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Assorted Terrain

Assorted Terrain

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Project Blog by hairybrains Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 64

About the Project

I wanted to do something for this but I wasn't sure what to do as I just finished a wild west town, so this is going to be a series of short things that I can complete during this month.

This Project is Completed

Project 1

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
1 Comment

I’ve just finished painting the outside of my house, does that count?

Project 2

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Project 2

I thought I would keep it simple to start with, these are the buildings from the LOTR Osgiliath box and the tower. They have been built and primed for quite a while so I thought it was time to get these done. Its going to be a lot of dry brushing so it should be pretty quick.

Project 2

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Project 2
Project 2
Project 2
Project 2

Finally done, it took a lot longer than I expected but its complete now. I was following a guide from Warhipster.

But I managed to pick up Agrax Earthshade instead of Seraphim Sepia so they all ended up darker than I was expecting. Also I didn’t like the cygor brown on the wood, it looked a bit new for ruins. So I used Vallejo’s wood set to get an old wood effect.

Project 3

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Project 3
Project 3

As it seems many people did, I got the alien trees from mantic recently and I thought I would try and paint some them. I have got magnets in all of them and managed to only get one the wrong way round!

They were primed grey and zenithed with white all out of a rattle can.

I found the second picture online and wondered if I could do something like the mushroom on the left and have it glow underneath. I thought it might be a tough ask as it could really do with having some lights to make this work but that is beyond me. I have the fluorescent paint set from green stuff world to try and make this work, so I am going to try and give it a go.

Project 3

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Normal LightNormal Light
Fluorescent lightFluorescent light
Project 3

This was my first go at the alien trees, mostly done with an airbrush using army painters air range.

I’ve tried to make the transition between pieces all the same colour (Skeleton Bone) so that when they are swapped about the change between pieces isn’t so hash.

The Fluorescent glow on the underside did sort of work but it really needs a UV light underneath it to make it really noticeable.

Project 3

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Project 3

I only intended to do a few of the plants from mantic but I’ve ended up doing all the large plants from the box. They are all magnetized so you can swap them about to get the tree of you dreams provided it doesn’t fall over.

The second from last ones were done with a flame HD stencil to give the red around the edge and I’ve left most of the bases skeleton bone for now and I’ll put some colour on them once they are stuck to the base (a problem for future me).

Project 4A

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Project 4A

While I’ve been painting the alien trees, the 3D printer has been going brrrrrr and produced these.

I have recently got some the HexTech terrain from Gale Force 9 and I went to the website these designs originally came from and picked up the elevated roadway and started the printer working.

There are further 2 parts to this if there is time as I am hoping this will be quite quick (famous last words).

Project 4A

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Project 4A

So that tray of parts makes this an elevated roadway. It a very simple paint job just primed with Uniform Grey with a black roadway and white markings.

Next up some roads to go with them.

Project 4B

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Project 4B

This box of bits becomes the layouts below, simple black road with white marking. I seemed to have forgotten any transition pieces to go between 2 and 4 lane roads but they do exists I just have to remember to print them.

I was looking for some civilian sci-fi vehicles I could scatter across the place but they seem to rarer than hens teeth. I have some civilian vehicles dropzone commander somewhere but they might be a bit big for BattleTech. If anyone has any suggestions let me know.

Project 4B
Project 4B

Project 4C

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Project 4C
Left from a rattle can right from the pot.Left from a rattle can right from the pot.

These are the last bit of battletech terrain, some defensive walls. Unfortunately I primed them Mechanicus Standard Grey from a rattle can but this turned out to be much greener and lighter than it came out of a pot. So I have to go through and repaint them the right colour.

Project 4C

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Project 4C
Project 4C

The walls are finished, basecoat of mechanicus standard grey and then highlighted with dawnstone and administratum grey.

I’ve set some of it up on a hex mat with a some battletech miniatures (still in the finest grey) and a couple of hextech buildings from gale force 9.

There is one more project which is drying at the moment.

Project 5

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Project 5
Project 5
Project 5

For the last project I’ve broken out the airbrush again and painted up the terrain from the shatterpoint core box.

It mostly done with army painters air paints. The grey areas are done with:
Iron Wolf
Wolf Grey
Storm Wolf
and the light brown areas are:
Charred Bone
Skeleton Bone
Bleached Bone

The Storm Wolf and Bleached Bone are also the edge highlights for there respective areas

The weathering is done with Rawhide brown lightly sprayed into the recesses.

The metallics are leadbelcher over black and the light are done light dusting around the lights with white through the airbrush and then Iyanden Yellow also through the airbrush.

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