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Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge – Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge – Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

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Project Blog by TheGamesmister

Recommendations: 262

About the Project

The challenge is to paint as much as possible through February. At a bare minimum I need to complete 10 Traders Galaxy miniatures, fully based and painted. While some will go for large numbers, like army painting, I prefer each miniature to tell a story, so although my painting skills aren't great I'll be using my imagination to try and base up the miniatures as unique as possible. I am going to try and do at least one miniature from each of Traders Galaxy's games, namely Botwar, Rise of the Democracy, Beat Em Up and Broken Skies. And if I get time I may even try out my first diarama. February is going to be a busy month!

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Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 13

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Unlucky for some, the number 13, but when everyday is rubbish you don’t notice! Until work is over and you can get painting again!? Despite the blistered fingers, the multicoloured painted nails and the odd superglued skin graft we soldier on.
Today was a drybrushing day. I managed to give the Mongoose and the two Democracy tanks a drybrush of pale green just to take away some of the darkness caused by Contrast paints.

My castle walls got a drybrush too.

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 12

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Well after yesterday’s verbal diarrhoea, you’ll be glad to know that this will be a short update. I’ve made a start on the mongoose and my Light Tanks and Defiance. I just gave them a little bit of Camo Creed Contrast and blacked the tyres and tracks. then I moved onto Leviathon and gave him 3 drybrushes of slightly lighter shades of turquiose and then I put some dark wash on the gold. I’m thinking of trying to do Leviathon now with almost an underwater camo effect. So I am going to try putting lighter shades across him in a kind of light ripple effect (see the last picture). Not sure if it will work but it might be a different direction to take.

Then I had an attempt at printing an attack jet from a while back using my FDM printer. The FDM just can’t do the detail, but I’m going to make use of it and turn it into a wrecked jet. So I got some primer on it.


Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Back again so soon?
I managed to get a bit more black to tidy up Leviathon, but I will start to focus on him a bit more now I have got some of the other figures out of the way.

Just a reminder that I took Igor Dragon and attempted a crazy conversion. I used some Green Stuff to change his stance and his arm poses and with little amounts of Green Stuff I gave him a mohawk and a beard. I am no sculpter and so the figure is pretty rough, but in my eyes I wanted to create T.G. Maracas. As you will have seen, I painted him a few days ago. Tonight I finished some detail like the ‘Clubber’ logo on his shorts. I also sculpted a punch bag that he is hitting, so hard that it explodes. For his base all I could think of was a gym floor, so I did that.

I also managed to get Syndey finished. Again I had slightly changed her pose to get a better kicking stance, then mounted her atop a police car and gave her a little kicking effect, a bit like Chun-Li from Street Fighter 2. For those who like the detail. She has Dallas Cowboy shorts on with the stripe down the sides. I was going to put the star on her jacket, but the frills made it too hard and I didn’t want to risk it. She has gloves on in the style of Michael Irvin ( I know wrong decade ) I also gave her some Reebok Royals for trainer as Reebok was big back then!



Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Back again so soon?
I managed to get a bit more black to tidy up Leviathon, but I will start to focus on him a bit more now I have got some of the other figures out of the way.


Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I started the day taking on more new miniatures, knowing that I still have a tonne to finish. I’ve added a Mongoose, 3 light tanks from the 3D printer and another Strikeforce to the painting queue.
I already had the motion blur base for today’s Strikeforce done yesterday. Just to remind everyone, this is going to be based on my Crimson Strike, the cynic would say Hasbro simply recoloured the Skystriker and marked it up as Cobra… I still bought it.? As a reminder, check out my photo of the toy below. I painted this one up with some nice red paint then tried to paint the Cobra motif in silver. I stuck a load of weapons on and this time I wanted missiles firing. You may have seen me earlier on in the challenge painting the missiles and sticking on the missile trails. I always give my jets afterburning thrusts and to add further excitement I wanted one of those circular explosions so it looks like the plane is flying out of some close call. I managed to pull it off and I’m really happy with this one, the motion blur base kinda works, but there is so much going on with the aeroplane that you aren’t really looking.
Next a push on John… and a warning that anyone of a nervous dispostion should look away as I’m going full Mortal Kombat for this one. I made a small fireball to fit his hand so it looked a bit like he was doing a Hadouken! Then I based him on one of the street bases that I used for the ninjas. I added an extra sewer grate which if anyone looks closely at will notice is from Gotham, so clearly John is on his holidays.? I finally stuck what I’ve been calling Nick in an elevated position, with his head exen higher. I added a swoosh, just like I’d used on John to try and show some movement. I’m calling this “I’m going to knock your block off!”
And finally… I know it’s not painting, but I did a bit of soldering on Overlord Gorg, to get his LED light working.
I’m popping back to the shed for one last hour, I might be able to make some progress on Sydney.

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 10

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Saturday was a bit like a football match it was a game of two halves. It started early as my son had an early kickoff, so I got up even earlier to get some paint time in. I took one of my Strikeforce with the aim to paint it in the interesting blue camo pattern I had found online and base it on the U.S.S. Flagg picture. You may have seen me make the base a few days ago. The painting went well, I am a lot happier painting aircraft as the detail and highlighting is a lot simpler. I got the pattern on, painted and stuck on some ordenance and then mounted it on the base. I’m pretty happy with it. I think the Strikeforce with ordenance on really looks way better and will take this approach with my other 2!
In the afternoon I started on the other Strikeforce base and I wanted to capture some feel of low down and the ground speeding past, so I experimented with painting a motion blur base. I basically just streaked lots of colours over the base. I’m reasonable happy with it.
I had printed some more bases, so made a start on some more bases for the rest of the ninjas.
Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 10
Leviathon got a second coat on his gold.
Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 10
I had to do a little skin correction on Sydney and John from last night’s dirty hands, so not much happened there.
Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 10

And then the evening just felt frustrating as I moved onto Gorg. The idea for his base was to have a corn field so Gorg would be creating a crop circle. I had 3 soldiers fighting Gorg, one firing a rocket at him. Then I mad one tiny civilian with his hands up in the air running away. The other 3 civilians I put a blue halo over there heads and put them under a cone of light emenating from Gorg like the vintage UFOs. The halos were to represent Gorg taking control of them (I know he doesn’t have mind control but theatrical license was needed). This proved to be both hard and frustrating. I got the civilians with their halos on then I put some fibre optic around the cone, which was crazy hard to get to stick. When I eventually got it to work I put the cone in place and while fiddling I knocked a halo of one of the civilians, but now I coudn’t get back in to fix that. You can’t really see through the cone anyway, so that was probably all wated effort. So finally I stuck Gorg on top, and built in to the bottom of Gorg I have wired a tiny LED to give out light into the cone. I’m not sure it is powerful enough to give the effect I wanted, but I’ll take some test shots tomorrow. So I’m happy with Gorg as the concept, but maybe I was a little too ambitious.

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 9

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The realisation that the amount of time I am taking on the bases has hit home! I got in 2 hours today, yet it felt like very little progress was made. The most progress probably came from Sydney, who is starting to get all Dallas Cowboy fan styling.
Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 9
Then I messed about with a load of spare armaments that I had, so I am preparing some missiles being fired and a proper loadou that I’m going to attach to my 2 Strikeforce when I get them on the paint table. I’m going to do different livery for the aircraft as i already have one done in the Skystriker livery. I found a great blue camo scheme which you can see in the pictures and a picture of a Crimson Strike from my own collection. As you saw earlier in the week, The U.S.S. Flagg base is ready and I got my big explosion a few days ago, so that is being painted up also. Fingers crossed that these two bases work!
I’ve been using this Green Stuff World UV putty, which is really useful for sculpting. It’s more like the consistency of vaseline but great for basing and shine UV on it and it cures in a few seconds.
I messed around with the base for Gorg, getting some of his victims on there, I had some tiny 3D printed tyres in clear resin, so I painted them up and then suspended them over 3 of his victims… why, you’ll find out soon! I’m one rocket launcher short which I should be able to do tomorrow and then I’m just waiting on a door mat for my crop circle ( I know it’s difficult to keep up with where my mind is going).
John has had a bit more work on his clothes and boots.
Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 9

Finally I got the first coat on my castle walls.

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 9

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 8

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I think I have finally finished 6 of my ninjas. I have based 5 normal ninjas on city pavment style bases but with green ooze coming out of cracks in the pavement. Now I know people are probably going to side with the TMNT style ooze, but for me the inspiration is more Ghostbusters 2. I’m thinking there is a river of ooze under the city and it’s popping up turning people crazy… and who ya gonna call? Sorry I haven’t got any Ghostbusters… yet! ?
The Green Ninja has been mounted on a storm drain with green ooze trickling into it and two enormous tentacles coming out the grate. The Green Ninja is standing astride this.
Leviathon got some base gold and the hubs on his wheels painted.
Gorg has finally picked up the completed Camero in his tentacle.
Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 8
Sydney’s police car base is progressing well. And sorry guys, but I’ve decided that Sydney is a Cowboys fan, so she has got silver shorts and she will be getting the star on her back.
Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 8
I’ve added a couple of action swooshes to John’s uppercut. I’m having John’s powers in yellow. I’m trying to give each hero a distinctive energy colour as you would get in an arcade game.
Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 8

And finally some castle walls that will be needed for operation David and Goliath, a really big base! ??

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 8

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 7

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The ninjas like any tough opponent are still hanging in there. I gave them a black wash to hopefully get them to a level of darkness that I am happy with and I added a little highlighting to their colour.I’ve done a bit more work on the bases and decided that the Green Ninja will stand on a storm drain with green tentacles coming out of it. Most of the ninjas are just getting broken street scene bases. I want to get these guys done now as I have an important group that I need to get moving onto.
Leviathon has had a little red added as well as all his wheels painted black. Still a lot to do on him though.
John got his trousers painted, while his adversary Nick pretty much is almost finished.
Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 7
Sydney got a little highlighting and shading on her skin and her t-shirt got some colour, the same colour as the police car windscreen.
Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 7
Nothing much done on Gorg today, but the Camero got some detail added to it. What a shame he is going to smash it! Prep has begun on his base. There is a clue in one of the pictures, but I’m not giving too much away until I have had chance to test it out.

And as always, rather than finishing off what I started, I finally got the explosion I wanted from my 3D prints, so that got a quick prime, ready for the weekend task (I hope).

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 7


Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Well I might as well be “Rockin’ All Over The World” because my painting is feeling all Status Quo today. I managed to get a good hour after faffing around with the 3D printer and doing some robotics with my daughter. But that hour seemed to yield little.
I finished adding a little more dark to the recesses of the ninja. I also contrast painted their belt colours. I don’t know if anyone noticed but the belts are coloured in the TMNT colours, with the exception of Sickle who is honourary Pink Ranger and two honourary Yellow Rangers. ? I gave some of the 3D printed bases a quick coat of grey.
Ninjas Day 6Ninjas Day 6
Leviathon got his gold pieces prepped with some Goldbrown base colour, then I gave him a contrast coat of Turquiose to get into the recesses and darken the drybrush.
Finally Gorg got some fluoro pink to highlight his brain! Then I drybrushed some yellow on the lower tentacle surface and a little deeper green on the sides for shade.
And that’s it for today. Things got lighter, things got darker.?
Overlord GorgOverlord Gorg


Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Mondays are a slow day, the same goes for painting. I managed an hour once the kids had gone to bed.
Gorg got a little highlighting on his brain and then a covered his tentacles using Contrast Striking Scorpion green – it’s just one of those colours that I really love!
Overlord GorgOverlord Gorg
Nick got his jacket and boots darkened and his metal knee pads and belt done.
I started on John, who is going to be knocking Nick’s head off, so I wanted some progress there.
I think I have finished my Red’s Rescue, I finished off the rooftop with some astrogranite and part of what is supposed to be an H for helicopter landing pad. The idea is that Red and her troops are stuck on the rooftop and have released a flare in hope of rescue. I’ll put the usual photos and vid up tomorrow seperately on facebook and Youtube.
Red's RescueRed's Rescue
The ninjas all needed their belt colours lighter, so I went over these again to get better coverage. I then started and got through only 4 of them adding darker shading. The Green Ninja is looking a little greener now.
Ninjas day 5Ninjas day 5
Leviathon got a very fast drybrush to lighten his edges.

And during my lunch I collected so prints off the resin printer. I’m still trying to get to grips with it. I have realised now I was definitely over exposing my prints, so I have dialed that back and getting slightly better prints, now I’m just dialling in the fineness of detail. The 2 light tanks picture shows the one on the top was over exposed, the one on the right was less exposed but printed faster. I also printed off a couple of the exclusive Beat Em Up thugs, so might try and get them painted this month too. And some missile trails that I’ll be needing for various bases.


Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Straight back from the shed, with a frenzied slapping of the first turquoise coat on Leviathon.
Nick, got a little extra colour on his hair and trousers today.
Headless NickHeadless Nick
I got some flesh paint to start Sydney off and below her is the top and windshield of a police car, that she is going to be standing on.
Sydney and her police car roof baseSydney and her police car roof base

Next up, he was hot off the 3D printer this morning. It’s one of those obscure miniatures that I found while trawling Traders Galaxy – The Adventurer. This guy has to make it into Beat Em Up! I’ve slapped the first coat on him. I apologise if the figure isn’t great but Resin printing is new to me and still struggling to get things to print, let alone deal with the software putting supports in the most annoying places like right on his face.

On to Gorg, well not much has happened to him as I needed to get the human victim painted first so I could then make a tentacle out of Green Stuff and stick it to his tentacle. While painting the victim I chose blue for his trousers, but when I looked, suddenly it was obvious who the victim was.. so yellow boots, a yellow hard hat and beige shirt and the victim became Spike Witwicky! I’ve attached the tentacle and started painting a few more converted Democracy civilians and finally I had one last thing to do.

The last photo shows that I painted up a 10mm Carl Weathers in his Dillon gear from Predator in tribute of his great performances. R.I.P. He will naturally be standing against Gorg in the final miniature.

Carl weathers as Dillon - 10mmCarl weathers as Dillon - 10mm


Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Oh no, part 1, that means I’m going to be droning on for a long time. Well I managed to grab a bit of time early Sunday morning, and then in between applying emulsion to my daughters room walls. Then I got most of the afternoon and I’m off out shortly to finish the evening. Today was full of surprises, so try and keep up! ? I added a little colour to my Ninjas, then I realised that I had also been painting the Green Ninja, so I quickly gave him a green coat so that his name was not wasted.
Next I broke the lovely Sydney’s leg on purpose and set it a little higher to get her in more of a kicking pose.
The lovely Sydney kickingThe lovely Sydney kicking
Then here is the crazy one. I had a second Igor as I wanted to do another boxer, so I broke both his legs and arms and reset them in a different pose, kind of a stretched pose. Then I added some Green Stuff to his head to give him, my attempt at a mohican and a beard and a chain (Sorry Anthony my sculpting is a bit rubbish!). I got a couple of coats on him to hopefully hide some of the bad green stuff and so T.G. Maracas is born! I was hoping to use him for a Beat Em Up scenario, but with the new ROTD Covert Missions, this might be the time, if you can find them, to hire the T.G Team!?
Onwards we go… and another big lump of milliput shaped into a bow of a ship, then last night I 3D printed part of an aircraft carrier deck, I gave that a quick paint and now I have my USS Flagg base waiting for when I get round to my planes.

Last of all for part 1, I managed to resin print some of the original classic 10mm Democracy Infantry. I did this because I wanted a Red female character. So for Red’s Rescue I went with what I think was the story of her being rescued from the roof of a building. I painted up the little miniatures, then I built a rooftop out of a Square miniature base with some tiny Green Stuff bricks used to build a wall. I stuck the troops on, then poured a little UV resin to sink the bases under. It’s so useful UV resin as it instant cures! Finally I used one of my missle trails to be a distress flare. That is going to go on the roof.

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 2

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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At the end of yesterday when I reviewed my pictures, I noticed that my Gorg looked like a strawberry ice cream cone… well that’s worrying! So today I got an hour in working on the minis which was good. Gorg got some silver and gold paint to make him less ice cream like. I also started fiddling with him, as last night I thought he’s a big monster, he needs to be more rampaging. So I cut his front two tentacles and repositioned them. One will now be lifting up a car and the other will have an innocent bystander, played by the tiny Democracy soldier that I converted to be holding his arms up.

I also want Gorg to look 50’s saucer like, but not figured that bit out yet. You’ll see some more Democracy soldiers that have had their arms cut off or repositioned, some will become mind controlled lackies, others will be fighting gorg.

10mm coverted soldiers to civilians10mm coverted soldiers to civilians

For the car I had a few spare experimental Camero prints, so I am just using one of them. I also managed to get one of my missiles from yesterday stuck to a 3D printed jet trail.

Camero and missileCamero and missile

And finally I returned to the ninjas. It was a bit better today as it felt like progress was being made. I got them drybrushed with some uniform grey, I got the wood and leather base coated brown and I got the metal base on the weapons.

Ninjas day 2Ninjas day 2

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 3

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
1 Comment

Why is it you always kid yourself, ‘it’s the weekend I’ll have plenty of time to do what I want’? Anyway after painting my daughters room I finally got some time to relax in the evening, by doing some more painting!? I added a little shade to parts of the ninja and I’ve selected some bases for them.

Ninjas - day 3Ninjas - day 3

Gorg got some Contrast paints to create a bit more shading, though I’m not touching the tentacles yet until I have built the tentacle that will be holding a human. I did start painting the humans that will feature in his base.

Gorg - Day 3Gorg - Day 3

I also started on the thug I will now call Nick after (Nearly Headless Nick in HP), he is intended to go with John, when I get round to him. John will be literally knocking his block off!

Nick - What no head?Nick - What no head?

I finally got a very quick spray of primer on Leviathon. He’s a big guy and going to take a fair bit of paint, but hopefully will be a good centrepiece. I did a little bit of converting to make him point, you’ll see why later in the month.

Leviathon - primedLeviathon - primed

I also got some inspiration for Strikeforce my plane, check out the last pic! I want to have my plane on a base which looks like the U.S.S Flagg. Let’s see how it goes!

U.S.S FlaggU.S.S Flagg

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I thought I was being clever by choosing a couple of squads of Ninja. This would give me a banker of 11 figures, thus meeting the minimum requirements and being mainly black, the paint scheme should not be too difficult. But normally I like individuals who I can think about and craft a story, with the ninja at best your ninja Fred or ninja Jerry, so after painting ninja number 7 (let’s call him Bert), I found my interest waning. For those who remember the Fast Show and the painter character, I was quickly seeing black everywhere. ?

Rise of the Democracy NinjasRise of the Democracy Ninjas

So i changed it up a little and started on Overlord Gorg, who is more of an individual. I’ve got a great idea for him (if it works), along the theme of alien invaders.

Botwar Overlord GorgBotwar Overlord Gorg

I also painted a few tiny missiles which I had sitting around in a drawer as I’m going to arm my Strikeforce plane when I get to that miniature.


Finally I got some primer on a thug from Beat Em Up who I have converted with The Adventurer’s gun arm and then I cut off his head. I then stuck some red resin blood splatter that I made by mixing resin and curing while pulling it with a cocktail stick. Beat Em Up is about to get gory! He is going to be part of the scene for one of the main character’s bases.

Beat Em Up ThugBeat Em Up Thug
Beat Em Up Thug - Gory!Beat Em Up Thug - Gory!

Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 0

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
1 Comment
I’m starting this challenge as I mean to go on… in a state of disorganized chaos. Just got back from being away on work and threw together some miniatures. Not all are primed yet, there are no basing elements yet and Sydney’s not even got arms! As I said before, I’m trying to cover all 4 Traders Galaxy games: Botwar, ROTD, Beat Em Up and Broken Skies. My starting list I am thinking will be:
Overlord Gorg – Botwar
Strikeforce – Broken Skies
Strikeforce – Broken Skies
Leviathon – Botwar
Swordana Ascendant – Botwar
Mongoose – ROTD
Light Tank – Botwar
Defiance – Botwar
Democracy Infantry – Botwar
Barracuda – Botwar
Ninjas with Hand Weapons – ROTD
Ninjas with Uzis – ROTD
Ninja with Sickle and Chain – ROTD
John – Beat Em Up
Sydney – Beat Em Up
See the photo below, I forgot Swordana so have a seperate picture of her afterwards and as I have an idea with her, I had to break her arms and quickly reset them as can be seen in the final picture. I’ve done a little tinkering on Leviathon too with his right arm, I had to break that and reset it in a different pose with a pointing finger.

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