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The Miniatures Game of the Video Game of the Miniatures Game

The Miniatures Game of the Video Game of the Miniatures Game

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Project Blog by somegeezer Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 3

About the Project

I got the Darktide box to play with the lad on holiday. I didn't get it all painted but we had fun. I'll get the minis finished and documented here.

This Project is Active

Traitor Guard - The Troopers

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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The TroopersThe Troopers

Continuing I have the final five naughty guardsmen, this time all lasgun equipped grunts. As before I’ve followed the instructions to make sure each one is recognisable from his activation card (I really like that mechanic btw).

Traitor Guard - The Specialists

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The SpecialistsThe Specialists

I kicked off with the traitor guard – there are 10 of them. I did the specialists first because they were first on the instructions. I’ve been very faithful to the instructions as each model has its own card used for activation and I wanted my models to match.

They’re dashed nice minis, some of the best human models I’ve seen from GW.

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