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HeroQuest Painting Blog (Dungeonalia)

HeroQuest Painting Blog (Dungeonalia)

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Project Blog by warhammergrimace Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 4

About the Project

During the month of December I plan to get all of the gaming pieces in the core set of HeroQuest painted

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The Heroes

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So the final miniatures from the core set, these were painted mainly with traditional paints rather than contrast or speed paints. So now with a fully painted board game I’m looking at painting all the minis from another board game.

The Heroes
The Heroes
The Heroes
The Heroes
The Heroes

Starting the Monsters

Tutoring 1
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So now it time to get started on the monsters but which ones to start first. I decided to paint the undead models first as I thought those could be done pretty quickly. Fortunately they were quick to paint, the skeletons and mummies painted up really nice and easy.

I gave them a coat of Flayed One Flesh and then a wash of Nuln Oil before I started adding some layers. These painted up really quickly, the red used was a contrast Blood Angels Red. The aim was to make the miniatures look a little worn and dirty, as I feel that’s how undead should look.

Starting the Monsters
Starting the Monsters

Now the Undead were finished I painted up the Gargoyle, and this was done really fast making use of contrast and washes. He came out pretty OK, a nice table top finish, though I think the Undead look better. Once the Big guy was complete I painted up the Frogmen. These I started with an undercoat of light grey, then gave them a wash of  Army Painter Military Shade. Then I painted the flesh with GW Contrast Creed Camo. I then used an old yellow glaze from Games Workshop.


Starting the Monsters
Starting the Monsters

I decided to paint the armour looking parts dark brown before giving it a coat of Retributor Armour, the coat of dark brown prior to this gives the Retributor a more dull appearance.

The next to paint are the goblins, then the orcs before finally getting to the heroes.

Starting the Monsters
Starting the Monsters
Starting the Monsters

Finished Doors and Furniture

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The original plan was to paint everything using contrast and speed paints, but I wasn’t happy with the results so I decided to use a combination of speed/contrast and traditional paints.

I found that some of speed/contrast paints produced a reasonable finish depending on the colour. So it was back to using traditional paints, as I prefer the final finish.

Finished Doors and Furniture

The first batch of miniatures from the core set I decided to paint were the doors, I did some test paints initially. The tests were under coated, one was given a wash of Nuln Oil, another I used a speed paint Gravelord Grey and the third test I painted light grey and then gave it a wash of Nuln Oil. I decided the third test was the way to go as I preferred the final result.

I painted the doors using Army Painted Hardened Leather and finished off with Agrax Wash from Games Workshop.

Finished Doors and Furniture
Finished Doors and Furniture

Once the doors were completed I decided to next start on the furniture, the aim was to give these a simple paint scheme, enough to look OK on the board. I managed to get these painted quite fast, which was the plan from the start. My aim was to blitz through everything in a month, that was being a but ambitious.

Finished Doors and Furniture

Vlog Episode 3

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HeroQuest Vlog Episode 2

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In this episode I discuss getting all the doorways painted

Under coating has started

Tutoring 0
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Under coating has started

HeroQuest Painting Vlog Episode 1

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1
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