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Last Hope Frontier

Last Hope Frontier

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Project Blog by TomJackBrown

Recommendations: 229

About the Project

'Last Hope Frontier' (Working Title) is a small scale skirmish cowboy posse game in creation by Thomas Jack Brown. Set in the town of Last Hope, factions of the town's residents and outlying outlaws vie for control of the town. The game uses a standard size deck of 54 playing cards as its mechanic for measuring distances and conducting shooting and combat.

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Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Played on a 2 x 2 board. 

Movement of models on foot is up to and including the entire length of a playing card, measured from same point on model of base. If at anytime a player wishes to move a model over terrain such as a fence/wall/obstacle, movement is reduced to width of a playing card, measured from same point of the base of the model. If the movement can’t be completed using the width of the playing card, (i.e., the model can’t be wholly placed on the board when moving over the terrain) the movement over the terrain can’t be completed. The model can move onto terrain in a move action, if the base of the model can be securely placed onto the terrain piece of choice. 

Vertical/climbing movement limit is length of playing card. 

If a model can’t get to desired higher location in a move of a length of a playing card, a model cannot reach the intended destination. 

if a model wishes to move more than length of playing card in a vertical fall or jumping from great height, one unsoakable damage is taken for each additional length of playing card, I.e., an additional distance beyond the first length of a playing card, between the length of 0 and 1 additional card lengths = 1 unsoakable damage, between 1 and 2 card lengths = 2 unsoakable damage, etc., No such thing as difficult terrain. Distances can be measured at any time. 

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