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Guillotine Goes Horus Heresy

Guillotine Goes Horus Heresy

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Project Blog by guillotine Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 3

About the Project

I’m painting all things Warhammer 30,000

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Blood Angels Tactical Squad in MKVI plate

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
1 Comment

Starting my Horus Heresy journey from the 9th legion. It’s been a good 20 years since I last painted a Blood Angel!


I’m keeping it fairly simple and quick. The red is three stages with airbrush:

1. Vallejo Surface Primer Red Brown

2. Pro Acryl Burnt Red

3. Pro Acryl Bold Pyrrole Red

Hand painted edges highlights with Bold Pyrrole Red, and blacklining/pinwashing with Nuln Oil.

For gold I used Pro Acryl metallics.


Bases are various bits, pipes, model razorwire stuck to Mig Mud scenic paste, with a sand/small stones/flock mix dumped on top. Heavy sealing with watered down PVA and some brown pigment on top.

Blood Angels Tactical Squad in MKVI plate
Blood Angels Tactical Squad in MKVI plate
Blood Angels Tactical Squad in MKVI plate
Blood Angels Tactical Squad in MKVI plate
Colour referenceColour reference

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