Cheap Dragons (and other analog adventures)
Recommendations: 44
About the Project
Hello! This project log is mostly about cataloging the gaming projects and solidly low-budget videos of the Cheap Dragon Show. Most of the stuff planned is in the realm of fantasy miniatures and terrain, but a few non-sequitors are bound to appear.
Related Game: Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
The Cheap Dragons Holiday Special
Just in case you don’t get enough highly derivative holiday hoopla this season, here’s The Cheap Dragons Holiday Special! Enjoy!
A Fistful of Plastic (and Other Materials): Comparing Miniature Materials (unscientifically and incompletely, but hopefully humorously)
Miniatures companies using different materials is nothing new, and most people in the hobby already have their preferences, so one could reasonably argue that the video below is entirely unnecessary and superfluous, and they’d be right!
In this one we look at Pewter, Siocast, PVC, an interesting 3D print material, and Reaper Bones Black (a very hard plastic), along with some H.I.P.S. plastic (ye olde sprue) thrown in for good measure. Much ridiculousness ensues. The comparison was inspired by Reaper miniatures greatly diversifying what they make minis out of over the last few years (in some cases having the same miniature available in three different materials- madness!), and wanting to try some of them out.
Here’s a quiz: Before watching the video, guess which miniatures are made from which materials in the picture below (answer to be found in the video).
Hope you enjoy!
More heads go flying!- a conversion story
Sometimes you’ve just got some miniatures you think would be interesting to chop apart and glue back together in different ways. In this one we cut up a Wrath Of Kings Teknes pig head from CMON and a Bones USA (Siocast) mutant from Reaper (Hawthorne Krabbe was his name, before he lost his head at least), and threw a classic Citadel Dwarf into the mix for good measure. Enjoy!
Getting a head in the game (woof!): Oathmark Human Infantry Kitbashing
And so it came to pass that in the age of gaming abundance, the otherwise miserly gamer did take stock of their situation, and did realize upon this that they did not own enough plastic sprues.
For the many nameless background soldiers that were so often mercilessly devoured by dragons or other monsters were each lacking their own head, and thus were deemed “clone-y.” So the otherwise miserly gamer did hit up the sprue dealers, and buy several sprues with many heads for which to decorate the bodies of the Oathmark Humans. And in doing so they took great risk, for what if the heads would not fit the bodies deemed so worthy of sacrifice on the field of battle? But with great bravery and even greater disregard for any historical cohesion he did find ways of attaching the heads, and in doing so gave some sense of individuality to the soldiers before they were to be brutally consumed in the righteous flames of dragon fire. And so there was another video. Enjoy!
Exploring the Bottom of the Barrel: Cheap 3D Dungeon Tiles
Where is a cheap dragon most likely to be found (when not at the dollar store)? In a cheap dungeon, of course! We got a three pack of EVA foam and cork tiles in the $10-15 dollar range (they sat on a shelf for a while, and someone didn’t keep their receipts…) and along with some other garbage, made some dungeon tiles! Hope you enjoy!
Less deadly, but no less cheap- the scenery
What does a cheap dragon need? Some cheap scenery to lay waste to, of course! We get started with some really cheap ($3 for 64 plants) jungle-ish broad-leafed greenery, and we’ll see where we go from there. Hope you enjoy!
Cheap (toy) dragon as RPG/Warhammer miniature
A trip to the dollar store a few years ago yielded a $10 bag of dragon toys. After languishing on the shelf for some time, they came out of the bag and I made a video about converting one of them into a miniature for Warhammer or the like. That video then languished in digital purgatory for some time before finally getting published, and now making it’s way here for (hopefully) your enjoyment.
Thanks for checking it out!