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Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan

Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan

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Project Blog by tuffyears Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 41

About the Project

There is no time for peace. No forgiveness. No respite. There is only war. The galaxy writhes in the mailed fist of all-consuming conflict. The oppressive Imperium of Mankind teeters on the brink of annihilation, beset upon all sides by heretic warlords, psychic witches, and rapacious alien empires. Fierce battles rage in every star system and upon every planet, as loyalists, traitors, and aliens tear reality itself apart in their war for dominance. Every day, the flames rise higher. This is a more terrible era than ever before, and there is no peace amongst the stars...

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The reason for the lack of gaming motivation

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1

Like everyone since 2020 , most social parts of many hobbies had to take a inforced break. This was due to the global pandemic that swept the face of the planet.

Forward to June 2023. I started going back to paranormal investigation. So the free time i have using to paint over the last 3 year, is mostly taken up with research and preparation for the investigations. I have now a fairly descent camera to record the investigations. And i am working on improving my camera skills. I am also starting  a short course on demonology this week.

I will be still painting and hobbying , but probably not at the same speed as i have over the last few years.

If you’re at all interested in my exploits into paranormal investigation  i have a YouTube channel


Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Da nids

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Winged Tyranid PrimeWinged Tyranid Prime
Neurotyrant and two NeuroloidNeurotyrant and two Neuroloid
Von Ryan’s Leapers (painted to look like their Von Ryan’s Leapers (painted to look like their "uncloaking")

Wots in the box marine edition

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Dark imperium 22 marinesDark imperium 22 marines

1 Primaris Space Marine Captain

2 Primaris Space Marine Lieutenants

1 Primaris Space Marine Ancient

10 Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squads

3 Primaris Space Marine Inceptor Squad shock troops

5 Primaris Space Marine Hellblaster Squad

Indominus 21 marinesIndominus 21 marines

1 Primaris Captain
1 Primaris Lieutenant
1 Chaplain
1 Judiciar
1 Bladeguard Ancient
3 Bladeguard Veterans
3 Outriders
3 Eradicators
10 Assault Intercessors

Leviathan 25 marinesLeviathan 25 marines

1 Captain in Terminator Armour
1 Lieutenant with Combi-Weapon
1 Librarian in Terminator Armour
1 Apothecary Biologis
1 Ballistus Dreadnought
5 Terminators
5 Sternguard Veterans
10 Infernus Marines

Hasta la vista, baby

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Hasta la vista, baby
Hasta la vista, baby
Hasta la vista, baby
Dreadnought Dreadnought
Apothecary BiologisApothecary Biologis
Lieutenant in Phobos ArmourLieutenant in Phobos Armour
Librarian in Terminator ArmourLibrarian in Terminator Armour

Ir back

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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After a small break due to having Internet issues. Its time to update

Ir back
Ir back
Ir back
Ir back
Ir back


Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Captain in Terminator ArmourCaptain in Terminator Armour
Lieutenant with Combi-WeaponLieutenant with Combi-Weapon
Apothecary BiologisApothecary Biologis
Librarian in Terminator ArmourLibrarian in Terminator Armour
 Ballistus Dreadnought Ballistus Dreadnought
Terminators (5 in set , only 3 pictured)Terminators (5 in set , only 3 pictured)
Sternguard Veterans (5 in set , only 3 pictured)Sternguard Veterans (5 in set , only 3 pictured)
Infernus Marines (10 in set , only 3 pictured)Infernus Marines (10 in set , only 3 pictured)


Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Winged Tyranid PrimeWinged Tyranid Prime
Neurotyrant and 2x NeuroloidsNeurotyrant and 2x Neuroloids
Von Ryan's LeapersVon Ryan's Leapers
Termagants (3 pictured , 20 in set)Termagants (3 pictured , 20 in set)
Neurogaunts (3 pictured , 11 in set)Neurogaunts (3 pictured , 11 in set)
Barbgaunts (3 pictured , 5 in set)Barbgaunts (3 pictured , 5 in set)
 Ripper Swarms Ripper Swarms