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World of Warcraft the boardgame Spring Clean Challenge

World of Warcraft the boardgame Spring Clean Challenge

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Project Blog by robojoel Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 107

About the Project

I'm not sure what is wrong with me but I love powering through a big project. I also like detailed individual models, but I like to swap between projects where the focuses vary between detail and volume of output. I've recently done something similar where I (re) bought ALL of Imperial assault (such a great game, and by all I mean all big box expansions along with a few mini packs) and painted it up to a 'decent' standard as quick as I could, it took about 6 weeks alongside other projects (Oathsworn and Carnevale mainly). I may even create a project to show that off For my spring clean challenge I decided to do what I've wanted to do for years (nearly 20 years) and paint up the fantastic bloated joy that is WORLD OF WARCRAFT THE BOARD GAME. Fantasy flight really outdid themselves with this game in what I consider to be the Magnus of allptheir prog rock era. So with around 140 (fairly poor yet delightful) figures to plow through let's get cracking!

This Project is Completed

Plan of attack

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

I’m going to do them in batches of 2 sets of monsters and three or four heroes at a time to keep myself sane. I find projects like this are all about mitigating the soul destroying attrition of batch painting with the regular temporary endorphine boosts triggered by achievement. This will mean doing things in sets of about 15.
I’ll base black then do a posh zenithil of light grey at 45 degrees then white from above finished with an edge dry brush of white.
I find this works wonders for contrast (instant results) normal brushwork (as a guide) and airbrushing (creating natural gradient of shades behind thin layers).
OBVIOUSLY I’ll be mostly using contrast paints or I would be mentally ill.
However I will spot paint with normal brush and airbrush when it suits it.
I’ve also become a recent convert to oil washes so I’m going to be trying them out to discover if when used on terrible soft plastic low definition sculpts they:
A) Are miracle cure alls
B) A waste of time
I suspect B
First test subjects. Earth Elementals and Naga, here we go…..

Stage 1: Earth Elementals and Naga

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Just contrasts, they looked fine so I didn’t use a wash or anything really. Speed is of the essence!

I toyed with a bit of white ink thinking about getting the Elementals to ‘glow’ from the inside but it was a rabbit hole and I abandoned it haha

Stage 1: Earth Elementals and Naga

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Just contrasts, they looked fine so I didn’t use a wash or anything really. Speed is of the essence!


I toyed with a bit of white ink thinking about getting the Elementals to ‘glow’ from the inside but it was a rabbit hole and I abandoned it haha

Worgen, spiders and the first characters!

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So I hate painting spiders, I don’t know why. I’m not scared of them in real life. I just find them boring to paint and fantasy games ALWAYS have giant spiders.

Anyway these were relatively painless, as were the worgen.

The game requires the tiers of enemy, denied by their colour , green blue or red. So far I’m just painting the rim of the base this colour but as the spiders don’t actually HAVE a base I integrated it into their actual bodies.

I also did the first four heroes, it was at this point it dawned on me how teeny tiny they are, especially the dwarf. They all looked pretty terrible UNTIL at the end I did a black oil wash which indeed was magic!

I was very tempted to start hilights and dry brushing but I held firm, what’s the purpose of this? To get the game to the table looking cool. Much like the slightly wonky line when you are decorating that seems at the time to be the centre of the universe while you are doing it but you never notice again. I held firm and refused to make them any better so I can plough in with more teeny figures.

Oh but I did use an oil wash on the spiders encouraged by the heroes!

Gnolls and Moonkin-no take candle....

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The Gnolls were a joy to paint, no ink wash needed. The contrast worked well on the details despite the HUGE mould line iyn most of them haha!

Moonkin were less fun. They are stupid anyway as a creature and I’ve never taken them seriously. I always pitied DPS druid who had to dress up as them. Embarrassing

Ogres and wraiths

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I think these were the most fun so far. The others were just a huge lump of flesh, and who doesn’t like a huge lump of naked flesh, so I actually struggled the skin up through three shades then used a sierra brown oil wash. Added the rest with contrast.

The wraiths were super easy. Black base then I highlighted up full dark blue up to light blues and I think it worked really well. White ink in the eyes and done!

Next batch of characters

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So I did the two Druids, a warrior and an UNBELIEVABLY CUTE gnome rogue. I’ve included her next to a carnevale figure I’m doing for size reference.

Pretty much all contrast then finished off with a black oil wash too make them pop a bit. Lovely

Murlocs and dragons

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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Grwlgrwlgrwlgrwlgrwlgrwl etc

The dragons were pretty easy as well

Characters 9-12

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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These were all pretty nice slots actually, especially the Gnome, AGAIN!

Not sure why the Gnomes are so good but I love them!

Demons and scarlet crusaders

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The Demons were lovely, I cracked it the airbrush in honour of this….

The Scarlet crusaders were probably the worst sculpts so far. The faces were basically Simon Weston. But just like a Tory MP trying to acquire terrible PPE equipment at a tremendous profit for myself, I did my best

Ghouls and final characters

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I’m actually pretty pleased with the ghouls as when in started them they looked terrible but I worked out it somehow!


Final characters were all nice to do, especially the lady troll.


So that’s it I’m all done

All done!

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

So that’s it, all done! I matt varnished them all to make them a bit more robust.

Can’t wait to play it.

Took me pretty much two weeks from start to finish

Now what do I do though?

All done!

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