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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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Project Blog by 144artist Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 2107

About the Project

I have some very good friends who chipped in to pick up the newest core box for Marvel Crisis Protocol for my birthday present. One of the benefits of celebrating in my Friendly Local Game Store apparently. While I have wanted to paint some of these minis since I first saw them, I haven't been sure about diving into the entire game. Well, two of our group are completely addicted so I will have folks to play the game with, unlike my Burrows and Badgers undertakings. I must admit to being a little overwhelmed by the contents of the Core Set. There are all the rules, templates, counters, dice, terrain, and minis needed to play. Speaking of the minis, there are 13 in the new set and they are wonderful little sculpts, great detail and movement. I think this is going to be fun. Now I just need to avoid diving into the deep end and trying to acquire everything. Anyone who has been following this blog will know I have failed to restrain myself. Despite still not having played the game I have just about every character made and two thirds of them are painted. At least I'm getting some good work done.

This Project is Active

Wakanda Forever!

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

I picked up the Wakanda Affiliation pack a while ago and had to assemble and prime the four of them immediately.  As I have worked my way through a lot of figures I finally reached this group.  Being an Avenger as well as the Leader of the Wakanda Affiliation I started with Black Panther.  King T’Challa has long been a favorite character of mine so glad to get him into the collection.  The MCU films have only solidified that love.

Wakanda Forever!
Wakanda Forever!
Wakanda Forever!
Wakanda Forever!
Wakanda Forever!
Wakanda Forever!

Scarlet Witch Materializes to Spread Mayhem Through the Multiverse

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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For all the simplicity of Quicksilver’s pose, the Scarlet Witch is the opposite.  She is floating in the air held aloft by tendrils of the spell she is casting.  A gorgeous model that was lots of fun to paint but those tiny strands and bits were rather difficult to work with.  In the end I did succeed in getting pieces glued where they belonged but it did require some patience.  As I have learned by now, these itty-bitty bits and pieces require a tray to work in while assembling.  I haven’t lost a single piece since implementing this policy.  I do not miss kneeling on the floor with a flashlight trying to tell tiny model parts from pebbles and floor fluff.

Scarlet Witch Materializes to Spread Mayhem Through the Multiverse
Scarlet Witch Materializes to Spread Mayhem Through the Multiverse
Scarlet Witch Materializes to Spread Mayhem Through the Multiverse
Scarlet Witch Materializes to Spread Mayhem Through the Multiverse
Scarlet Witch Materializes to Spread Mayhem Through the Multiverse
Scarlet Witch Materializes to Spread Mayhem Through the Multiverse
Scarlet Witch Materializes to Spread Mayhem Through the Multiverse

Quicksilver Arrives in the Blink of the Eye

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Quicksilver has been completed and is ready to join either an Avengers Affiliation or The Brotherhood. He is a simple enough sculpt and paint scheme.  Seems like he will be a natural Objective grabber but I will have to play a few games with him to know for sure.

Quicksilver Arrives in the Blink of the Eye
Quicksilver Arrives in the Blink of the Eye
Quicksilver Arrives in the Blink of the Eye
Quicksilver Arrives in the Blink of the Eye
Quicksilver Arrives in the Blink of the Eye
Quicksilver Arrives in the Blink of the Eye

Pyro Lights Up the Blog

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Sticking to the Brotherhood, Pyro is painted and ready to light the world on fire.  This also means that set CP82 is finished and I can move onto Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.  I love the muscular definition on this sculpt.  It’s obvious he didn’t skip Leg Day.  Packaged with the Blob gives him a bit of a Jack Spratt feel to be honest.  I will be attending a huge game convention in a couple weeks and hope to play Crisis Protocol.  Looks like I will have a solid number of Brotherhood and Avengers to choose a team from.

Pyro Lights Up the Blog
Pyro Lights Up the Blog
Pyro Lights Up the Blog
Pyro Lights Up the Blog
Pyro Lights Up the Blog
Pyro Lights Up the Blog
Pyro Lights Up the Blog
Pyro Lights Up the Blog
Pyro Lights Up the Blog

The Brotherhood Grows More Immovable with the Addition of Blob

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I have been a huge fan of the Brotherhood (of Evil Mutants) since reading the original Uncanny X-Men comics in the 1980’s so I was always going to want to paint the Blob.  John Byrne always made him look so threatening and lethal that one forgot what a big guy Blob is.  I really think Atomic Mass Games have done the same with this sculpt.

The Brotherhood Grows More Immovable with the Addition of Blob
The Brotherhood Grows More Immovable with the Addition of Blob
The Brotherhood Grows More Immovable with the Addition of Blob
The Brotherhood Grows More Immovable with the Addition of Blob
The Brotherhood Grows More Immovable with the Addition of Blob
The Brotherhood Grows More Immovable with the Addition of Blob
The Brotherhood Grows More Immovable with the Addition of Blob
The Brotherhood Grows More Immovable with the Addition of Blob
The Brotherhood Grows More Immovable with the Addition of Blob

Hopping onto the Table With Toad

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Sabretooth gains an ally and a Brotherhood affiliation member with Toad complete.  I gain some list building flexibility with a Threat Level 2 character.  Well, in theory as I still haven’t really played the game much.  Magneto is catching up with his constructs as they were painted quite a while ago and he is almost there.

Hopping onto the Table With Toad
Hopping onto the Table With Toad
Hopping onto the Table With Toad
Hopping onto the Table With Toad
Hopping onto the Table With Toad
Hopping onto the Table With Toad
Hopping onto the Table With Toad
Hopping onto the Table With Toad
Hopping onto the Table With Toad
Hopping onto the Table With Toad
Hopping onto the Table With Toad

The Brotherhood Gets a Leader

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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As is becoming more common, the Project system erased my entry and later duplicated it so I am trying to replace the second entry with a new one.  Hope OTT gets this figured out soon.


Magneto is finished and ready to join his metal constructs on the battlefield.  I’ve got Blob and Pyro primed and ready to paint next so the Brotherhood is forming up nicely.  Guess I better get some allies for Wolverine and the X-Men next.

The Brotherhood Gets a Leader
The Brotherhood Gets a Leader
The Brotherhood Gets a Leader
The Brotherhood Gets a Leader
The Brotherhood Gets a Leader
The Brotherhood Gets a Leader
The Brotherhood Gets a Leader
The Brotherhood Gets a Leader
The Brotherhood Gets a Leader
The Brotherhood Gets a Leader

Steve Rogers- Captain America is Ready for Action

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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A very busy weekend with little painting time but I did finish a few minis.  Steve Rogers- Captain America, who came with the original Human Torch in set CP77, is painted and ready to join the Invaders though there isn’t an Affiliation for them yet.  With several characters (including the Howling Commandoes) from Marvel’s World War 2 stories it can’t be that far off. I am feeling a little more confident in my NMM skills as this shield looks better than the last one I painted.

Steve Rogers- Captain America is Ready for Action
Steve Rogers- Captain America is Ready for Action
Steve Rogers- Captain America is Ready for Action
Steve Rogers- Captain America is Ready for Action
Steve Rogers- Captain America is Ready for Action
Steve Rogers- Captain America is Ready for Action
Steve Rogers- Captain America is Ready for Action

M.O.D.O.K is the Murderous Floating Humpty Dumpty

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

I’ve now completed my model of M.O.D.O.K.- Scientist Supreme.  While I have always found this character to be a bit humorous looking, he is deadly and, if I understand the card, especially so in this game.  I have the earlier sculpt as well though I don’t think I will get to him right away.   Somehow I ended up mixing Non-Metallic Metal with True Metallic Metal but the chaotic nature of this guy seems to make that acceptable.

M.O.D.O.K is the Murderous Floating Humpty Dumpty
M.O.D.O.K is the Murderous Floating Humpty Dumpty
M.O.D.O.K is the Murderous Floating Humpty Dumpty
M.O.D.O.K is the Murderous Floating Humpty Dumpty
M.O.D.O.K is the Murderous Floating Humpty Dumpty
M.O.D.O.K is the Murderous Floating Humpty Dumpty
M.O.D.O.K is the Murderous Floating Humpty Dumpty
M.O.D.O.K is the Murderous Floating Humpty Dumpty
M.O.D.O.K is the Murderous Floating Humpty Dumpty

Sabretooth Lashes Out

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Wolverine’s nemesis is painted and looking for Logan.  Seems like my collection has taken a turn toward the X-Men and Brotherhood.  I’m good with that.  Going too need some leaders for both…

Sabretooth Lashes Out
Sabretooth Lashes Out
Sabretooth Lashes Out
Sabretooth Lashes Out
Sabretooth Lashes Out
Sabretooth Lashes Out
Sabretooth Lashes Out
Sabretooth Lashes Out
Sabretooth Lashes Out

Deadpool Rockets to the Table

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Deadpool is painted and photographed.  He joins Bob-Agent of Hydra and the Taco Truck to complete set CP45. I still have a tray of tacos to paint and glue to the counter but I am calling it complete regardless.  I may need to eventually pick up another kit to build the alternative versions but that is a discussion for the distant future.

Deadpool Rockets to the Table
Deadpool Rockets to the Table
Deadpool Rockets to the Table
Deadpool Rockets to the Table
Deadpool Rockets to the Table
Deadpool Rockets to the Table
Deadpool Rockets to the Table
Deadpool Rockets to the Table

Original Human Torch Lights Up the Collection

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Pack CP77 contains Captain America-First Avenger and the Original Human Torch, the android that fought in World War2.  As sets to be common, the poses are fluid and the details crisp even if they are mostly flames.  Human Torch’s feet even have tiny toes.  Being covered in flames made for a quick paint job.  I hope Cap goes as quickly.


Gotta say, this guy really makes me impatient for the Fantastic Four!

Original Human Torch Lights Up the Collection
Original Human Torch Lights Up the Collection
Original Human Torch Lights Up the Collection
Original Human Torch Lights Up the Collection
Original Human Torch Lights Up the Collection
Original Human Torch Lights Up the Collection
Original Human Torch Lights Up the Collection
Original Human Torch Lights Up the Collection
Original Human Torch Lights Up the Collection

Captain America- Sam Wilson Flies onto the Scene

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Captain America- Sam Wilson is finished.  Such a fun pose with a great deal of movement.  Now there are two finished Captain Americas in my collection with a third primed and waiting for paint.  With War Machine finished this completes set CP38.  The reflective metal look on the shield was new for me but I think it came out fairly well.  I may got back to the first Cap I painted and touch his shield up next.

Captain America- Sam Wilson Flies onto the Scene
Captain America- Sam Wilson Flies onto the Scene
Captain America- Sam Wilson Flies onto the Scene
Captain America- Sam Wilson Flies onto the Scene
Captain America- Sam Wilson Flies onto the Scene
Captain America- Sam Wilson Flies onto the Scene
Captain America- Sam Wilson Flies onto the Scene
Captain America- Sam Wilson Flies onto the Scene

Wolverine Rages

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

I finished painting one of my all time favorite Marvel characters, Wolverine.  I started reading X-Men comics way back in the day (X-Men Giant Size #1) when the original team were replaced by the Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, and the rest of that generation.  I always loved the scrappy little mutant who took on the Hulk single handed.  I might need to pick up another to paint in the more recent tan and brown color scheme but that will have to wait until I’ve assembled and painted quite a few other characters.

More X-Men await…

Wolverine Rages
Wolverine Rages
Wolverine Rages
Wolverine Rages
Wolverine Rages
Wolverine Rages
Wolverine Rages
Wolverine Rages
Wolverine Rages

Bob-Agent of Hydra is Armed and Ready

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Even before I finished painting the Taco Truck I had finished Bob as he was a pretty straight forward paint job.  While not one of the characters that excites me, I was delighted to see him included with Deadpool as I love his role in the comic books. So great that he got a quick pop up in the first Deadpool film as well.  The gun he has looks to pack quite a wallop but mostly he was an excuse to practice painting Hydra uniforms.

Bob-Agent of Hydra is Armed and Ready
Bob-Agent of Hydra is Armed and Ready
Bob-Agent of Hydra is Armed and Ready
Bob-Agent of Hydra is Armed and Ready
Bob-Agent of Hydra is Armed and Ready

The Symbiote has Found a Host- Venom Is Ready!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Simple color scheme but I find white and black to be challenging colors to do well.  All in all, I think this fellow came out nicely.  He does look hungry.

The Symbiote has Found a Host- Venom Is Ready!
The Symbiote has Found a Host- Venom Is Ready!
The Symbiote has Found a Host- Venom Is Ready!
The Symbiote has Found a Host- Venom Is Ready!
The Symbiote has Found a Host- Venom Is Ready!
The Symbiote has Found a Host- Venom Is Ready!
The Symbiote has Found a Host- Venom Is Ready!
The Symbiote has Found a Host- Venom Is Ready!

Kingpin Gets More Color

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
No Comments

Got a little painting done last night so thought I’d share the state of Kingpin and what else I’m working on.  Amazing how long it can take to paint white.

Quite the range of genre and states of completion sitting on my painting handles right now.  An Oathsworn Frog Wilding Warrior and MODOK are almost done while Deadpool is just primer.  I even have a resin printed Appa waiting for his next layers.Quite the range of genre and states of completion sitting on my painting handles right now. An Oathsworn Frog Wilding Warrior and MODOK are almost done while Deadpool is just primer. I even have a resin printed Appa waiting for his next layers.
One can see one of Bilbo's companions there amongst the MCP characters.One can see one of Bilbo's companions there amongst the MCP characters.
Even on a short base Kingpin stands tall.Even on a short base Kingpin stands tall.
Closer look at the dapper, dangerous, don.Hope to finish him tonight.Closer look at the dapper, dangerous, don.Hope to finish him tonight.

Villainous Work in Progress

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
No Comments

Since the Project system quadruple entered my last blog I am attempting to create a Work in Progress Update.

Classic Villain that should paint quicklyClassic Villain that should paint quickly
Villainous Work in Progress
For some reason I decided to try and work some Non-Metallic Metal work on his bronze casing.For some reason I decided to try and work some Non-Metallic Metal work on his bronze casing.
Villainous Work in Progress
Villainous Work in Progress

War Machine Is Suited Up.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
No Comments

War Machine is done and Captain America- Sam Wilson is started so set CP38 is on its way to completion.  These are both visually dynamic minis I was excited to get into the collection.  War Machine painted quickly enough as he is mostly metallic paint.  Sam Wilson is taking rather longer but then he has more colors and I want to try some NMM on his shield.

War Machine Is Suited Up.
War Machine Is Suited Up.
War Machine Is Suited Up.
War Machine Is Suited Up.
War Machine Is Suited Up.
War Machine Is Suited Up.
War Machine Is Suited Up.
War Machine Is Suited Up.
War Machine Is Suited Up.
War Machine Is Suited Up.
War Machine Is Suited Up.

Rhino Rushes In

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
No Comments

After Iron Man took what seemed like forever to finish, Rhino painted up in two hours.  I am liking the bigger details on these bigger figure.  The eyes were fairly easy to get on the second try.  This figure is huge being one of the characters that MCP podcasters refer to as “Kaiju”.  Seems rather appropriate and I’ve included a picture with Iron Man for scale.

Rhino Rushes In
Rhino Rushes In
Rhino Rushes In
Rhino Rushes In
Rhino Rushes In
Rhino Rushes In
Rhino Rushes In
Rhino Rushes In
Rhino Rushes In
Rhino Rushes In
Rhino Rushes In