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To Boldly Go Where no Schlock Has Gone Before!

To Boldly Go Where no Schlock Has Gone Before!

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Project Blog by taochi Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 37

About the Project

Since I backed the Kickstarter in 2023, I was eagerly awaiting Star Schlock as it appeals to my love of old school 60s sci-fi and may even give me an opportunity to 3D print some of my needle-shaped space ships that have languished in my file folder structures for years. Star Schlock seems to represent all of the old sci-fi tropes into one and meld them into a table top skirmish game full of colors and nostalgia. The big box of goodies hit my door a few days ago and birthed this project. I intend on starting with the core box and slide into a quick tutorial/battel report, before tackling the multitude of other miniatures and additions that cam with the Kickstarter.

This Project is Active

The Simian Empire - Part 2

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Gorilla Grunt

Gorilla Grunt

Ape Officer

The Simian Empire - Part 2

The Simian Empire - Part 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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The Simian Empire - Part 1

The Simian Empire is the other faction provided in the core box and offer a close ressemblance of the original Planet of the Apes movies.

I am providing below the painting scheme I used for these units:

Skin and fur – I prefer a variety of skins and furs so a to diversify the units. These of course may not be realistic but keep in mind thee are space simians.


  • Base: GW Contrast Black Legion – Highlight: Medium grey (any)
  • Base: GW Contrast Basilicum Grey – Highlight: Light grey (any)
  • Base: GW Contrast Guliman Flesh – Highlight: Cadian Fleshtone


  • Base: GW Contrast Black Templar – Highlight: Light grey (any)
  • Base: GW Contrast Cygor Brown – Highlight: GW Doombull Brown


Shirt/pant – Base: GW Contrast Leviathan Purple – Highlight (drybrush + layer): GW Slaneesh Grey

Padded Vest – Base: GW Contrast Cygor Brown – Highlight (drybrush + layer): GW Doombull Brown and Tuskgor Fur.

Shoulder pad/Harness/Belt: Army Painter Contrast Hardened Leather.

Shoes: GW Contrast Snakebite Leather – Soles: Black.


  • Grunts – Leadbelcher + Vallejo Chrome accents.
  • Officer – GW Retributor Gold + Vallejo Chrome accents.

Weapons: Base: Black – Drybrush Metal GW Leadbelcher + Vallejo Chrome accents. – Wood: GW Contrast Wildwood.

Dr. Zayce

Robe – GW Contrast Aggaros Dune

Scarf – GW Contrast Snakebite Leather – Highlight with light brown (any)

Shirt – GW Contrast Warp Lightning – Highlight Skarsnik Green


American Canyon Orange – Shade: Howe brown shade – Highlight (drybrush): Americana Peache’s Cream – Aquarium rock: GW contrast Roxigor Scale – Gamers Grass.




Doctor Zayce


Gorilla Grunt

Gorilla Grunt

Gorilla Grunt

USSS Explorer Corp - Part 2

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Communication Personnel

Engineering personnel

Medical Personnel


USSS Landing PartyUSSS Landing Party

USSS Explorer Corp - Part 1

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The USSS Explorer Corp is one of the two factions provided in the core box and I decided to start with it, as it appealed to the old Trekky in me. I planned the color schemes around a landing party and thus wanted to represent most of the Explorer Corp divisions in it, for old school SciFi flavor.

First, I had to come up with said schemes and I designed them as follows:

  • Command – Red and black
  • Security – Red
  • Science and Medicine – Blue
  • Engineering – Yellow
  • Communication – Green

All pants, belts and boots – Black

All assembled and primed, ready to paint.All assembled and primed, ready to paint.

So as to make following up the painting process easier, I am going to list the paints used below as a group before showing the end results.

  • Command – Red and black (see Security and Pants below)
  • Security – GW Contrast Blood Angel Red – Highlights: GW Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Science and Medicine – GW Contrast  Ultramarine Blue – GW Oeth Blue
  • Engineering – GW Contrast IyandenYellow Highlights : GW Yriel Yellow
  • Communication – GW Contrast Ork Flesh – Highlights: GW Moot Green

Al white uniforms areas : GW Contrast Apothecary White – Highlight: Any flat white.

Pants, Belts and Guns: GW Contrast Black Templars – Highlights: drybrush GW Eshin Grey and Dawnstone

Boots – GW Contrast Black Legion – Highlights : drybrush GW Dark Reaper and Thunderhawk Blue

Captain Kurt

Commander Nico

Security Personnel

Security Personnel

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