Zerg.. Ehm Tyranide creep
Recommendations: 24
About the Project
I try to make a modular Alien creep Terrain. Mainly some flat baseic area later in more stuff.. maybe. Last week i started but my Mobilephone was too slow to Upload the Project ?
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2023
This Project is Active
First part of a playable area ist done.
It Looks so awesome dried and stiked together.
But i have to find a eay to let them fit better in wach other. But for now ot ist awesome and totaly a success!
Shiny mud
Some transparent shiny stuff onto the tiles.
Cleaning the edge.s Then the next step ist putting stuff together.
Some magical drybrushing with purple white mixture.
Next step some gloss.
Pre beginning
Missed Out the real beginning:
Cutting the foam with proxon and Selfmade cutting support.
Made some test objects months ago. Found out that the black purple Mix fits great with purple drybrushing.
Next test ist tot use gloss onto it.
Just some toiletpaper glue water and nicely cut foam in the rigt shape.
Put all together…
One day later all dried verywell.
Some purple and black acrylic paint with water and glue 4to 2 to3 to 1are the Proportion.
Then wait again.