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PanzerKaput’s Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead

PanzerKaput’s Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead

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Project Blog by panzerkaput Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 145

About the Project

I am petty well known as a historical gamer and painter, come on Guys Barons' War and Gangs of Rome, hey Lloyd build Rome for Gerry, hashtag Besthouse, but I have always had a soft spot for fantasy, as this was for me where my wargaming journey with Warhammer Fantasy Battle. So after going to the Old World Launch event early this year, seeing all the lovely painted figures on display, etc, I thought, hmm, this is really not for me. However, I am not a Middle Earth style of fantasy fan, I like my fantasy to be swords and sandals and/or high, and Age of Sigmar to me had that feel. I love the models, I think they are some of the best that GW do and when 4th ed of AoS came out and saw the Spearhead style of game I was sold. So what the heck is this project about, getting a golden button as its GW? No, is it about me just wanting more hits on my YouTube channel when I do the videos? No again. This project is about my journey into fantasy, mainly Age of Sigmar Spearhead and painting some factions that I aim to play with and a bit of a nostalgia trip too for me. I hope that you entertain my on mine rather selfish trip and indulge my experiences along the way.

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Completed Orruk Warclan, Kruleboyz, Spearhead, The Swampskulka Gang

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 1
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The Swampskulka GangThe Swampskulka Gang

As far as Kruleboyz are concerned, fighting fair is an idiotic concept. Swampskulka Gangs exemplify the cruelly underhanded approach to warfare so beloved of these orruks, for their entire purpose is to leave the enemy agonised, hobbled and helpless. Under the wily guidance of a Killaboss, they stalk their victims through the wilds of the realms for days, waiting for the perfect moment to launch a murderous ambush.

The first the Kruleboyz’ chosen quarry knows of their fate is when dozens of barbed missiles come whistling out of the murk to sink into their flesh, as chortling Boltboyz relish their victims’ shocked horror. Anything that looks big enough to cause the orruks serious bother is dealt with by an oversized harpoon hurled by a Beast—skewer Kiilbow. As the enemy reels in the face of this deadly hail, the Killaboss charges into their midst atop his Great Gnashtoof mount, seeking gory trophies to prove his kunnin’. Following closely behind come lanky orruk warriors, led by a Murknob brandishing a foul-smelling and loudly bellowing Belcha—banna. These Gutrippaz stomp forwards to fall upon the stricken foe, spilling intestines and poking out eyes with their venom-dripping weapons — while keeping a few prisoners alive to torment at their leisure, of course.

This Spearhead army consists of the following units:
Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof
1 Murknob with Belcha—banna
3 Man-skewer Boltboyz
5 Gutrippaz
5 Gutrippaz
1 Beast—skewer Killbow

The Leader of them All, the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 1
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Killaboss on Great GnashtoofKillaboss on Great Gnashtoof

To finish off the Spearhead for the Kruleboyz is their leader, Da Boss, the Killaboss on his Great Gnashtoof. Again I have used contrasts, washed and some actual paint on this and I am rather chuffed with the way it has turned out.

Killaboss are cunning warlord, well used to using their “thinkin’ muscles” to guide their fellow orrucks in ambushes and traps. With a string of victories under their belts, they have won something akin to trust from their minions, who stick to the plan even when things get nasty.

They take great pride in procuring the vilest and must malicious monsters to serve as their war-mounts, and few are as deadly as the Great Gnashtoof. This wiry canine killer is as swift as it is foul-tempered, capable of navigating the slimy homelands of the Kruleboyz with ease.

When it finds its prey, it leaps upon them with an ear-splitting howl that seems to come from two directions at once.

Fourth Unit finished, Second unit of Gutrippaz

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
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This is the second unit of Gutrippaz for the Kruleboyz Spearhead. Just the same of the first painted with a mix of contrasts and normal paints.

First Hero Unit, Murknob with Belcha-Banna

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Murknob with Belcha-Banna Murknob with Belcha-Banna

Murknobs are champions amongst the Kruleboyz, and they revel in taking the heads of their adversaries — honestly or otherwise. They alone are granted the honour of carrying the Belcha-bannas into battle, foul relics with all manner of strange powers. When the enemy close in, these uncanny standards belch a revolting miasma that can make even the toughest foe collapse in agony.

Third Unit finished, Beast-Skewer Killbow

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Skill 2
Idea 1
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Beast-Skewer KillbowBeast-Skewer Killbow

I love this kit, it is fun to build and paint. There is so much character in this and love this as a vignette on its own.

Orruks are not renowned for their ability to shoot straight, but the Kruleboyz known as ‘Big Shots’ understand the benefit of maiming your prey from as far
away a possible. Beast-skewer Killbow ire designed to take down the realms’ mightiest monsters, and the oversized missiles they hurl can indeed punch through several inches of armoured hide or bone plating with ease. Such is the force with which these missiles strike home that they can also impale several man-sized targets at once.

Second Unit, Gutrippaz

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 1
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I have finished my second unit and first unit of Gutrippaz. I enjoyed painting these Kruelboyz as they are so full of character. I like these Orruks as they more like what I imagine Orruk to look like, tall and noble.

Gustrippaz form the slimy heart of the Krulehoyz, stalking forwards behind their leering skareshields. These mobs of sadistic greenskins are known
for their vicious kunnin’ and the spiteful amusement they find in laying low the enemy with their wicked, venom-laced weapons. Even their appearance is honed to intimidate and confuse the foe.

Second Unit, Gutrippaz

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 1
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I have finished my second unit and first unit of Gutrippaz. I enjoyed painting these Kruelboyz as they are so full of character. I like these Orruks as they more like what I imagine Orruk to look like, tall and noble.

Gustrippaz form the slimy heart of the Krulehoyz, stalking forwards behind their leering skareshields. These mobs of sadistic greenskins are known
for their vicious kunnin’ and the spiteful amusement they find in laying low the enemy with their wicked, venom-laced weapons. Even their appearance is honed to intimidate and confuse the foe.

The Start of the Third Spearhead, Orruk Warclans, Man-skewer Boltboyz

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Skill 2
Idea 1
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Man-skewer BoltboyzMan-skewer Boltboyz

This is the start of my third Spearhead force and it is the Orruk Warclans, the Kruelboyz. The Orruk Warclans love to fight – in fact, it’s no lie to say that their entire culture revolves around conflict. The swamp-dwelling Kruleboyz are an unusual breed of orruk, for they prize deviousness over brute strength. To the Kruleboyz, winning by underhanded means is worth more than claiming victory in a straight fight – and they’re very underhanded indeed.

These are Man-skewer Boltboyz, who wield crossbows powerful enough to take down a charging warhorse with a single shot. Even minor wounds inflicted by these weapons soon turn gangrenous and foul thanks to the poisons that the Orruks smear over every projectile.

Stormcast Eternals, The Vigilant Brotherhood Spearhead

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Sons of the GladiusSons of the Gladius

So after the testing I went for the Sons of the Gladius Stormcast Eternals Stormhost as I rather liked the colour scheme and it looked rather like the colour scheme I was after. I then decide that I am going to try and use Contrast Paints for the first time and use them on them, which was an interesting learning experience and I rather fell in love these them after thinking that they are nothing more than a gimmick, but they work rather nicely as a mainly body colour but you still need you shades and highlight layer to been the best out of them.


The Sons of the Gladius are a Stormhost hailing exclusively from Neos in the Everspring Swathe.

The Sons of the Gladius have fought alongside and earned the respect of several Sylvaneth Wargroves. Especially those of the Oakenbrow Glade.

Only when the hordes of Chaos threaten to choke all life from the realms
does the God—King call upon the Vigilant Brotherhoods. These are elite
formations led by Stormcasts of the Ruination chambers, warriors who have
seen battle so many times and whose souls have been so eroded that they are
close to pure vessels of Sigmar’s will. Though their lack of humanity renders
them ruthless, they are nigh incorruptible, their sense of selftoo diminished
for Chaos to find true purchase. This allows them to traverse lands that are so
twisted that other warriors would soon wither or mutate upon entering them.

Each Vigilant Brotherhood is led by a Lord—Vigilant. These masterful
commanders are hewn from centuries of service, and they tread the thin
line between preserving humanity and achieving victory at all costs. Each
is chosen by their Gryph—stalker mount, creatures born under the waxing
of the fell moon Dharroth and that can detect which Stormcast souls are
most resistant to entropy. Swooping above them come Prosecutors wielding
flaming sigmarite spears. Though each is an exemplar of Sigmar’s creed,
their exposure to the Cursed Skies has transformed them into shells of their
former selves, leading them to pursue the eradication of Chaos at the expense
of all else. A Lord—Veritant always accompanies each Vigilant Brotherhood,
keeping watch over the state of their comrades’ fading identities whilst
adding their considerable might to the force. The final element of the
Brotherhood is a core of Liberators, unyielding champions of Order who have
perished again and again in defence of the Mortal Realms.

This Spearhead army consists of the following units:
Lord-Vigilant on Gryph—stalker
1 Lord-Veritant

3 Prosecutors
5 Liberators

Stormcasts, new Spearhead and Me farting around with colour

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 2
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Stormcasts, new Spearhead and Me farting around with colour

I really didn’t know where to go with these boys, and gals, what colour scheme to go with and after watching a few videos on How to paint your Stormcasts, I settle on a scheme that was based on the Sons of Gladius, as I loved the green.

Now I knew I wanted the white of green scheme, I tried and messed around with 4 different colour schemes before I was happy with the scheme I wanted. I think I needed to do this as I wanted a quick and easy scheme so I could play with them, before losing the interest in the project, as is my want of late.

So I tried different colours until I settled on the jade/teal colour and that changed again when I did the actual models as I decided this was a journey on learning how to paint Contrast/Speed Paints

These are with contrast paints and looking back I rather like the paint with the teal highlight now but would of been a pain to paint.

New Vid Up on the Tubes The Completed Slasher Host

Tutoring 0
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Here is the last of my videos for my Age of Sigmar Spearhead Nighthaunt Slasher Host, showing my whole force fully painted and completed.

I hope you enjoy the video.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #NewAOS #besthouse #leicesterphatcats

New Vid Up on the Tubes The Completed Slasher Host

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
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Here is the last of my videos for my Age of Sigmar Spearhead Nighthaunt Slasher Host, showing my whole force fully painted and completed.

I hope you enjoy the video.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #NewAOS #besthouse #leicesterphatcats

New Vid Up on the Tubes Knights of Shrouds

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Another blooming video uploaded to my YouTube account and this time its the fourth in the series about Nighthaunts.

I hope you enjoy it.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #newaos #besthouse #leicesterphatcats

New Vid Up on the Tubes Spirit Hosts

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
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This is the third of my YouTube video,

This time it is my its PanzerKaput’s Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead, Nighthaunts, Part 3, Spirit Hosts

I hope you enjoy this one.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #NewAOS #leicesterphatcats #besthouse

New Vid Up on the Tubes Grimghasts Reapers

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This is the second of my YouTube video,

This time it is my its PanzerKaput’s Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead, Nighthaunts, Part 2, Grimghast Reapers

I hope you enjoy this one.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #leicesterphatcats #besthouse

More Terrain for Age of Sigmar and for Ben

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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More Terrain for Age of Sigmar and for Ben

I have been working on some more terrain for my Age of Sigmar Spearhead games, and other games too, and again it is terrain I had left around from the Mortal Realms magazine and thought it was time to do something with it.

This terrain came from the Azyrite Ruined Chapel scenery set and the Azyrite Shattered Plaza set and they are lovely kits.

I wanted them to be a little bit spooky, ghostly and decide to paint the walls with a very watered down Citadel Colour Plaguebearer Flesh Contrast, using Contrast Medium in a 6 part medium to 1 part paint, mix. I painted this cover the walls that where first washed with Nuln Oil and then drybrushed using White Scar. After the Plaguebearer Flesh was applied I did a very light drybrush using White Scar.

New YouTube Video Chainrasps

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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I haven’t released one of these for a while a YouTube video,

This time it is my its PanzerKaput’s Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead, Nighthaunts, Part 1, Chainrasps

I hope you enjoy this one.

#warhammer #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt #leicesterphatcats #besthouse

Terrain for Age of Sigmar

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Terrain for Age of Sigmar

I have started of some of my Age of Sigmar terrain that I got from the Mortal Realms magazine I got when in lockdown, that feels so long ago. So I have started with two of my Dominion of Sigmar Statues and two Gryph Hound Statues.

I have gone for the a nice warm sandstone colour and applied simple drybrushes and washes to it. I think they are worked out well.

Nighthaunts, The Whole Slasher Host, Completed

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Slasher HostSlasher Host

I have completed my first force for Spearhead, the Nighthaunt force, Slasher Host. From Shyish, the Realm of Death, come the ethereal Nighthaunt – incorporeal spirits driven to murder by their bitter hatred for the living. These spectres are the terror weapon of the Great Necromancer, united under the cruellest and most tortured rulers ever to die. At the command of a wretched Knight of Shrouds, swirling hordes of vicious Chainrasps drag down enemies for the cold scythes of maddened Grimghast Reapers, while Spirit Hosts of damned souls turn blood to ice with a touch.

I have really enjoyed painting the guys as it is something I really don’t paint, or even like to paint, but I have for a number of years liked the models, I really think that the Age of Sigmar figures are the best figures that Games Workshop do, and I like the background even more. So thinking what to do with my figures I got from the Mortal Realms pert work magazine, this came along and I thought I will give it a go, and even if I never play it they will look nice or I can sell them on.

Seeing I had all the parts for a Slasher Host, a Knight of Shrouds as leader, a unit of 3 Spirithosts, 2 units of 5 Grimghast Reapers and 2 units of 10 Chainrasps, I thought I will give it a go, plus the missus actually like them. So here is the first of my Spearhead forces and I will be doing more as I have enjoyed painting them.

Nighthaunts, Leader of the Slasher Host, Knight of Shrouds

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
1 Comment
Nighthaunts, Leader of the Slasher Host, Knight of Shrouds

This is the last of the Nighthaunt Slasher Host for Age of Sigmar Spearhead and its their leader, its the Knight of Shrouds. I have really enjoyed painting this guy, with his rusty sword, armour and helmet, the blood effects on the sword and the glow effect on the robes. The final results are very pleasing.

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