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PanzerKaput’s Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead

PanzerKaput’s Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead

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Project Blog by panzerkaput Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 113

About the Project

I am petty well known as a historical gamer and painter, come on Guys Barons' War and Gangs of Rome, hey Lloyd build Rome for Gerry, hashtag Besthouse, but I have always had a soft spot for fantasy, as this was for me where my wargaming journey with Warhammer Fantasy Battle. So after going to the Old World Launch event early this year, seeing all the lovely painted figures on display, etc, I thought, hmm, this is really not for me. However, I am not a Middle Earth style of fantasy fan, I like my fantasy to be swords and sandals and/or high, and Age of Sigmar to me had that feel. I love the models, I think they are some of the best that GW do and when 4th ed of AoS came out and saw the Spearhead style of game I was sold. So what the heck is this project about, getting a golden button as its GW? No, is it about me just wanting more hits on my YouTube channel when I do the videos? No again. This project is about my journey into fantasy, mainly Age of Sigmar Spearhead and painting some factions that I aim to play with and a bit of a nostalgia trip too for me. I hope that you entertain my on mine rather selfish trip and indulge my experiences along the way.

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New Vid Up on the Tubes The Completed Slasher Host

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Here is the last of my videos for my Age of Sigmar Spearhead Nighthaunt Slasher Host, showing my whole force fully painted and completed.

I hope you enjoy the video.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #NewAOS #besthouse #leicesterphatcats

New Vid Up on the Tubes The Completed Slasher Host

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
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Here is the last of my videos for my Age of Sigmar Spearhead Nighthaunt Slasher Host, showing my whole force fully painted and completed.

I hope you enjoy the video.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #NewAOS #besthouse #leicesterphatcats

New Vid Up on the Tubes Knights of Shrouds

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Another blooming video uploaded to my YouTube account and this time its the fourth in the series about Nighthaunts.

I hope you enjoy it.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #newaos #besthouse #leicesterphatcats

New Vid Up on the Tubes Spirit Hosts

Tutoring 0
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This is the third of my YouTube video,

This time it is my its PanzerKaput’s Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead, Nighthaunts, Part 3, Spirit Hosts

I hope you enjoy this one.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #NewAOS #leicesterphatcats #besthouse

New Vid Up on the Tubes Grimghasts Reapers

Tutoring 0
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This is the second of my YouTube video,

This time it is my its PanzerKaput’s Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead, Nighthaunts, Part 2, Grimghast Reapers

I hope you enjoy this one.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #leicesterphatcats #besthouse

More Terrain for Age of Sigmar and for Ben

Tutoring 0
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More Terrain for Age of Sigmar and for Ben

I have been working on some more terrain for my Age of Sigmar Spearhead games, and other games too, and again it is terrain I had left around from the Mortal Realms magazine and thought it was time to do something with it.

This terrain came from the Azyrite Ruined Chapel scenery set and the Azyrite Shattered Plaza set and they are lovely kits.

I wanted them to be a little bit spooky, ghostly and decide to paint the walls with a very watered down Citadel Colour Plaguebearer Flesh Contrast, using Contrast Medium in a 6 part medium to 1 part paint, mix. I painted this cover the walls that where first washed with Nuln Oil and then drybrushed using White Scar. After the Plaguebearer Flesh was applied I did a very light drybrush using White Scar.

New YouTube Video Chainrasps

Tutoring 0
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I haven’t released one of these for a while a YouTube video,

This time it is my its PanzerKaput’s Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead, Nighthaunts, Part 1, Chainrasps

I hope you enjoy this one.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #leicesterphatcats #besthouse

Terrain for Age of Sigmar

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Terrain for Age of Sigmar

I have started of some of my Age of Sigmar terrain that I got from the Mortal Realms magazine I got when in lockdown, that feels so long ago. So I have started with two of my Dominion of Sigmar Statues and two Gryph Hound Statues.

I have gone for the a nice warm sandstone colour and applied simple drybrushes and washes to it. I think they are worked out well.

Nighthaunts, The Whole Slasher Host, Completed

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Slasher HostSlasher Host

I have completed my first force for Spearhead, the Nighthaunt force, Slasher Host. From Shyish, the Realm of Death, come the ethereal Nighthaunt – incorporeal spirits driven to murder by their bitter hatred for the living. These spectres are the terror weapon of the Great Necromancer, united under the cruellest and most tortured rulers ever to die. At the command of a wretched Knight of Shrouds, swirling hordes of vicious Chainrasps drag down enemies for the cold scythes of maddened Grimghast Reapers, while Spirit Hosts of damned souls turn blood to ice with a touch.

I have really enjoyed painting the guys as it is something I really don’t paint, or even like to paint, but I have for a number of years liked the models, I really think that the Age of Sigmar figures are the best figures that Games Workshop do, and I like the background even more. So thinking what to do with my figures I got from the Mortal Realms pert work magazine, this came along and I thought I will give it a go, and even if I never play it they will look nice or I can sell them on.

Seeing I had all the parts for a Slasher Host, a Knight of Shrouds as leader, a unit of 3 Spirithosts, 2 units of 5 Grimghast Reapers and 2 units of 10 Chainrasps, I thought I will give it a go, plus the missus actually like them. So here is the first of my Spearhead forces and I will be doing more as I have enjoyed painting them.

Nighthaunts, Leader of the Slasher Host, Knight of Shrouds

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Nighthaunts, Leader of the Slasher Host, Knight of Shrouds

This is the last of the Nighthaunt Slasher Host for Age of Sigmar Spearhead and its their leader, its the Knight of Shrouds. I have really enjoyed painting this guy, with his rusty sword, armour and helmet, the blood effects on the sword and the glow effect on the robes. The final results are very pleasing.

Nighthaunts, the Fifth and Final Unit, the 2nd Unit of Grimgast Reapers

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 4
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Nighthaunts, the Fifth and Final Unit, the 2nd Unit of Grimgast Reapers

This is my final unit for my Nighthaunt Slasher Host, these are the second unit of Grimgast Reapers. I have actually painted the glowy robes a little different that the first unit as I can see the difference between them. For this unit I have used a paint called Nighthaunt Gloom, which is a dark, dusty turquoise and before I used Nihilakh Oxide, simple names for paints, but understand why.

Again I have enjoyed paint the rust effects on the metals and weapons, and added a little splatter of blood on there, I so love Blood for the Blood God paint.

Nighthaunts, the Fourth Unit, The 2nd Unit of Chainrasps

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Nighthaunts, the Fourth Unit, The 2nd Unit of Chainrasps

This is the second unit of Chainrasps, the cannon fodder of my force. These I didn’t use the crackle spray primer on these, just old regular primer, lol, but they have come out for the better, in my opinion.

Again I have been following the Warhammer painting guides and videos and I normally paint is a different manner, I use the Triad System normally, but using the Workshops, base, wash and highlight has been refreshing.

Nighthaunts, the Third Unit, The Grimgast Reapers

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Nighthaunts, the Third Unit, The Grimgast Reapers

This is my third unit and the first of two Grimgast Reaper units. I have a fun time painting these, from doing the ghostly robes and the fade on it to the rusty weapons and the blood effects on the weapons. I have really enjoyed playing them and I think they have the ghosty look.

Nighthaunts, The Second Unit Actually, Spirithosts

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Nighthaunts, The Second Unit Actually, Spirithosts

This is my actually second proper unit finished and I rather enjoyed painting these guys. Again I followed the painting guide videos from GW and basically washes and drybrushes and it worked so well to give that ghostly look.

The nice thing with these and in fact the whole Nighthaunt force, is it can be used as ghosts in Devilry Afoot game too, result.

NightHaunts, The Second Unit, the Grimgast Reapers, Well Actually Not

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
1 Comment
NightHaunts, The Second Unit, the Grimgast Reapers, Well Actually Not

The next unit in line is a unit of 5 Grimgast Reapers, well I thought they where, it actually turned out that it was 3 Grimgast Reapers, 1 unknown command with a bell and 1 Cairn Wraith.

They was a problem as I thought I will proxy them in as Grimgasts anyway but then found out I have ten Grimgast reapers anyway, so a bonus unit for me. I really should of checked before painting them though, lol, and it meant I had some practice painting the ghostly effects.

NightHaunts, The First Unit Chainrasps

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5
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NightHaunts, The First Unit Chainrasps

I have always liked the Nighthaunt models and had a ton of them from lockdown as I collected the Age of Sigmar Mortal Realms magazine and they have really just sat there waiting on my pile of shame. As this edition of AoS has Spearhead forces and that is the game that I am interested in playing I have a look through the forces and in particular the Nighthaunt Slasher Host and realised I have the models for these.

From Shyish, the Realm of Death, come the ethereal Nighthaunt – incorporeal spirits driven to murder by their bitter hatred for the living. These spectres are the terror weapon of the Great Necromancer, united under the cruellest and most tortured rulers ever to die. At the command of a wretched Knight of Shrouds, swirling hordes of vicious Chainrasps drag down enemies for the cold scythes of maddened Grimghast Reapers, while Spirit Hosts of damned souls turn blood to ice with a touch.

Seeing what I needed, a Knight of Shrouds on foot, 3 Spirithost stands, 2 units of 10 Chainrasps and 2 units of Grimgast Reapers, and having these I start of assemble and prep for them.

NightHaunts, The First Unit Chainrasps

I started with a unit of Chainrasps, to get the feel of them and did a test one and painted the whole unit.

But I made a mistake and instead of picking up the white primer I stupidly picked on a white spray crackle paint and thought, well feck it, lets try and look what it looks like, and I was rather pleased but I decided that I am not painting the whole force that way as it blocks some of the details.

So here is my first unit of Chainrasps. I painted them using washes and drybrushes, really simple, but quite effective and followed some of the painting video on the Warhammer YouTube channels.

The Start

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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The Start

I have always had a soft spot for fantasy, as this was for me where my wargaming journey with Warhammer Fantasy Battle. So after going to the Old World Launch event early this year, seeing all the lovely painted figures on display, etc, I though, hmm this is really not for me.

However, I am not a Middle Earth style of fantasy fan, I like my fantasy to be swords and sandals and or high, and Age of Sigmar to me had that feel. I love the models, I think they are some of the best that GW do and when 4th ed of AoS came out and saw the Spearhead style of game I was sold.

This project is my slow journey into the game.

The Start