Moonstone with not multi award winning painting
Recommendations: 221
About the Project
I have finally decided to make a project with some of the numerous miniatures that need painting. So thought I would start with Moonstone. I am at best an average painter. But thought that this may encourage me to try and up my game with some internet based encouragement/judgement
Related Game: Moonstone
Related Company: Goblin King Games
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is On Hold
Administration of Justice
So completed my last commonwealth humans. Poppycock and old calders are probably two of my favourites that I painted. Tabby, I couldn’t get the skin right but she turned out ok
I still have the Jackalope and murder bunnies to do, but after them, I may put this on the back burner for a while. I have some shades and cultists built but not primed and priming always get put off.
I have too much in the pile of potential, so need to focus on some other mini’s that have already been primed.
So there is unlikely to be any other posts for the time being as I look into MCP, Burrows and Badgers, or Star Wars Shatterpoint. There is also Blood Bowl that needs sorting.
So, I have completed the painting of my goblins – may at Christmas look to get the rest of the faction.
Firespitter turned out alright so have moved onto to my last Commonwealth box.
My photos are still rubbish but mostly show off the model. The only thing I am not happy with is the slightly gloss finish. In person it looks better but may add a matt varnish to help
Some fauns
So life has got in the way of painting but I have got 4 of the fauns done.
Not massively happy with the results and haven’t enjoyed painting these. But they are good enough and will do for the time being.
Will move onto Firespitter and then sir poppycock, old calders, and the librarian .
My photography has not improved but will do some better photos in the future after I have revisited them.
TBH I found painting Toodles and Jayda difficult. The miniatures constantly felt as though they were going to break every time I tried to paint them.
What’s next?
I have made a few more purchases, so have a few more models to make before deciding what to do next.
Models to build:
Wild things box
Boris the bunny summoner
The Jackolope
Administration of justice box
Charge of the fright brigade box
Freaky fugday box
Never Ending Knights box
My likely plan is to do Firespitter first, then the rest of the commonwealth minis. After those are complete I can then decide whether to do fauns or shade.
alternatively I do have 3 fauns already built so may just do them as it always take me an age to build and prime a miniature
The Goblin Airship part 2
Step 6
Painted the wood. This is minor section but went GW Dryad bark and then used Gorthor Bron and Baneblade brown
Step 7
I painted the entire frog green using P3 Gnarls green. I then used Rakarth Flesh for the pale underbelly. Even after a few coats it looked garbage – I couldn’t even take a picture of it. So repainted with the same green. It did give me slight variations in the skin tone, so ended up not being a complete waste.
I then highlighted using GW waagh green then warboss green and skarsnik green. This was followed by a heavily watered down phalanx yellow for a final highlight and to lighten the belly slightly.
Step 8
i painted the GW eyes ironach skin to lighten them up, then used Vallejo white
Step 9
the eyes were fine but I didn’t like them so checked out a few frog pictures and decided the red eyed tree frog looked cool, so would try that. I used Scalecolor Aldern red. Used black for the pupils.
I also painted the frog’s tongue and the pilot’s skin GW busman’s skin to Cadian flesh to Kislev flesh.
Step 10
as I liked the tree frog, I thought I would try the paler belly again. This time I went GW Zandri dust. Then highlighted with ubshanti bone and screaming skull
step 11
gave the metal a wash with some thinned down nuln oil, then highlighted the silver back up
there may be few other things that I forgot to mention but this does cover most steps.
i do now need to find a 40mm base as i seem to have lost this one but i can sort that out some other time.
If anyone has any suggestions on doing something differently, feel free to comment
The Goblin Airship part 1
Over the last couple of weeks I have worked on the goblin airship which will complete my built Moonstone Goblins.
Step 1
Fill in any obvious gaps. The main issue was the fabric on the ship itself that had a large gap but a little green stuff sorted that out
Step 2
I primed the model in black, then had to release the model a couple of times as it just wouldn’t stick. Finally I get a nice even coat. It may just be me not being thorough enough but I do seem to have issues with Moonstone resins
Step 3
I then decided that black was too dark to work with my colour scheme so I painted the model grey. I went with GW mech standard grey. I then painted the bottom section silver – GW lead belcher, I also painted the metal at the top this cover. When dried I then gave the metal colour a wash – GW Agrax
Step 4
Painted the fabric blue Use P3 Cygnar blue highlight then mixed with increasing amounts of white for the highlights. I also used this on the telescope lens.
Step 5
I then painted the leather. I went for GW Mournfang for the base colour. Highlighting up by first mixing in Scrag brown and then Deathclaw brown. I think it turned out alright
And a troll to go with the goblins.
I decided to go with a different colour scheme to see what it looked like. TBH I think I prefer the one in the books but I took inspiration from a rather old film.
I think I should have made the skin darker and the hair lighter but it will do.
I have also included a group shot – hopefully the photography meets Ben’s standards after his comments from the other week.
More Goblins
So I have managed to get some more of the Dominion painted. Just the Goblin Airship to go and then my built Goblins will be finished will be finished.
Of these models I think that Grub turned out the best but the others are acceptable. When I can face it, I will come back and highlight a few more things and may add a little more detail to the wings on Herbert.
i have practically finished boulder so will post the picture in my next post.
After that I may do the airship but also considering a palette cleanser and doing something else for a while.
The Goblins 3
The Mortician is my least favourite ‘finished’ model for sometime. There is something that is just off, so much so that I have repainted it 3 times.
It was the first model I painted for Moonstome and I think that I may have put me off from doing the others.
However, I will go with the positive approach and think that it is not good but it is good enough. Also, if it annoys me enough I can always paint it again.
I still have 5 Goblin specific miniatures to paint and a couple of trolls, so I am hoping in the next month or so to have a reasonable Dominion force, but I am also thinking of expanding it so it is not just Goblins, so may add a box of pirates. I will see if I resist spending any money for a while.
The Goblins 2
Next up is Beaky Bobby.
For the skin tone on this one, instead of my normal layering technique, I decided to go for a more glazing approach.
Based on something I half remembered on the internet – that I was too lazy to check – I decided to glaze with a pale yellow colour to bring out the highlights any definition. Although it took a bit longer than normal ( I am a slow painter at the best of times ) I am relatively happy with the results.
The Goblins 1
So after my positive comments last weekend about my painting skills (if not my photography), I decided I would make a start on my goblins.
This way, if I even get around to playing, I can have have a second force for my opponent.
Looking at these pictures, I can see my photography hasn’t improved.
The highlights do show better in real life but even with the harsh lighting, the images do give a good indication of what I have done.
The Commonwealth
I have now ‘finished’ the main models that can used for the Commonwealth. I think most need a few touch ups and highlights but all are in a decent position.
I am not going to base them any time soon as I think the black base is fine. If I get to play with them, I will then probably revisit the basing.
The pictures I have taken aren’t great but do help to show off what I have done.
Moving forward, I am going to either order the Administration of Justice pack or more likely just move onto the Goblins so I have 2 painted factions to choose from. I also at some stage need to build the Fawns and Shades that I have outstanding.
Gotchgut 2
Step 5
I painted the belts and straps with a P3 paint beast hide but was not happy as I thought the brown was too light.
Step 6
The thigh pads were red and red and yellow in the art work so I used all of my imagination and copied this. I also painted the sword handle.
This is now when I got distracted with some of the football and didn’t bother taking any pictures of the next steps.
I essentially darkened the leatherwork with a couple of shades and then highlighted it again. I painted the fur a cream colour shaded agrax and then dry brushed over the original colour I think it was wraithbone but not sure.
I highlighted the thigh plates and added the sunburst symbol. I tried to add some chipping but it did not work.
All in all, I think he has turned out alright. Should have gone for more of a contrast in some of the colours. Not my best work but definitely not my worst.
When I have the Commonwealth completed I will picture them all together.
I have also got an image of Sir Hogwash in progress at about 85%ish complete. So hoping to complete him in the next couple of days or so.
Gotchgut 1
I enjoyed Gotchgut, not completely happy but a relatively simple model to paint.
I even remembered to take some WIP pictures
The model was primed in grey seer. I then washed it in seraphim sepia to show the details and make all of the model was primed.
Steps 1&2 skin and waistcoat
Step 1 The skin
The skin is simply bugmans glow that is then mixed with Kislev flesh for lighter and lighter layers until a final highlight of Kislev.
Step 2
Step 3 Armour
All of the metal armour was in leadbelcher which was then shaded. Chainmail was agrax, the rest was seraphim sepia. I heavily watered down some skrag brown and painted it in a few places to try and increase rust effect, then dry bushed it with leadbelcher. The dry brush stage effectively ruined any effects I had (the chainmail was fine), so I did it all again and was gentler with the dry brush
Step 4 Trousers
The trousers started off with ionrach skin (I bought it when it first came out and have never used it). This was then mixed with white for the highlights. I did try for a textured look but not really happy with the effect.
What’s left?
There is still a few fair few models to assemble and paint.
The last image reminded me to dust off my laptop
May have to branch out and do other projects before I get all of this done. Hoping to do a few step by steps on the next set of painting – which will help when I break another model and have to retouch it up
Close ups 1
With the exception of basing- which is being left until I have assembled and painted all the models – these 4 are mostly done.
A few more touch ups and highlights are needed but these are close to as good as I can get them.
Progress so far
Originally I had thought to do this as a spring clean challenge but my natural laziness stopped that from happening.
The plan was also to include some WIP images and detail of what was being done.
Going forward the plan is to finish off the Commonwealth war band, then either the Goblins or the recently delivered Shades of Moonreach.