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Recruiting Resurrectionists

Recruiting Resurrectionists

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Project Blog by thursday Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 34

About the Project

Painting a malifaux crew to keep up with my normie mates

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Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I thought about doing a step by step of how I painted her, but let’s be honest, it’s better to learn from people who are talented.


I did decide to go with the white kimono and a red bow in her hair. The model also has a severed head at her feet so I decided to add the blood splash to add more colour to the figure.

My next issue will be the other spirits in the faction and how to tie them together as a crew

Anata wa nihongo wo hanasimasuka?

Tutoring 3
Skill 1
Idea 3
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A random bit of trivia about me is that I can speak Japanese.. Badly, but I’m getting better every day. Another random fact is that I know very little about Japanese culture. Everything I do know I’ve learnt along with the language.

To make Kirai look as correct as I can I did a little Googling on Yokai and ghosts and found some brilliant art work. (apologies to the artists who’s work I have stolen, I would credit you, if I knew your names)

I then did what all sensible people do and asked my wife who is far more knowledgeable about these things. She explained the different orders of woman and the levels of make up and dress. So it’s now time to crack out the paints.

Slight change

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 2
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Slight change

I have been kindly gifted some of the old metal Resurrectionist models, mainly Kirai.

I’ve always loved this model, as the new plastic version is a bit too energetic for how I persevere the character. So it now appears that I’m doing two crews

Building bases

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 5
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Before building the models I need to build the bases. According to the recent lore Mcmorning has been found out as been a reserectionist and is now living in the quarantine zone. So to reflect this I designed the bases to have a vibe of over grown ruins. To do this I used broken coffee stirers for floor boards with sand between the gaps. When the model is fished I will add grass for more of a overgrown look.

Building bases

I also had time to build a very small dog… Why this had to be in three parts is anyone’s guess

Building bases

The start

Tutoring 1
Skill 6
Idea 5

Two of my close friends have gone in to playing malifaux. Neither are wargamers, but have enjoyed the game but mainly the painting. With brings me to my problem, I love malifaux but the Ten Thunders I play were painted years and years ago and I feel I can do better now, so it’s kind of a fresh start.

Stick with me whilst I go on this random aside. I have too many bits of models kicking around so I offered a friend some resurrectionists nurses I had kicking around. Rather than taking the models he decided to counter it and gave me Mcmourning and some other bits he had spare. I’ve had a soft spot for Resurrectionists so off I go.

The Resurrectionists - Wyrd games The Resurrectionists - Wyrd games

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