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Deadzone, I’ve Missed You

Deadzone, I’ve Missed You

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Project Blog by flatbattery Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 11

About the Project

Revisiting Deadzone by Mantic Games. Digging out old Version 2.0 box, that was never completed, and Version 3.0 box bought last year in a hope of getting to the table.

This Project is Active


Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4

Many moons ago, in the heady days of Deadzone version 2.0 (2016 I think), I made the decision to grab the 2-player starter set. At the time Mrs Flatbattery was jumping on board the hobby train and I needed a simpler skirmish game as a taster.

I built enough terrain and minis for the introduction game, which we played on a quiet Sunday afternoon. From that moment on, we were hooked, so the following week I proceeded to paint up some of the grey, eagerly awaiting our next game.

With anticipation overwhelming my soul, I promptly dropped Deadzone like a hot spud in favour of whatever the new shiny thing was at the time.

Fast forward to 2022 and I’ve spotted version 3.0, excitement rises, bank account sighs, and a new starter set lands on the doormat. Intentions were pure, but due to ill health all hobby was put on hold.

So here we are in 2023, my health has held firm for at least a week, so I’m throwing my hat in the ring that is the Spring Cleaning Hobby Challenge and striving to get some fully painted games of Deadzone to the table. Due to two starter sets I have four factions to choose from (Enforcers, GCPS, Forge Fathers and Veer-myn), and plenty of terrain, so no excuses!

The aforementioned boxes of shame/potential. The aforementioned boxes of shame/potential.
A knot of space dwarves that were actually finished. But will be stripped as I can't remember what paints I used.A knot of space dwarves that were actually finished. But will be stripped as I can't remember what paints I used.
Other built minis with gratuitous blurriness. Other built minis with gratuitous blurriness.

⬆️Some of the terrain I’ve built and painted.

I’ll be stripping the Forge Fathers and maybe use a different colour scheme but I think I’ll keep the painted terrain as is just to save some time.

First I’ll be painting everything needed for the 3.0 intro game, which only needs three Veer-myn, three GCPS and lots of terrain. Hopefully it shouldn’t take long and I’ll see about adding a battle report when it happens.

Fingers crossed my health/motivation stays the course and this project ends up with more than one entry.

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