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Gorram Gets Spooky

Gorram Gets Spooky

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Project Blog by gorram Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 27

About the Project

Inspired by the OTT themed week and with some Spooky Season gaming in mind, it's finally time to dig into Silver Bayonet.

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September 17th - Prepping Models

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
1 Comment

Digging out my Victrix models I decided to stick with just the Highlanders for now. Others can be added once I’ve picked up the rulebook – including if I need to arm them differently. Had a lovely time just building plastics and cleaning and washing the metals while watching Raiders of the Lost Ark. it is too wet outside to prime today but here’s the painting lineup for this week:

September 17th - Prepping Models
September 17th - Prepping Models


Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 5
No Comments

Since Silver Bayonet came out it has been on my radar. I love the setting and I enjoyed what we played of Frostgrave so have been keen to try another McCullough game. Like a lot of things though, it has been on the back burner while life happened. Things have started to setting down a bit and needing another half done project to take up brain space, the OTT themed week has made me want to jump in.

Money is tight these days but thankfully I have a lot of miniatures that should to the business already in my stash. I have some Victrix Napoleonics that were bought during a sale with the idea of being used for SB and for Turnip 28. For monsters, I painted up a lot for Frostgrave and have since had the last Bad Squiddo KS fulfill which was horror themed.


I’ll not be picking the rule book up until next payday but thankfully there’s enough information online to have a rough idea of building. I have highlanders and regular red coats. They are all flank troops so a little static in their posing but this is about using what I have,not spending more money just for the sake of it. There’s a few civilian models that will mix in nicely to form my little warband.

Most likely this will be a solo game mostly and to get things to the table I’ll be dragging out some papercraft buildings I did way back in 2019. I need to make some tree copses for Kings of War anyway so doing some extras at the same time will be easy.

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