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MacFarlayne BIG Space Marine

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Project Blog by CainanUK

Recommendations: 11

About the Project

I'm not a huge Warhammer player.. I am mostly into historical tabletop games (Bolt Action, FoW etc) but I do have two fairly chunky WH armies.. an Ork army and a Space Marine army... MY space marine army is a successor chapter as I started painting Space Marines before I knew anything about the game and I just painted colour schemes that I like. I picked up this MacFarlayne Toys Space Marine action figure at a warboot sale this weekend with a view to painting it up as a display piece in the colours of my successor chapter. The other reason I picked this up is that I do not normally paint in large scales and wanted to improve my skills as a painter... well this model on its base is about 12 inches high and I think I checked off my second goal as well... For your consideration... Comments and constructive critique welcome.

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