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Kings of War Northern Alliance Army

Kings of War Northern Alliance Army

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Project Blog by Bexx Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 45

About the Project

My journey painting a whole Northern Alliance army for Darren!

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I Love Scenic Bases!

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Finished the last 3 dudes for this base this morning. As is allowed with KoW, I’m pretty much ignoring actual unit count and just making the base look good. I got 6 models on here, out of the official 10 it would normally be, and I think any more than that would just look crowded. I don’t like it when they’re all so close they’re touching. Much prefer a bit of space and scenery. Still want to fiddle with some stones/tufts, but its pretty much there.

I Love Scenic Bases!

Time For Loads Of Tiny Dudes

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2

Urggghh. I hate batch painting.

So I’m not gonna do it! Each one of these dudes will be painted separately, with different paint schemes, so they stand out and look a bit interesting. Again, they will have a funky diorama base, and I’ll continue the icy blue colour in their shields and blades to add cohesion to the whole army.

Time For Loads Of Tiny Dudes

I’m taking inspiration from the colour schemes of the trolls for these guys, too.

Time For Loads Of Tiny Dudes

Little Tweaks

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3

I took some time today to add a few more highlights, paint base edges, and other general tweaks. They’re looking pretty cool together.

Little Tweaks
Little Tweaks

Growly Dude On Snow Puppy

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I have no idea what these models proper names are, so I’m making up my own as I go. Next up was this fella on his snarling mount. I wanted to keep the fur slightly different to the trolls, whilst still keeping it cohesive, so I went for a more tan kind of colour, highlighted up to white. For his base, I used a small, thick lump of slate, and a small frosted pine tree. Honestly, we’re gonna have no Frostgrave scenery left after I’ve finished this army.

I gave the snow puppy ice blue eyes, to keep that little flash of colour throughout the army. I’m also going to make his weapon blade brighter now that I’ve had a proper look at it.

Growly Dude On Snow Puppy

Frosty Troll Dudes

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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My only request for painting this army was that Darren gives me the models ready assembled and undercoated, as I absolutely loathe that part. Yesterday he presented me with these guys! He wanted the rock flingers to be different from the big club boys, so they look like they’re from different tribes. I looked at them a while and decided to go with a kind of icy/blue theme for one lot, and a more rock/snow theme for the others. That should give them enough difference, whilst still retaining their uniformity for the overall look of the army.

Frosty Troll Dudes

I do love a good base, and the idea of making them almost like tiny dioramas appeals massively. For the trolls, I decided they would be ambling across some snowy rocks, ready to do battle. I used foam to map out the basic shape of rocks, then covered it in paper mache. Once dry, I painted dark grey, then did 2 drybrushes in a lighter grey and a white. A bit of snow flock, some frosty tufts, and a section of snowy railing (to match the giant), finished it all off nicely.

Frosty Troll Dudes

With the icy trolls, I wanted to keep to a similar blue skin-tone, like I’d used on the giant. I like the idea of that bright, icy blue as a feature colour throughout the whole army.

Frosty Troll Dudes

Ah, Go On Then

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3

So, Darren loved what I did with his Frost Giant so much that he asked me to paint his entire Northern Alliance army. Of course, I said yes, because its such an epic army, and I’d kind of been regretting not choosing them myself (especially when those awesome raven rider things came out). I’m going down the minimum-model-count-per-base route, so as I can turn the bases into almost miniature dioramas. I love basing. A lot. I already have the Frost Giant done, so it feels like a head start already. Next up, the frosty troll dudes.

Ah, Go On Then

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