From the Vaulted Realm of Pluto
Recommendations: 540
About the Project
Yet another army build that might be a brain child possibly of more trouble than anticipated. This time its using more of the Harryhausen inspiration from the 1963 film "Jason and the Argonauts" ... and then the 1981 original of "Clash of the Titans" for an ancient Greek force
Related Game: SAGA
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
A big old bunch of boney butts
These skeletons were a pain with so many little tiny connection points. The best way to get them to stick was super glue gel. The thicker gap filling formula held alright and the plastic cement from Modelmaster (now fully Testors I believe) took too long to set while trying to hold the figures in place. I am happy to have completed them. I also didn’t need to add any falcata as the sprues had enough for the swordsmen.
Special points of interest were the waterslide transfers from Little Big Men Studios for their undead Greek line. I didn’t think they had quite the punch needed for corrosion so I went and touched them up with the old pigments I had from Secret Weapon before they went out of business (don’t worry I think Elrik Hobbies got the old stock as I just got a boat load of those skulls). I also used the Geek Gaming Scenics flock mix of Mediterranean Soil and touched up a few bases with flock to be more true to the 1963 film.
A tiny update to massive monstrous mayhem
Currently I am not a fan of either the Children of the Hydra’s Teeth or the RGD centaurs. The former is a pain in the posterior for making it nearly a total assembly worthy of a Gundam kit (I sympathize with @gorram on these figures and consider @johnlyons a looney). I’m pushing through at the moment but not keen on the process. I look forward to the painting with drybrush and quick work on massive amounts of figures. This will be so much more pleasant than some of the previous armies I’ve done.
The latter are rather small for the scale and lack a certain amount of options from their sprue. The overall effect is that they seem to be lithe half ponies instead of massive muscled chargers that would rally and rout their enemies. I’ll put down the cash for other figures in order to make the impression of ferocity.
Another addendum would be that the Chimera I have ordered seems to be smaller than anticipated when looked over. On the plus side, I can and will use it as a Beast mount for my warlord. With that in mind I’ll supplement the loss of a monster option with something else. Harryhousen and the myths are great for stuff to use. Perhaps I could do a huge harpy as a scourge in thinking about other monsters.
Away with tiny testicles and Lilliputian penises
I threw my ideas by the wayside. I am one to create and recreate over and over if the mood strikes. Here I have decided that naked Amazons are the way to go as Brother Vinni has created a set. I had seen the naked Hoplites from Wargames Foundry but, after painting so many tiny tadgers for Warren (he really does love his wee willies and winkies). I couldn’t be moved to do it again for some time.
From there I’ll be turning to a minotaur figure from the Zealot miniatures KS funded in the way back. I also have put forth the effort to gather a box set of plastic centaurs (with a detachment of faun) from RGD Gaming.
I have also purchased a bronze collosus from Mierce to match this largely human female fighting force.
This monstering deserved more, because… “why not?” so I’ve also ordered a copy of the Ignis Chimera from Artizan Guild (a superb 3D preview) to fill future tablespace. What lesson have I learned in gaming? Nothing important! Build bigger dreams when trying to make visual impact.
•Minotaur 1 fig – 1pt
•Bronze Amazon 1 fig – 1pt
•Faun 4 figs – 1pt
•Centaur 8 figs – 1pt
•Nakee hoplites 16 figs – 2pt
•Chimera 1 fig – 1pt
Harryhousen, Harryhousen, Harryhousen! (Not that rude prince)
I found a much better deal than to get just a few skelebobs made ready for the delivery of boxed set from Warlord Games. The Children of the Hydra’s Teeth are on their way…. along with a certain bronze behemoth (maybe a titan).
I’ve also considered this as a dual purpose undead or horde battle board horde for future play. All in all, I’ve gone back into beast mode for building and I think it’s refreshing as a recharge to my painterly part of the hobby.
When Gerry stares out at people's privates
I’ve had a moment of hobby bumblebee insanity and have come along to the great concept of more Harryhousen hijinks
Mierce miniatures has a series of golems that were covered long ago by the resident site wookie and we have had our words regarding Talos. I’ve just been keeping it on the backburner for a while as I contemplated when I might build a fantasy Greek force. Well Gerry, as with the African inspiration, I’ll put up the ideas before I build.
Moving on to a wonder of wonders, we have Warzan inspiration, at least for miniature sourcing, as Wargames Atlantic will be present for skeletal warriors. I like the fact I can field more figures at lower cost but the problem is weaponry. I have alleviated the problem with a quick Myminifactory search for falcata that I will arm them with as the sprue only have a few. Eventhough its not canon to the film I think it fits better with the motif. I’ll keep the helmeted heads as squad leaders and continue along those lines. I may do some spear work but who knows.
For some levy I’ll dive into the Victrix range for a couple bags of Greek archers. At 12 figures to the unit this purchase would work out perfectly.
The most recent Reaper Bone Kickstarter features a great addition for the force
Lucid Eye minis has the figure The Wings of Thanatos for their Ziggurat line. The theme of death, the Underworld and other fantasy stuff seems to be just what I want to fool around with for creative ventures.