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Oathsworn power painting challenge

Oathsworn power painting challenge

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Project Blog by robojoel Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 357

About the Project

I got my copy of Oathsworn delivered on Sunday and BOY are the sculpts great!! We are playing out first game on Saturday. I was too hung over on Sunday to do anything so that gives me FIVE DAYS to get everything ready for game one! I'm documenting this day by day with my progress. Fortunately (or unfortunately come Monday....) I'm a teacher so I have all week off so I'm in with a chance! I'll show completed pieces and give a bit of info on how I did them, so as not to repeat myself everything is undercoated black then zenithil light grey then white and finally dry brushed white ? EDIT:SPOILERS I'll be adding in the bosses as we do them. I'll have two weeks to complete each one before our gaming sessions!

This Project is Completed

Monday: Scenery

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
1 Comment

The scenery is fantastic, I’m excited it will also work perfectly in my Moonstone games!

I hate painting scenery

But like a child eating Christmas dinner I’ll force the sprouts down first ?

Fur this though I kind of followed Sorastros excellent guide on YouTube (go check it out) but substituted a few of my own colours. Very happy with the results. I finished around 11.15 pm!

Tuesday: Broodmother

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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The Broodmother is a Massive figure full of detail.

For the fire i used contrast in the first place, a mix of gryph charger grey, Magis purple and basilica grey, ib went heavier with the dark grey and recesses. I then highlighted by dry brushing increasingly lighter greys where parts were raised.

For the underbelly I used rakarth flesh

For the rest of the swarm I just used a variety of brown and grey contrast paints to create variety then for the faces of them and mum I used skeleton horde then agrax earthshade as a base. Dry brushed rakarth flesh then finished with normal hilights of ivory.

For the wounds I used contrast blood angels red then averland subset stippled around the edges then agrax ink. I then stippled voluptuous pink and will rider red in the wounds and averland sunset around the edges to represent the fat (saw a guy in YouTube doing it so I stole that!)

Tail spikes and rat tails were rakarth flesh, agrax, ivory highlights

Mouth was red ink then red tongue highlighted pink.

Eyes and teeth were white, I glazed the eye yellow veggie a black pupil.

For the bases I wanted them to match the board so I went blended patches of plague bearers green, Ork hide green, wildwood and cygor brown all thinned down a bit with medium. Finally I dry brushed a little yellow green in patches!

EDIT: forgot to mention I even crammed in a four hour game of conquest today! Nords Vs 100 kingdoms. I hate horses…..

Tomorrow I’ll make a start on our characters!

Wednesday: Penitent Knight

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Thought I’d start the adventurers with my own Character.

He is a shiny knight so I started by using the 0.15 airbrush nozzle to direct  white areas to creat a shiny effect, I did the same with black to create shadow.

Next I used thin white brush with to build more intense reflections and edge hilight key places. Voila shiny.

The other main colour was the red cloth. Started with blood angels red contrast then built up hilights with wild rider red then tau ochra in thin layers to hilight.

The rest was just brown contrast.

The parchment was skeleton horde initially then built up with bone white and ivory.

I used some thin black to scrawl some gibberish which is probably full of his  pathetic pleas to his god but each to his own!

I’ve made a decent start on the werebear so hoping to have at least two done by the end of tomorrow!

Wednesday: Penitent Knight


Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The werebear is a lady apparently.

Under the cosh I completed her today.

Various contrast browns (gore grunta fur, skeleton horde etc) for the skin

Armour I used contrast turquoise hilights with white grey then white.

Axe NMM the same as the penitent armour?

Job done.

Two to complete tomorrow AND one of them has twov birds as minions! ?

I’ll be honest I’ve already done a few bits on each where the colours match what I’ve done already so I’m confident!


Friday AM. Ranger

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Up against it now!

Did the ranger in a variety of contrast greens then edge hilighter. She is supposed to be organic looking so I used skeleton horde for her armour. It all looked a bit similar so I used basilicanum grey as an ink to separate and contrast the different colours which helped it pop a bit!

Pretty pleased now just the huntress and her birds to do this afternoon and evening!

Friday AM. Ranger

Friday PM: Huntress

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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A lot of this was already done as when I had added colours shared with the other minutes I did her as well so this was quite a quick process.

Main cloak was snakebite leather, bow Skeleton horde, leather belts cygor brown, and armour space wolves grey.

Again I just edge hilighted and used basilicanum grey as an ink to break up the parts.

Face was guiliamen flesh contrast, I hilighed with Vallejo basic skin tone, then Shaded with reikland flesh then hilighted back up with basic skin tone. Job done.

Oh there were the two birds still to do!

I hate these. I went for white heads like eagles with nazdreg yellow beaks.

For the feathers  I went blended contrast then edge hilighted up to a lighter tone.

One I did black-gryph charger grey-white the other I did wildwood-skeleton horde’-iyanden yellow

Job done!

I actually still have time to do the four allies don’t I in case (when) one of us dies?

Absolutely not.

I’m going to have a glass of wine and set up the table for the game tomorrow morning ?

Friday PM: Huntress
Friday PM: Huntress
Friday PM: Huntress
Friday PM: Huntress


Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Second Boss is the Satyr

I wanted a reddish hue to his skin so I airbrushed a mix of terracotta and dark first-time in the shadows before layering up burned flesh flesh then pale flesh (all Vallejo air). I then picked out hilights with a brush using a mix of basic skin tone and ivory.

UPDATE: my photos were not working. Please whoever runs this site sort it out as adding photos tagged ages and is a lottery 🙁

Cloth was blood angels contrast then layered up with wild riders red/tau ochra and ivory.

Fur was just one layer of fyreslayer flesh contrast and it looked fine!

None I did my usual of Skeleton horde then blending up bone white/ivory/pure white.

Playing against him in a couple of hours!


Giant worm boss

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Well this guy is very dune.

I wanted an organic look, so after priming and zenithyl I blended a mixture of dunes, gryph orange and plague bearers green in patches. I also wanted to create almost like a butterfly wing effect so I used a 0.15 airbrush to creat a series of black spots connected by a web of black lines. I then airbrushed the spots building them up with purple pink then white and I think it looks pretty cool!

I highlighted up the original colours and did the mouth pink. I picked out the wounds and used the same technique I used in the giant rats wounds

Giant worms headGiant worms head
Giant worms middleGiant worms middle
Giant worms bottom (or tail....)Giant worms bottom (or tail....)
Full long boiFull long boi

Savage Tribesman

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So after all those amazing monsters these were a bit vanilla.

Lovely sculpts though and the fight was a lot of fun!

I’m not going to detail the painting method as it’s exactly the same as I used for my Slaine figures in my other project so look there if you are interested 🙂

The boys (and girl)The boys (and girl)

Giant insect Boss

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 9
1 Comment
Giant insect Boss
Giant insect Boss

So I decided to paint this guy a bit like a wasp. Wasps are of course utter twats. The Tories of the insect Kingdom. Literal vermin. I hate them.

Anyway after a zenithyl I decided to do the black first, abadon black then built up a bit with Vallejo dark sea blue and gradually added white grey. The black textured pay ahead looked ok but I used space wolves grey contrast to make it a bit more interesting. I then used a combination of dry brushing and edge hilights with white grey to build up the edges.

The yellow I started with averland sunset then flat yellow, golden yellow then increasing amounts of ivory.

For the wings I airbrushed terracotta to orange to yellow to ivory to create a shifting blend. I wanted these to look like butterfly wings and after painting the lines black I think they look pretty cool.

I finished by airbrushing grey then white on the eyes to give them reflection and finally locked out the tongue with. Emperor’s children and hilights up by adding ivory.

Tentacle Boys

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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These three were a pretty quick job. Fur the main body it was turquoise contrast then blue glazed recessed and some edge hilights with a light gray.

I wanted the tentacles a bit weird so went with a mixture of sepia and orange hilighted with bonewhite.

The claws and horns I used rakarth flesh with agrax wash then gradually hilighted up to ivory.

Job done!


Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I actually painted this a month ago but it gaming group couldn’t get together then I was away for Christmas for two weeks so I’ve forgotten how I did this exactly haha,

I do know I based as usual. Then I decided I wanted to try and do dark armour with some OSL from the candles.

I painted the armour dark sea blue/black gray/purple to get a really dark purple base. I then airbrushed sports with very subtle lighter purple then concentrated up to ivory then white where there light would hit. I also edge highlighted with white. I used a yellow glaze on parts I thought would be hit by the candles. The rest was pretty simple using a mix of contrast and edge hilights. I won’t spoil it but he was an absolute nightmare to defeat which we managed with two casualties!

Project is still going!

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 6
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I’ve not updated this in a while BUT I have done four more bosses!

Unfortunately since Christmas our group has struggled to get together to play much for one reason or another and I’m not posting bosses till we actually play them or they will tell me off for spoilers! Bear with me….

Scar tribe

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Encounter 12 were the scar tribe. Really lovely sculpts and I enjoyed doing them thoroughly!

I tried a couple of experimental things, firstly I’ve been watching people using oils to blend in their painting, so I tried this on the skin which was fun but I kept just making it all the same colour through over working it and abandoned it, finishing it off with acrylics! Haha

Secondly, I tried using kind of small random patterns to texture the armour then bringing it together with a light green airbrushing, I liked that and think it worked well.

Finally I did then ask with a dark brown oil wash which helped make them pop!

We won this encounter quite easily but it’s was a really fun one.

Grove Maiden and minions

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I actually forgot this lot! It was the encounter prior to the scar tribe and boy did she kick our ass!

We were down to our last Oathsworn who had 2 health left before we defeated her.

Painting was easy, contrasts then picked out hilights and oil washed.

Lots of green and brown…..

King of the Deepwood

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Another boss I forgot to upload here!

ANOTHER boss I did and forgot to add here! Giant molusc!

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5
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This guy was nasty.

I actually spent a long time painting him as I could not quite get colours I liked. I tried to get a balance between kind of disgusting garish and natural. Failing both in equal measure.

We killed him anyway so it’s all irrelevant…..

More Heroes

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I’ve been gradually doing the heroes in between bosses. I kind of forgot I had done them but just finished the Curv which reminded me about the others.

Lots of NMM on the preist and warrior guy (I can’t remember his actual name haha)

Just finished the Cur and I challenged myself to make him all in dark stuff (he is an assassin you see….) but still make him pop a bit through tactical bright patches and edging. I actually enjoyed this and did him to completion, then black oil wash which added definition but also took down the brightest tones turning me to redo the light sections and it looked WAY better than originally.

Now can I bring myself to stop playing my trusty Penitent and become one of these guys? I fancy a go on the witch!

Pyromancer Witch

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Pyromancer Witch

This was quite quick to paint using contrast paints over zenithil. The figure itself was pretty simple so didn’t take long. I love snakebite leather, it’s one of my go to paints that I find is really vibrant and fits a lot of work for you.

The flames I just basically airbrushed, starting with white then moving to yellow, orange, red, dark brown black.

I think it looks ok, not sure about the placement of the colours on the flames, kind of wish I had followed the contours more closely!

As a boss she was an absolute bitch and we scraped through with only one hero left in one hit point!!


Chapter 16-big scabby boy

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5
1 Comment

This guy was full of texture and pretty easy to paint. Just a mixture of contrast, washes and inking. The model pretty much took care of itself.

The fight was absolutely brutal and 3 of us got knocked out!

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