returning at some point but nothing ever really happend but a year or so ago i came across them and after a few hours of sifting through the sprues and bags of metal i started toying with the idea of tweaking the rule on my own and getting my beloved Tripods and Mk2 tanks back on the table. No sooner had i started considering what i was going to do with the rules i saw a post saying that the game was coming back. Initially i wasnt to keen, once bitten and all that but then i saw the OTT interview with the new owner and i was intrigued as he soke really well about what the vision was. Once i checked out a turn breakdown i was sold as the rules they were moving to seemd on a par with what i was considering so out came the credit card and back in time i went!!

This Project is Active

Tanks continued

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 1
1 Comment
Now for some Martian big stuff, it’s a Raider Tripod. Going to go for the bone effect on this one from the artwork. It’ll be a bone speedpaint over a black / white zenithNow for some Martian big stuff, it’s a Raider Tripod. Going to go for the bone effect on this one from the artwork. It’ll be a bone speedpaint over a black / white zenith
Be careful to keep an eye on pooling!Be careful to keep an eye on pooling!
Then a drybrush of the mighty beige to smooth out the transitionsThen a drybrush of the mighty beige to smooth out the transitions

Next up it’s time to sort the weapons and the eye. I’m going to do a simple white drybrush over the weapons and eye and then followed up with a vibrant green

A new force to play with

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 5
With a bit of glue I’ve started putting together a small force of Germans for a small starter forceWith a bit of glue I’ve started putting together a small force of Germans for a small starter force

And with he dulcet sounds of Ken Nordine whispering sweet Beige nothings in my ear we start with undercoating the German infantry company.

Based with a zenith of black and Halfords grey we get to work

Now for some of Nordines finest for a drybrushNow for some of Nordines finest for a drybrush
50/50 wash / tone mix and then a dip in the basing tub and done!50/50 wash / tone mix and then a dip in the basing tub and done!
Next up I need some Alien Filth to kill so it’s a simple colour bash on the Lobotrons. Basically it’s just speedpaints over a white zenith with metal claws / guns. Nothing fancy here!Next up I need some Alien Filth to kill so it’s a simple colour bash on the Lobotrons. Basically it’s just speedpaints over a white zenith with metal claws / guns. Nothing fancy here!
Now for something a little heavier. These are the German Sturmpanzerwagons. Starting with a black, Halfords grey zenith.Now for something a little heavier. These are the German Sturmpanzerwagons. Starting with a black, Halfords grey zenith.
And that’s the tank done, forgot to mention the wash was a 3/1 medium dark tone mix applied after the drybrush And that’s the tank done, forgot to mention the wash was a 3/1 medium dark tone mix applied after the drybrush

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