Recommendations: 178
About the Project
Because I have ADHD... I got distracted. Again. I wanted to try painting army with cans I chose to paint some of my son dinosaurs. It came up so good so fast that I continue to play with that idea as I always wanted to have classic lizard army.
Related Game: Kings of War
Related Company: Mantic Games
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
Almost done.
Bases to do left. I have no jungle plants so off to pet shop for fish tank plastic plants. Also I still have lizard god to paint. Mold lines that was possible to remove – removed. Gaps that could be filled – covered. Primed and first coat done.
The Pale Rider
I have seen this model from Warlord some time ago and I was dying to get it. Now with Christmas discount 50% and gift voucher for my bday from good friend I could not resist.
Model is for their Mythic Americas range. Inka Maras it’s called. Could be also used in Oathmark game. Will represent Rakawas The Pale Raider.
check this out , this is amazeballs !!!
A trye game changer for terrain @gerry ! you have to do tutorial on that one !
Platforms and saddles part 2
Flying creatures. As law of physics have to make sense I did them as small and visually light as possible but trying to keep it interesting.
For £1 from pound land toys section. This is amazing looking models for next to nothing.
Platforms and saddles part 1
So I have tried twice now to upload this. Both times as o e post. It has been 2 weeks past now and I did a little bit more painting. This time I will spread it over 2/3 parts and hopefully this will fix issues stopping previous times to upload.
In any particular order.
This is my banner rider. It can be one used as one of the commanders in kings of war. I don’t have access to army list ATM so I can’t name it correctly.
I have started adding bits to the sides down direction . In this case is some shields. It has few purposes. One it looks cool as extra armour, protection. Two it helps platform to snug in nicely and makes it more stable as my idea with ropes didn’t work as I wanted and I am dissatisfied with results. I will post pictures below or in next part. Third reason. Is allows platform to be removable
Next. This model don’t have much use in KoW yet but I wanted to have one. I included crew models I have been given I am not sure if I will use them on it or create one unit of troops. Or use it as some elite troops with high armour and big triceratop is just representation.
I have big issues to upload this post do this is my last attempt . I had to upload text first and then update it with pictures in bits. I am a bit tired of it now so I will update more models in few days time maybe. If I will not forget.
Getting together
- Another great found in toy store. £4.80 in Entertainer in UK. Beats £35 from GW.
Leader has been finalized. I still need to fill the gaps and sculpt Simon in few places but it’s pretty much how it will look like.
A little more progress on whole army. Platform on big guy to do. More painting. Straps on riders to do. I have to come up how I want flying beast to be ridden. I imagine free tyle with holding some straps standing on back in a way like in Movie Dune.
Painting and kitbash
I had been given some sprues from friend. There was enough parts to create this guy. It’s not a final stage as he needs to seat on some bigger beast so it’s more of a mock up door now but it gives me more of the genera idea.
As you may notice this is not a chronological blog as I am posting around 2 weeks worth of pictures. Here is a great Find from pound land. Great pterodactyl models . Can’t argue with price. Legs have been very bend but quick bath in boiled water can make them very plastic again allows you to pose them as you like. I wanted them to stand on ground with wings spreading to fly.
More play
As you can say by try and testing ideas I came up with that platform build from peace’s so it fits models better and looks a bit more organic. Mixture of armour and small platform to stand on/ glue models to it in a bit more dynamic way. At some point I will start adding some robes or leather straps to be able to clip on platform to models but keep it separate in case I need to give dinosaur back to my 3years old son to play with it.
Sprues and toys.
I gather toys that where poorly painted to try out some colours. I was so happy and hooked that I put a side painting Witcher board game models and went to local hobby store to get some loose sprues and play as I love conversions and have loose approach to armies. Rule of cool above all.